意味 | 例文 (7件) |

英訳・英語 brush up on something
該当件数 : 7件
To provide a simulation system capable of easily repeating simulation before or after occurrence of abnormality and capable of easily performing brush-up of a control software. - 特許庁
To provide a system capable of easily providing proper advice with respect to invention contents, and brushing up an invention by reflecting contents of the advice to the invention contents. - 特許庁
This fund concentrates on the patents and technology held by companies, and supplies funds to companies that possess technologies that can contribute to energy conservation such as CO2 emissions reduction, so that the companies can acquire and maintain patents and work on refining their technology, and the fund aims to recover its investments through the sale of technology licenses to overseas companies. - 経済産業省
Start-ups that lack track records could develop business and realize growth by achieving public procurement from national or local governments or other public institutions, using this as a springboard to expand their business base into other customers and improve their products and services. That would be one of their options.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
平成23 年度の支援件数は16,461 件であり、内訳は、支援事務局における窓口相談2,018 件、事業者の認定計画をサポートするブラッシュアップ支援2,710件、販路開拓支援等のフォローアップ支援11,733件である(平成24年1月末現在)。例文帳に追加
In fiscal 2011, 16,461 support cases were dealt with. These consisted of 2,018 support desk consultations at support secretariats, 2,710 cases of assistance with polishing up businesses’ plans for approval, and 11,733 cases of follow-up support provided to assist with market development, etc. (as of the end of January 2012).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
In relation to the simplicity of tax, I understand that an agreement was reached under last year's tax revision plan on the application of a reduced tax rate to dividends totaling up to one million yen per individual and profits from stock sales totaling up to 5 million yen. Will the FSA request the establishment of a new tax-free bracket in addition to these tax breaks, or will it request their revamping?発音を聞く - 金融庁
Start-ups that are entering a foreign market face difficulties not only in setting up an office and employing people there; many say it is also difficult to form connections and establish close relationships with people in related industries and in networks of supporters for Start-ups, and to perform effective public relations activities. From such a viewpoint, supporting organizations should maintain themselves relationships with such networks in the host country and provide comprehensive support services, to introduce start-ups that plant to start business overseas to relevant people there who they can consult with; to offer them opportunities to take part in on-the-training or hands-on training; to help them improve business plans; and to back up their public relations activities for their products and services.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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意味 | 例文 (7件) |
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