意味 | 例文 (24件) |
英訳・英語 Go into the shop
該当件数 : 24件
Just before you got there - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Whenever you go into that store, a shop clerk will certainly say something to you.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
店主が彼を覚えていて 店に入る前に 約20分間 店の前に車を止めて いたそうです例文帳に追加
Owner id'd him, said he was parked in front of his store for 20 minutes before he went inside. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
With about 200 stores, Tenka-ippin is one of the larger-scale ramen chain stores in the country.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After training at Masutani, the owner opened a store at Nishioji Hanayacho, Nishi-iru.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Inside an electrical shop, a shop staff serves customers in fluent English, Chinese and Korea. Even announcement is made in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean language. - 経済産業省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 24件
The advertisement cards is obtained in a shop of the sponsor enterprise and the like without cost. - 特許庁
As we entered the shopping district Haruna's gaze darted about, just like she was a rustic from the hills, as she looked over the area. - Tatoeba例文
As we entered the shopping district Haruna's gaze darted about, just like she was a rustic from the hills, as she looked over the area.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus
To provide a discrimination tool for discriminating a visitor who dues not need to be taken care of, in a merchandise shop by which the visitor can enter in the shop without reserve, the visitor for oneself can freely see a commodity among many commodities without minding store clerks and the store clerk can efficiently deal with the customer. - 特許庁
Shijo Branch, Tachiurinishi-machi, Shijo-dori Higashinotoin-dori Higashi-iru, Shimogyo Ward; one hundred and sixty seats in total発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a pay per visit advertisement system which charges an advertiser according to a past record that a customer actually visits a store based on advertisement in the Internet or the like without entering into an actual situation on the store side whether or not the customer actually performs purchase of articles, etc. at the store. - 特許庁
To prevent the contamination of a grease trap by removing the fat and oil components which are mingled in the left-overs emerging from stores using much animal and vegetable oil in cooking, for example, Chinese restaurants or 1a mien (Chinese needle) stores and run to washing tanks of kitchens before entering the grease trap. - 特許庁
To remove oil and fat components mixed with leftover food discharged from a shop such as a Chinese restaurant or a Chinese noodle shop using a large amount of animal and vegetable oil for cooking and flowing into a sink of a kitchen, before they enter a grease trap (collector), and to prevent contamination of the grease trap (collector). - 特許庁
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