Ticket of leaveとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 仮出獄
「Ticket of leave」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 11件
a ticket of leave発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
仮出獄許可状 - 斎藤和英大辞典
To exactly inform a user, who uses combined plural train tickets and is refused to leave an automatic ticket checker, of the refusal reason.例文帳に追加
複数枚の乗車券が組合されて使用されて出場が拒否された場合、その理由を的確に利用者に案内できるようにする。 - 特許庁
When the user 2 carrying the cellular phone 3 equipped with an IC chip 4 passes through the automatic ticket gate 5, the user 2 can enter/leave the automatic ticket gate 5 on the basis of the information written in the IC chip 4.例文帳に追加
ICチップ4を搭載した携帯電話機3を所持したユーザ2が自動改札機5を通過すると、ユーザ2はICチップ4に書込まれた情報に基づいて自動改札機5を入退場することができる。 - 特許庁
In a ticket examination system 1, administration of customers getting on/off (entrance and leave) a train is automatically performed by the radio communication between a communication device provided in a ticket examination gate and a portable telephone of a customer and the communication between a reservation system host 11, a reserved seat administration host 12, each ticket examination device control devices 13 and 15 through a LAN 10.例文帳に追加
改札システム1では、改札ゲートに設けられた通信装置と顧客が保有する携帯電話機との間の無線通信、及びLAN10を介した予約システムホスト11、指定席管理ホスト12、各改札機制御装置13,15間の通信によって、顧客の列車への乗降(入退場)の管理が自動的に行われる。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「Ticket of leave」の意味 |
ticket of leave
ticket-of-leave (複数形 tickets-of-leave)
- A permit once granted to convicts allowing them to leave prison under certain circumstances; used especially of convicts transported to the British colonies
- 1893:The prosecutrix was the wife of a ticket-of-leave man, named Daniel Jackson, and she was also separated from her husband, and lived for some time with a man named Clarke, who died on the day before the alleged robbery was committed. Clarke left a will bequeathing all his property to the prosecutrix, who, immediately on his death, possessed herself of sixty pound in money which was in his box, which she rolled up and placed in her bosom. Prosecutrix shortly after missed the money but could not account how it had parted from her, and the warrant for £30, and bank-note for £20, laid in the indictment, was part of the money so lost. The prosecutrix admitted, that both before, at the time, and some time after she missed the money, she was overcome with grief and brandy, but she could not say which of these acted most strongly. R v Smith. [1]
- 1938, P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters
- And as they sat snuggled up together at the far end of the table, talking to one another in low voices, and staring at me from time to time as if I had been a ticket-of-leave man who had got in by crashing the gate and might be expected, unless carefully watched, to pocket a spoon or two, it was not long before I, too, left.
「Ticket of leave」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 11件
To enable a vehicle to enter/leave a parking lot for collecting parking rates without stopping in the entrance/exit without requiring a parking ticket and to prevent the congestion of vehicles in the entrance/exit.例文帳に追加
駐車料金を徴収する駐車場において、駐車券を必要とせず、出入り口で車両を停車させることなく入出場を可能とし、出入り口で車両の渋滞を防ぐ。 - 特許庁
To provide an operation control system of a parking facility for avoiding damage to a mechanical parking area and damage to a vehicle in unmanned operation, and being unable to leave a parking ticket required for unloading in the vehicle.例文帳に追加
無人運営における機械式駐車場の破損、車両の破損を未然に回避することを可能とし、また、出庫時に必要な駐車券を車両内に置いたままにすることができない、駐車設備の運営管理システムを提供する。 - 特許庁
For example, when the detected movement direction or action content meets one or more of an action to leave the office, an action to go to the nearest station, and an action to enter a ticket gate, an inquiry about weather information is made to the weather information providing device.例文帳に追加
例えば、検知された移動方向または動作内容が、「勤務先を出る」、「最寄り駅に向う」、「改札へ入場」のいずれか一つまたは複数に該当する場合には、天気情報提供装置に対して天気情報を問合せる。 - 特許庁
To solve the problem wherein lottery tickets whose drawing results can not be confirmed until a positive check after drawing result announcement leave huge winnings prescribing, for an interval of several days between a day of lottery ticket acquisition and a day of winning number announcement leaves them forgotten or unchecked to bring about loss of rights to huge money.例文帳に追加
宝くじは保有していても当選しているか否かは抽選結果を待って、自ら調べないと確認できないため、膨大な時効当選金が出ており、これらの要因は宝くじの取得する時と当選番号が発表される時とが数日間の間隔があるために、忘れたり見落として、膨大な金額の獲得権を放棄している実情である。 - 特許庁
Ticket of leaveのページの著作権
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2010 License All rights reserved. WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. License |
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