該当件数 : 16件
To obtain a joined body for a polymer secondary battery having a joined surface without disjoined part caused by air bubbles.例文帳に追加
気泡による未接合面のないポリマー二次電池用接合体を得る。 - 特許庁
Thus, Keihanshin Local Line was completely reorganized with the train series 103, by introducing a total of eighty cars consisting of eleven sets of seven-car trains, one extra unit of disjoined two motor cars, and one trailer car. 例文帳に追加
これでもって7連×11本とバラ予備MM1ユニット+T1両(計80両)を編成して、京阪神緩行線の103系化を達成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Consequently, the Keihanshin Local Line's commuter train series 103 totaled 371 cars consisting of fifty-two sets of trains, one extra set of four-car train, one extra unit of disjoined two motor cars and one trailer car. 例文帳に追加
京阪神緩行線103系は52編成+予備4両1編成+バラ予備MM1ユニット+T1両の計371両となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a bearing for strut in which the number of components and assembling man-hours are not increased and bearing components are prevented from being disjoined.例文帳に追加
部品点数及び組付け工程数を増加することなく、軸受構成要素のばらけが防止されたストラット用軸受を提供する。 - 特許庁
After completing the replacement with series 103 on the Keihanshin Local Line, JNR replaced in August 1976 an extra tailer car disjoined at Takatsuki Depot with a Tc transferred from Keihin Tohoku Line to Morinomiya Tram Depot which was converted to an air-conditioned car at the time of transfer. 例文帳に追加
103系化後の京阪神緩行線は、1976年8月に高槻バラ予備のT1両を森ノ宮電車区に転属してきた京浜東北線のTc(入線時に冷房改造済み)に差し替えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This fish-processed food is obtained by fixing the disjoined fish eggs 3 such as herring eggs as a layered state on the surface of meat side of a fillet 2 (an upper meat or a lower meat) of the filleted fish into three pieces such as herring.例文帳に追加
三枚におろした鰊等の魚のフィーレ2(上身又は下身)の身側の面に、バラバラにした数の子等の魚卵3を層状に固着する。 - 特許庁
To provide a method of joining electrolytic copper plate by which the joining of two-superposed electrolytic copper plates is made so as not to be disjoined by more improving the joining strength of the two-superposed electrolytic copper plates.例文帳に追加
2枚重ね電気銅板の接合力をより向上させ、2枚重ね電気銅板の接合が外れないようにした電気銅板の接合方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a housing device which is made less likely to be disjoined in directions of three axes and in addition, without the need for employing additional component parts in an opening/closing structure, and furthermore, which is formed in a simple shape to attain a reduced production cost.例文帳に追加
三軸方向に容易に外れないことに加え、開閉構造部に別部品を用いることなく、かつ、簡素な形状であるために製造コストが低い筐体装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
To set up set-up type paper boxes, which are foldable to be stacked on one another in a simple way by single manipulation, and prevent a part of the box from being disjoined from a main body of the box and from being lost when they are to be stored in a stacked state before use.例文帳に追加
組立式紙箱を、畳んで重ねられ、簡単にワンタッチで組み立てられ、使用前に重ねて保管する際に箱の一部が本体から離れて紛失するようなことがないようにする。 - 特許庁
To provide a method for manufacturing a thermal expansion type removable acrylic adhesive tape or sheet which maintains high ordinary adhesive force during joining and which, when the joint is separated and disjoined, enables easy separation and disjoining.例文帳に追加
接合時には高い常態接着力を維持しつつ、接合部を分離・解体する際には、容易に分離・解体できる加熱発泡型再剥離性アクリル系粘着テープ又はシートの製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a housing device which is made less likely to be disjoined in the directions of three axes and in addition, requires employing no additional component part in an opening/closing structure, and furthermore which is formed in a simple shape to attain a reduced production cost.例文帳に追加
三軸方向に容易に外れないことに加え、開閉構造部に別部品を用いることなく、かつ、簡素な形状であるために製造コストが低い筐体装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
sometimes a greater, sometimes a smaller part, but exaggerated, distorted, and disjoined from the truths by which they ought to be accompanied and limited. 例文帳に追加
その部分がときには大きく、ときには小さいのですが、誇張され、歪曲されていて、その意見に伴っており、またその意見を限定しているべき真理から、はずれているのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
To provide a fishing cushion rubber easily treatable like a line, ultrafine, strong, excellently retractable and not easily disjoined, by using a cushion rubber comprising a retractable synthetic fiber composed of plural filaments.例文帳に追加
釣り用クッションゴムが複数のフィラメントからなる伸縮自在の合成繊維のクッシヨンゴムにし、一本の糸のように扱い易く更に、極細で強靭にして伸縮性に優れ、簡単にばらける事のない釣り用クッシヨンゴムにする事。 - 特許庁
The mold poured with the molten metal is cooled during passing through the plurality of the stopping positions disposed at the interval from the stopping position for pouring the molten metal to the stopping position for disjointing the mold faced to the mold disjointing device and the mold is disjoined with the disjointing device at the stopping position for disjointing the mold.例文帳に追加
該注湯停止位置から鋳型ばらし装置と対向する鋳型ばらし停止位置までの間に配置した複数の停止位置を通過する間に注湯された鋳型を冷却し、鋳型ばらし停止位置で鋳型ばらし装置により鋳型ばらしする。 - 特許庁
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