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英訳・英語 cyclostomate、cyclostomatous
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an animal classification called Cyclostomata発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
eellike cyclostome having a tongue with horny teeth in a round mouth surrounded by eight tentacles発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
To easily and surely mount the opening end of a bag, in which cereals are filled, on a bag opening holding cylinder. - 特許庁
eel-shaped vertebrate without jaws or paired appendages including the cyclostomes and some extinct forms発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
Coins C are retained by a coin retaining plate 28 provided on the surface of the rotary disk 11, moved from the lower part region to the upper part region of the rotary disk 11 and fed to the carrier passage entrance part 14. - 特許庁
It is a round tumulus with a diameter of approx. 17 meters, and it is pointed out that the sekkaku resembles the one in the Kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto) whose portion to be opened is provided on a side.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Beginning with the round barrow shape and square tumulus which are the basic shapes, there are many kinds of kofun such as hakkaku-fun (octagonal tumulus) (Noguchino Ono-haka) and candy-wrap (keyhole shape with one more handle) shape mound (Kushiyama Kofun and Tatetsuki Kofun).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 30件
Thereby, the heated air can continuously smoothly flows into the drum 4 from the ventilation holes 42 facing the blowing out port 11 even though the clothes are swelled to further enhance the drying of the clothes and to reduce the uneven drying. - 特許庁
The spinneret for single use in spinning two kinds of filament groups differing in dyeability from each other comprises an approximately doughnut-shaped spinneret member A with a circular hollow at the center and an approximately disc-shaped spinneret member B detachable from the hollow, wherein both of the spinnerets A and B have no spinning nozzle 1 in approximately sectorial ranges drawn at a central angle of at least 90°. - 特許庁
To provide a long flume with a circular opening that can not only allow fishes to refuge or take a rest but also prevent water in a curved channel from swelling, rushing out or overflowing. - 特許庁
To provide a wheel for a vacuum cleaner which does not require a movable space for changing the moving direction of a vacuum cleaner body or a suction port body, and can smoothly and freely rotate regardless of the kind of a surface to be cleaned. - 特許庁
In addition, Yuien taught Shinran's thoughts to Kakunyo and some sentences of "Kudensho" are similar to sentences of "Tannisho," therefore, it is said that this book was written at the request of Kakunyo.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A wetting process for jetting the city water or the alkaline electrolytic water to the dishes before the main washing operation by the sprinkler is provided. - 特許庁
To provide a sealant container that does not allow sealant to stay at a conical part in a tapered shape at a sealant spout of the container body and prevents sealants from being mixed up even though sealants of different kinds are used. - 特許庁
The shape of the tongue shaped bag piece 2 is matched with the coupling piece C covering the operation section with a proper margin and an edge at both sides of an outer face of opening is formed to be a recessed circular-arc. - 特許庁
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