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cucumber fishの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 10


In general, juicy vegetables such as cucumber, eggplant and Japanese white radish are often pickled, but others such as meet, fish, boiled eggs, and konnyaku (a gelatinous food made from devil's-tongue starch) are also pickled. 例文帳に追加

一般に胡瓜・茄子・大根といった水分が多い野菜を漬けこむことが多いが、肉、魚、ゆで卵、蒟蒻などを漬けてもよい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fillings normally used are omelet, koyadofu (freeze-dried bean curd), gourd strip, Shiitake Mushroom, Judar's ear, denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned and colored red), oboro, broiled conger eel, cucumber, Japanese honewort, and so on. 例文帳に追加

標準的な具は、玉子焼き・高野豆腐・かんぴょう・椎茸・きくらげ・でんぶ・おぼろ・焼穴子・キュウリ・三つ葉など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ingredients have a wide variety including sliced salmon, kanroni (a dish boiled in a syrup) of freshwater fish, maitake mushroom, bracken, kyarabuki (stalks of butterbur boiled in soy sauce), red pickled ginger, denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned, and colored red), shimesaba (salted and vinegared mackerel), cucumber, minced pickles, and so on; they are mainly Yama-no-sachi (edible wild plants and freshwater fish) since the regions are surrounded by high mountains. 例文帳に追加

具は切り身の鮭、川魚の甘露煮、舞茸、ワラビ、きゃらぶき、紅ショウガ、田麩、しめさば、キュウリ、漬け物のみじん切りなどバラエティに富んでいるが、地方がら山の幸が中心となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The book introduces a variety of recipes including boiled geese skin, ushioni (boiled in salted water) of goose, fish cakes, grilled poultry (pheasant), sliced raw poultry (pheasant), prawn served on a boat-like plate, salted sea-cucumber entrails, ushioni of sea bream, and marinated jerry fish. 例文帳に追加

雁の皮煎・潮煎、カマボコ、鳥(雉)の焼き物・刺身、エビの舟盛り、このわた、鯛の潮煮、クラゲの和え物など、多彩な料理が紹介されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a fishing tackle which can hook all of a quickly swimming fish, a fish or sea cucumber flatly lies on a sea bottom or water bottom, squid whose surface is too smooth to hook the squid with a fishhook, a crab, and the like.例文帳に追加

素早く泳ぐ魚、海底や水底にへばりついている魚やナマコ、表面が滑りやすく針が引っ掛かりにくいイカ、カニなど、あらゆるものを引っ掛けることのできる釣具を提供する。 - 特許庁


Raw saltwater fish such as marlin or Spanish mackerel is cut into slices, pickled in vinegar and marinated in salt, ginger, calamansi, onion, cucumber and coconut milk, and the like. 例文帳に追加

カジキマグロや鰆などの海水魚を生のまま切り身にして酢でしめ、塩、生姜、カラマンシー(シークヮーサー)、玉葱、キュウリ、ココナッツミルクなどでマリネする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The custom reflects people's wish for prosperous trade and state of perfect health; ehomaki contains seven kinds of ingredients, such as gourd strip, cucumber, shiitake mushroom, rolled omelet made with soup stock, eel, and denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned, and colored red) inside, to be associated with the Seven Deities of Good Luck. 例文帳に追加

商売繁盛や無病息災を願ってのもので、七福神に因み、かんぴょう、キュウリ、シイタケ、だし巻、うなぎ、でんぶ等七種類の具を入れて食べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is customary to serve the above-referenced cold noodles with various toppings such as cucumber, omelet slivers, kamaboko (steamed fish paste) and wakame seaweed in addition to the respective foodstuffs that they are named after that are all arranged attractively. 例文帳に追加

これらは冷やし蕎麦に名の元になる具のみを乗せたものではなく、キュウリ、錦糸玉子、カマボコ、ワカメなどの具とともに、主となる具を綺麗に盛り付けるのが慣例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A method for producing the pickles includes salt-pickling in nisin-containing salt, vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, cucumber and radish, and fish egg such as herring roe, washing the product in water followed by dehydrating, pickling the product in pickle paste such as salt, soy sauce, fermented soybean paste, sake lees, malted rice, mustard powder, rice bran, unrefined sake and vinegar, and preserving the product.例文帳に追加

白菜、キュウリ、ダイコン等の野菜や数の子等の魚卵を、ナイシンを含む食塩に塩漬け後、水洗いしてから水を切り、塩、しょう油、みそ、かす、こうじ、からし粉、ぬか、もろみ、酢等の漬床に漬込んで保存する。 - 特許庁


Dried mushroomsrefers to shiitake, jew's ear fungus, etc., among the dried mushrooms specified in the Japan Standard Commodity Classification (hereinafter referred to as the “commodity classification”). “Dried vegetablesexcludes flakes and powders and refers to gourd shavings (dried), Japanese radish strips (dried), Japanese radish thin strips (dried), Japanese royal fern, pteridium aquilinum, taro (stalk, dried), etc., among the dried vegetables specified in the commodity classification. “Dried seaweedsrefers to sea tangle, wakame seaweed (dried), hijiki seaweed (dried), arame seaweed (dried), agar, etc., among the processed seaweeds specified in the commodity classification. “Dried fish and shellfishrefers to pacific herring (dried), pacific cod (dried), shark fin, etc., among the dried fish and shellfish specified in the commodity classification and abalone (dried), Japanese common sea cucumber (dried), etc., among the boiled-dried fish and shellfish specified in the commodity classification.例文帳に追加

乾燥きのこ類は、日本標準商品分類(以下「商品分類」という。)に示された乾燥きのこ類のうち、しいたけ、きくらげなどが該当する。乾燥野菜は、商品分類に示された乾燥野菜のうち、フレーク及びパウダーを除くものとし、かんぴょう、割り干しだいこん、切り干しだいこん、ぜんまい、わらび、いもがらなどが該当する。乾燥させた海藻類は、商品分類に示された加工海藻類のうち、こんぶ、干わかめ類、干ひじき、干あらめ、寒天などが該当する。乾燥させた魚介類は、商品分類に示された素干魚介類のうち、本干みがきにしん、棒たら、さめひれなど、煮干魚介類のうち、干あわび、干なまこなどが該当する。 - 厚生労働省


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