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英訳・英語 Natl. People’s Congress
該当件数 : 13件
2006 年3 月に開催された第10 期全人代第4 回会議において、「国民経済と社会発展第11 次5 カ年計画要綱」が採択された。例文帳に追加
The “Outline of the 11th Five-Year Plan: National economy and social development” was adopted at the fourth session of the 10th National People’s Congress held in March 2006. - 経済産業省
Similarly, a report on government activity given at the National People’s Congress held in March 2005 also underlines the possibility of investment overheating once more. - 経済産業省
The NPC Political Activity Report 2008 also emphasizes the continuation of the "Reform and Opening-up" Policy and promotion of creativity and innovation. - 経済産業省
これを受けて、2012 年3 月の全国人民代表大会(日本の国会に相当。以下「全人代」と略す)において2012 年の経済政策の運営方針が発表された。例文帳に追加
In response to that, in March 2012, the management policy of 2012 was announced at the National People's Congress (corresponding to the Diet in Japan; hereinafter abbreviated as "NPC"). - 経済産業省
この提言や前述の全人代における政府活動報告、第12 次五か年計画等を参考にしながら、幾つかの主要な分野について現状を見てみる。例文帳に追加
We examine the current status of some key elements, taking into consideration of these proposals, the above mentioned reports on government activities announced at NPC, and the 12th Five Year Plan. - 経済産業省
It was pointed out at the National People’s Congress, where government policies are put forward, that in order to enable the Chinese economy to achieve sustainable growth, it will be necessary to establish a demand structure with a well-balanced dependence on investment, consumption and net exports. - 経済産業省
2001年に全人代で承認された第10 次五カ年計画(2001~2005 年)において「国家石油備蓄」構築を発表後、政府は備蓄基地建設を3 期に分けて進めており、国家石油備蓄基地1 期 4 基地(貯蔵容量合計:1,640 万kL(約1 億300 万バレル))は現在全ての備蓄が完了している。例文帳に追加
In 2001, China announced to build "National Petroleum Reserve" in the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001 to 2005) approved by National People's Congress. Since then, the government has been promoting the construction of the reserve in three phases. The first phase national petroleum reserve of *9 4 bases (total reserve capacity: 16.40 million kL, about 103.00 million barrel) was currently completed. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 13件
In a bid to solve these problems and contradictions, the National People’s Congress adopted the 11th five-year guideline in March 2006. The guideline is designed to convert China’s economic and social development into a track for harmonious and sustainable development by adopting innovative development models and improving the quality of development. - 経済産業省
In addition to such an approach of focusing on the quality of inward investment, China is actively promoting outward direct investment after the NPC in 2000 officially proposed the policy of expanding into overseas markets. The policy is designed to expand outward direct investment by Chinese companies. Thus far, outward direct investment has been relatively small as compared with inward direct investment. - 経済産業省
In response to these developments, a public commitment was made in March 1998 with the aim of promoting the reform of SOEs by “fundamentally resolving the issue of deficits in large and mediumsized SOEs within three years.” At the fourth session of the Ninth NPC in March 2001, it was announced that the goal to eliminate deficits in large and medium-sized SOEs and return them to profitability had been basically achieved. - 経済産業省
The "11th 5-Year Plan Government Guideline" adopted at the National People's Congress (NPC) in March 2006 includes plans such as reformation of China's export structures by focusing on developing its original high-tech products, original brands, original intellectual property rights, etc., luring foreign capital investment in the fields of high-tech and environmental protection, and promoting expansion of overseas operations of Chinese companies. - 経済産業省
Since the 1980s, the Chinese economy has maintained high economic growth rates of 9.5 percent every year. In particular, growth was driven in the 1990s by exports together with public investment and direct investment. In order for such stable economic growth to continue, as was pointed out in the Government Work Report by Premier Zhu Rongji at the National People’s Congress (NPC) in March 2003, China now places emphasis on increasing domestic demand and especially private sector consumption. - 経済産業省
In a report on government activities presented to a meeting of the National People’s Congress in March 2006, the Chinese Government said its economy expanded further while people’s livelihood improved under the 10th five-year plan (2000 - 2005). But the Government also said a host of problems and contradictions exist in China. First, a shift of economic growth pattern has been delayed in China due to its irrational economic structure, resulting in an increase in energy consumption and worsening environmental pollution to serious levels. Second, relations between investment and consumption have been imbalanced, according to the report. And thirdly, the report said, income gaps have been expanding between households in urban areas and households in rural areas, between households in one region and households in other regions and between households in a region and other households in the same region. - 経済産業省
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