意味 | 例文 (3件) |

該当件数 : 3件
To obtain a catalyst with improved catalytic stability and initial selectivity by impregnating a carrier with a silver catalyst component and considering heating treatment to be carried out in a hydrated state in production of the catalyst for producing ethylene oxide. - 特許庁
Those involved hope that as part of the support provided for university-originated ventures, which often face difficulty in financing at the initial stage, incubation facilities equipped with functions such as open facilities and open laboratories should be built in or around university premises so as to provide technical support by university teachers and reduce their financial burden. Studies should be conducted on whether and/or how such bases for industry-university cooperation should be developed jointly by businesses, universities, local governments and other parties concerned.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
(a)出願人が本規則に規定する期間内に出願を遂行しなかった場合は,当該出願は,取り下げられたものとみなされる。 (b)応答期間は,適切かつ十分な理由がある場合に限り,かつ,指定された合理的な期間にわたり,延長することができる。当該延長の請求は,出願人による応答の期限が到来する日以前にしなければならない。審査官は,最大2回まで延長を認めることができるが,ただし,応答書を提出するために認められた当初期間を含む合計期間は,当該応答を求める庁の処分書の郵送日から6月を超えないものとする。 (c)出願が取り下げられたとみなされないようにするための出願の遂行には,当該事案の事情から必要とされる完全かつ適切な行為を含むものとする。庁による最終処分に応答していない補正は,当該出願を取り下げたとみなされることを防ぐことができない。 (d)出願人による行為が,事案を最終処分に進めるための善意の試みであり,審査官の処分に対する実質的には完全な応答であるにも拘らず,ある事項の検討又はある要件の遵守を不注意により怠っている場合は,取下の問題を検討する前に,当該不作為を説明し,埋め合わせる機会を与えることができる。 (e)署名が脱落した又は署名が不適切な文書の場合においては,正しく署名された写しの速やかな追認又は提出が認められる。例文帳に追加
(a) If an applicant fails to prosecute his application within the required time as provided in these Regulations, the application shall be deemed withdrawn. (b) The time for reply may be extended only for good and sufficient cause, and for a reasonable time specified. Any request for such extension must be filed on or before the day on which action by the applicant is due. The Examiner may grant a maximum of two extensions, provided that the aggregate period granted inclusive of the initial period allowed to file the response, shall not exceed six months from mailing date of the official action requiring such response. (c) Prosecution of an application to save it from withdrawal must include such complete and proper action as the condition of the case may require. Any amendment not responsive to the last official action shall not operate to save the application from being deemed withdrawn. (d) When action by the applicant is a bona fide attempt to advance the case to final action, and is substantially a complete response to the Examiner’s action, but consideration of some matter or compliance with some requirements has been inadvertently omitted, opportunity to explain and supply the omission may be given before the question of withdrawal is considered. (e) Prompt ratification or filing of a correctly signed copy may be accepted in case of an unsigned or improperly signed paper. - 特許庁
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