意味 | 例文 (5件) |

英訳・英語 typological
該当件数 : 5件
Whether an amendment includes a new matter is determined by taking into consideration the typical examples in 4.2 and 5.2 (Specifics) with regard to which amendments are permitted because new technical matters are not being introduced.発音を聞く - 特許庁
社会保障の機能強化の議論は、「国家」、 「共同体(家族・地域)」 「市場」の特徴・機能を踏まえる必要。 ※デンマーク出身の社会政策学者(1947-)。緻密な歴史分析と計量分析を用いた「福祉レジーム」論を提示し、世界中に大きな影響を及ぼしている。 類 型 主な特徴 社会民主主義レジーム (北欧諸国) 国家の役割大 保守主義レジーム (大陸ヨーロッパ諸国) 家族・職域の 役割大 自由主義レジーム (アングロサクソン諸国) 市場の役割大 日本はどの類型にもはっきりとは収まらないが、以下の特徴がある。例文帳に追加
The debate of functional enhancement of social security should be included with special features and functions of ‘state’, ‘community (family and local community) and ‘market’. S ※ A Danish sociologist (1947- ). He presented the ‘Welfare regime’ with meticulous historical analysis and quantitative analysis that has had a great impact all over the world. Molding Major characteristics Social democracy regime (Northern European nations) Big role of states Conservatism regime (Continental European nations) Big role of family and employment Liberalism regime (Anglo-Saxon nations) Bigger role of marketsThe Japanese system is not quite categorized into one model, but has the following characteristics: - 厚生労働省
In a multimedia service data transmission method, a logical channel type indicator is included in service data mapped to a shared channel for a terminal side can determine the type of the service data (data channel) transmitted through the shared channel. - 特許庁
As of today, there is no fact of such a decision having been made with the METI. My opinion is that any decision on the application of law has to be made on strictly an individual, case-by-case basis and, seeing as, among other points, cash advances vary in terms of, for instance, the type of transaction, parties involved and the form of awareness, so one cannot, at this time, make a broad reference to their legality as a generalized view encompassing a money lending business perspective.発音を聞く - 金融庁
社会保障制度が主に正規雇用を前提としており、非正規雇用の労働者が 労働市場から離れた場合の制度的支援が弱い。日本の社会のあり方や社会保障をどのように機能強化するかを議論するに当たっては、「国家」、「共同体(家族・地域)」、「市場」それぞれの特徴・機能を踏まえて考える必要がある。 ※ 福祉レジーム論は、あくまで類型化の目安であり、個別の制度レベルで見た場合、適合しない場合もある(例:医療保障)。例文帳に追加
The Japanese social security system is based on mainly full-time employment. This indicates the point of weakness of the government support system, once a citizen becomes unemployed. The debate on concepts of the Japanese society and how functional enhancement of social security should be conducted based on the special features and the functions of ‘state’, ‘community (family and local community) and the ‘market’. ※ The welfare regime is only an indicator of modeling that may not apply to an individualized system (example: Medical insurance) - 厚生労働省
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