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Umedani - Bunkobashi - Umemidai 5-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Kunimidai 8-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Ichisaka - Kizu Station - Kizu Junior High School - Yamadagawa Station - Hightouch Research Park - Nanyo High School - Kabutodai 1-chome - Takanohara Station発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kaseyama - Kizu Station - Kizu Junior High School - Yamadagawa Station - Saganakadai-kita - Saganakadai-Higashi - Saganakadai Elementary School - Kabutodai 7-chome - Kabutodai 1-chome - Takanohara Station発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
これらの2012年2 月時点での実績は、大震災によって被災した中小企業の事業立て直しのための東日本大震災復興特別貸付が累計約16 万6 千件、3 兆6 千億円あまり、被災した中小企業の資金繰り支援のための東日本大震災復興緊急保証が同約7 万2 千件、1 兆7 千億円あまり、セーフティネット保証(5 号)が同約15 万件、2兆2 千億円あまりとなっている(第1-1-16図、第1-1-17 図、第1-1-18 図)。例文帳に追加
As of February 2012, around 166,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loans worth a total of more than 3.6 trillion yen had been disbursed to assist the recovery of SMEs affected by the great earthquake, and around 72,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees worth over 1.7 trillion yen and around 150,000 Safety-net Guarantees (No.5) worth over 2.2 trillion yen had been provided to ease the financial position of similarly affected SMEs (Figs. 1-1-16, 1-1-17, and 1-1-18).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
大谷光暢(おおたにこうちょう 1903年(明治36年)10月1日-1993年(平成5年)4月13日)は、浄土真宗の僧で、東本願寺第24代法主(のちに門首)。例文帳に追加
Kocho OTANI (October 1, 1903 - April 13, 1993) was a monk in the Jodo Shin (True Pure Land) sect of Buddhism, and he was the 24th Hoshu (high priest) (Monshu (representative priest) later) of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1-chome (three locations), Imadegawa-cho, Ebisu-cho, Ogi-cho, Oinokuma-cho, Omiya-cho, Kashira-cho, Kameya-cho (four locations), Kikuya-cho, Kita-machi, Kojin-cho, Kodo-cho, Konoe-cho, Komeya-cho, Sakae-cho, 3-chome, Shinmei-cho, Daikobu-cho, Takatsukasa-cho, Tamaya-cho, Tsukinuke-cho (three locations), Nakano-cho, Nakano-cho (four locations), Nishioji-cho, Nishikitakoji-cho, Nishi-cho (three locations), 2-chome, Higashihashizume-cho, Higashi-cho (three locations), Hishiya-cho, Bishamon-cho (three locations), Masuya-cho (three locations), 4-chome (three locations)発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
「東アジア共同体」構想に向けて、伸びゆくアジアの要素を我が国の成長に取り込むとともに、企業や才能豊かな人材が我が国で活躍できるよう国を開くための制度改革を進めていくことが期待されている(第3-1-4-5 表)。例文帳に追加
Aiming at an "East Asian Community", the element of developing Asia is used to aid the growth of this country. Institutional reform is required in order to be an advanced open country that can be active in enterprise and abundant in human resources (see Figure 3-1-4-5). - 経済産業省
No (in front of No Community Center) - Higashiyoke-gawa River (Ise-bashi Bridge) - in front of Toyokawa Hospital - around Bokeyama Tumulus (the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Ninken) - Karusato 1 cho-me intersection - Shiratori crossing (intersection of National Route 170) - in front of Furuichi Station (Osaka Prefecture) - (National Route 166) - in front of Kaminotaishi Station -発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 30件
Kizugawadai Jutaku - Yamadagawa Station - Kizu Junior High School - Kizu Honmachi - Kizu Station - Kizu Honmachi - Izumi Hall - Central Gymnasium - Saganakadai-Higashi - Hightouch Research Park - Nanyo High School - Kabutodai 1-chome - Takanohara Station発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
During this time, a major engine of growth has been the U.S., which has maintained inflation-free growth and represents around 30% of the world economy as a whole. However, buoyant growth in the economies of East Asia,1) which have grown rapidly despite accounting for only a small proportion of the world economy, and in China in particular has also played an important part.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
About 16-20 kilometers eastward from the temple on the summit of Mt. Akadake in Iwaki Province, the sea was seen and at dusk a red mysterious fire like a paper lantern or a ball of firework appeared about three meters above the sea, which was very visible.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Nagamasu ODA, the younger brother of Nobunaga ODA and a famous master of tea ceremony, received domain worth 30,000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) in Yamato Province and Kawachi Province, after military success contributing to the victory of the East camp in the Battle of Sekigahara of 1600.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Motoharu KUWAYAMA, the second son of Shigeharu KUWAYAMA, participated in the Battle of Sekigahara as part of the East camp in 1600 and received 2000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) after the war in recognition of his military success against the troops of Yoshitsugu OTANI of the West camp.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Besides a complete volume in the author's own handwriting which was the extent of one of the collections in the Imperial Library of the Kyoto Palace Higashiyama Bunko, handwritten copies made during the Muromachi period were held in the same Higashiyama Bunko as well as the Imperial Household Agency Shoryobu (Archives and Mausolea Department), Yomei Bunko (Yomei Archives), Sonkeikakubunkio, and Daitokyukinenbunko Library.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The First Troops of the Imperial Japanese Army under the command of General Tamemoto KUROKI landed on the Korean Peninsula and defeated the Russian army on the shores of the Oryokko River near Anton (present Tanton) in an engagement that lasted between April 30th and May 1st (Battle of the Oryokko River).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
こうした中、政府は中小企業の資金繰り支援のため、平成23 年度第1 次補正予算で創設した「東日本大震災復興緊急保証」や「東日本大震災復興特別貸付」等に続いて、第3 次補正予算においても予算額6,199 億円(事業規模11.6 兆円程度)の措置を講じた。例文帳に追加
In view of these conditions, the Government followed up the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantee and the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loan programs set up under the first supplementary budget for FY 2011 by allocating a further 619.9 billion yen under the third supplementary budget, bringing the total amount allocated to these and similar programs to some 11.6 trillion yen.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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