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該当件数 : 17


「ibs」、「irritable colon(過敏性結腸)」、「mucus colitis(粘液性大腸炎)」、「spastic colon(痙攣性結腸)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加

also called ibs, irritable colon, mucus colitis, and spastic colon.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

「irritable bowel syndrome(過敏性腸症候群)」、「irritable colon(過敏性結腸)」、「mucus colitis(粘液性大腸炎)」、「spastic colon(痙攣性結腸)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加

also called irritable bowel syndrome, irritable colon, mucus colitis, and spastic colon.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

「ibs」、「irritable bowel syndrome(過敏性腸症候群)」、「irritable colon(過敏性結腸)」、「mucus colitis(粘液性大腸炎)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加

also called ibs, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable colon, and mucus colitis.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

「ibs」、「irritable bowel syndrome(過敏性腸症候群)」、「mucus colitis(粘液性大腸炎)」、「spastic colon(痙攣性結腸)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加

also called ibs, irritable bowel syndrome, mucus colitis, and spastic colon.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版



SANYU group often picked up this story, and successive Oshinuchi (rakugo story teller in the highest grade) including Enu SANYUTEI (first generation), Enkyo TACHIBANAYA (the fourth generation), Ensho SANYUTEI (the fifth generation), Ensho SANYUTEI (the sixth generation), Shinsho KOKONTEI (the fifth generation), Shincho KOKONTEI, and Hikoroku HAYASHIYA (Shozo HAYASHIYA) were excellent at this story telling.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In addition, the invention provides methods and materials for treating and preventing other non-invasive fungus-induced mucositis conditions such as chronic otitis media, chronic colitis, and Crohn's disease. - 特許庁

エロモナス属細菌、リステリア菌(Listeria monocytogenes)、ウエルシュ菌(Clostridium perfringens)、腸炎ビブリオ、サルモネラ菌、病原性大腸菌等の食中毒細菌について、より迅速で、確実な生菌の同定検出、及び又は計数方法の確立を課題とする。例文帳に追加

To establish a rapid and secure method for identification and/or counting living bacteria for food poisoning bacteria such as genus aeromonas bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Salmonella typhimurium, E. coli bacillus, etc. - 特許庁

エロモナス属細菌、リステリア菌(Listeria monocytogenes)、ウエルシュ菌(Clostridium perfringens)、腸炎ビブリオ、サルモネラ菌、病原性大腸菌等の食中毒細菌について、より迅速で、確実な生菌の同定検出、及び又は計数方法の確立を課題とする。例文帳に追加

To establish a method for identifying and detecting and/or counting live bacteria more quickly and surely with regard to food-poisoning bacteria including Aeromonas bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella enterica and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. - 特許庁


A method for judging the risk of steroidal whirlbone necrosis is characterized by comprising detecting the polymorphism of the base at 3435th on the exon of MDR1 gene. - 特許庁



In the cemented carbide tool in which a cemented carbide chip is fixed to a base material made of steel, the cemented carbide chip is shrinkage-fitted to a cylindrical retaining member made of steel, is fitted to a fitting hole provided on the base material with the retaining member and is fixed by a fixing means such as welding and a screw. - 特許庁



The pharmaceutical composition for treating an ulcerative colitis contains tetracyclinemetronidazole, penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, imipenem, or fosfomycin as an agent which selectively extinguishes a Fusobacterium barium. - 特許庁


To provide a method for detecting endotoxin having a specific sugar antigen more accurately and rapidly than a conventional method to find infection caused by a gram-negative bacteria such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella species. - 特許庁


To provide a water filter capable of sterilizing or disinfecting chlorine- resistant pathogenic bacteria (such as cryptosporidium-botulinus that forms spores), a pathogenic colon bacillus O-157 and Legionella. - 特許庁


The pharmaceutical composition for treating ulcerative colitis comprises a medicinal agent selectively eradicating Fusobacterium varium, a medicinal agent neutralizing a toxin produced from the Fusobacterium varium, a medicinal agent inhibiting an adhesion of the Fusobacterium varium to intestinal mucosa or a medicinal agent inhibiting invasion of the Fusobacterium varium from intestinal canal to the intestinal mucosa. - 特許庁


He received the Yomiuri Play Award (Excellence Actor Award), in 1997; the Excellence Award of Arts Festival by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Hosei University Noh Drama Prize in Memory of Kanze Hisao in 1998; the Osaka Arts Award, the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 1999; the Purple Ribbon Medal in 2002; and the grand prize of the Osaka Culture Festival Award of Osaka City, the Osaka Stage Arts Award of Osaka Prefecture in 2006.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding my duties as the Minister for Financial Services, the basic missions of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to ensure the stability of the financial system, protect users, improve the convenience of users, and establish a fair and transparent market. However, the facilitation of financing, regarding which I received an instruction from the Prime Minister today, is also important. As the global recession has continued since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago, Mr. Kamei, my predecessor as the Minister for Financial Services, put into force the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.). After holding hearings with four associations of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and regional financial institutions in various places across Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu and Sendai, I concluded that it would be the right decision to extend this act for one year as the head of the administrative agency in charge of financial affairs. We will submit a relevant bill to the next ordinary session of the Diet and do all we can to have it enacted at an early date.  - 金融庁


学名:Usnea spp.、インドネシア名:Kayu anginの植物体から以下の化学式1及び2で示される化合物が単離抽出され、これらの化合物はマクロファージの一酸化窒素産生抑制作用を有し、ショック、低血圧、慢性関節リウマチ、潰瘍性大腸炎、虚血性脳障害、腫瘍、インスリン依存性糖尿病等の治療および予防に有用である。例文帳に追加

The compound expressed by chemical formula 1 or 2 and extracted from the plant called as Usnea spp. as scientific name and Kayu angina as Indonesian name has nitric oxide production suppressing action of macrophage and is useful for the treatment and prevention of shock, hypotension, chronic rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, ischemic encephalopathy, tumor, insulin-dependent diabetes, etc. - 特許庁


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PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
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