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Moreover, the FSA will examine whether insurance companies are making voluntary efforts with respect to their policy leaflets, websites, such as providing prospective policyholders with easy-to-understand explanations of the coverage and the terms and conditions of their insurance policies by utilizing the buyers’ guide.発音を聞く - 金融庁
また、2006 年には「公司法」が改正され、1 人有限責任会社の設立が認められたことによって、以前は投資性公司だけに許可されていた100% 子会社の設立が、すべての外資系企業に対し認められた。例文帳に追加
Furthermore, the amendment of the Company Law in 2006 permitted the establishment of single proprietorship/one-man limited companies, allowing all foreign-affiliated companies to establish - 経済産業省
Thus, a decision material in deciding the contribution degree of the capital investment in the past to the business cash flow and a material for deciding whether or not to maintain the same propensity to invest as before continuously in the future are provided. - 特許庁
In this manner, by plotting the relative risk and relative return of a portfolio to which each individual brand to the portfolio (p) has been added on the X-Y plane 502a, an appropriate brand which corresponds to the investment disposition of an investor can be added to the portfolio. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 11件
Furthermore, amendment of the Company Law in 2006 permitted the establishment of wholly-owned subsidiaries (companies in which 100% of the number of shares are held by the parent company) by all foreign-affiliated companies, whereas prior to the amendment only investment-based gongsi (Chinese companies) had the right. - 経済産業省
In consideration of these circumstances, the FSA will examine the status of observance of insurance solicitation rules and voluntary efforts made by insurance companies, and continue to encourage them to build appropriate insurance solicitation systems from the following perspectives.発音を聞く - 金融庁
① 保険会社等からの報告、検査部局による検査の結果、金融サービス利用者相談室等からの情報などを活用し、保険商品の販売・勧誘ルールの遵守状況(例えば、「契約概要」や「注意喚起情報」の顧客への説明状況、金融商品取引法が適用される投資性の強い保険商品に係る販売・勧誘ルールの遵守状況等)を検証する。例文帳に追加
1) The FSA will examine the status of observance of sales and solicitation rules for insurance products, by making use of reports from insurance companies, etc., results of inspections conducted by inspection bureaus, information from the Counseling Office for Financial Services Users (such as the extent to which customers are provided with explanations of a "policy overview" and "alerting information," and the extent to which sales and solicitation rules for insurance products with strong investment characteristics subject to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act are observed).発音を聞く - 金融庁
Regarding media reports about variable pension insurance products sold by the Japanese subsidiary, I would also like to refrain from making comments, as this matter concerns specific products sold by an individual financial institution. Generally speaking, under the Insurance Business Act and the guideline for the supervision of insurance companies, we have been requiring life insurance companies and insurance sales agents, including banks, to make sure to provide customers with appropriate and sufficient explanations regarding the risks involved when selling variable pension insurance and other investment-like products with high risks and to obtain their confirmation that they have received such explanations.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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