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英訳・英語 Oceania
該当件数 : 27件
a geographical region called Oceania発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Yellow shaded sections indicate East Asian and Pacific countries. - 経済産業省
アジア大洋州向け投資が 35.5%減少したが、欧州向け投資が 15.4%増加するなど、2 年連続での増加となった。例文帳に追加
Investment for Asia-Pacific decreased by 35.5%, but investment for Europe increased by 15.4%, and, consequently, total outward investment marked a second consecutive yearly increase - 経済産業省
More than a half of the foreign direct investment in the U.S. was from Europe, and almost all of the rest was from Canada or Asia-Pacific. - 経済産業省
Conversely, about a half of the outward direct investment from the U.S. was targeted at Europe and along with Canada and Asia, Central and South America received a lot of investments. - 経済産業省
平成22年3月経済産業省通商政策局アジア大洋州課 「アジア消費トレンド研究会」運営事務局例文帳に追加
(Research Project of East Asia's Current Consumption Status to Promote Wide-Range Cooperation in East Asia) March 2010 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Trade Policy Bureau, Asia and Pacific Division発音を聞く - 経済産業省
In addition, a comparison of Japanese, US, and UK banks in the changes in the balance of credit granted in Asia and Oceania shows a continuous increase in the credit provided by Japanese banks, which was larger in amount than that of the US and UK banks, between the late 1980s and 1997. Since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis however, the credit provided to Asia and Oceania decreased and, despite the recent recovery, has not caught up with the speed of growth in the credit provided by the United States and United Kingdom. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 27件
Countries with which the United States negotiated FTAs extended to include countries in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, and Central/South America. As of January 2008, the United States has enacted 14 FTAs12. - 経済産業省
i) World Bank (WB) uses categories of "South Asia," and "Euro Zone," which correspond to "India," and "EU," respectively above. WB's "East Asia/Pacific" data is used for both "China" and "ASEAN4" columns above. - 経済産業省
Myths that domesticated plants, especially root vegetables, were born from the body of a murdered person are found in South-East Asia, Oceania, Middle and South America, and Africa.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
次に、我が国企業の地域別対外買収件数をみると、2011 年は中東・アフリカ以外は買収件数が増加しており、特にアジア・大洋州地域が伸びている。例文帳に追加
Next, looking at the number of Japanese enterprises' external acquisitions by region, the number in 2011 increased in the regions other than Middle East and Africa and particularly grew in Asia and Oceania. - 経済産業省
2007 年にもアジア・大洋州の案件が急激に増加した際は、国別では、インドネシア、中国等への対外買収が牽引していたが、2011 年には、オーストラリア、インド等が中心となった。例文帳に追加
Acquisitions that increased in Asia and Oceania in 2007 as well were led by those undertaken in Indonesia, China, etc. but in 2011 acquisitions centered on Australia, India, etc. - 経済産業省
暦年ベースから寄与度が改善している相手国・地域はASEAN・北米・中南米・中東・大洋州であり、それ以外の国・地域はむしろ悪化しており、特に中国及びEU の悪化が目立つ。例文帳に追加
Contribution by ASEAN, North America, Central and South America, Middle East, and the Oceania improved, compared with that on a calendar year basis. - 経済産業省
米国や英国の銀行がアジア・大洋州向けにもそれぞれ2,324憶ドル、3,021憶ドルの与信を行っているのに対し、地理的にも近く、経済関係を緊密な日本の銀行からのアジア・大洋州向け与信残高は、1,275憶ドルとなっており、米国、英国の約半分以下の状態にとどまっている(第2-4-76図)。 金融・資本市場と並んで金融産業のアジアにおけるプレゼンスの低下が懸念される。例文帳に追加
While the US and the UK banks lent 232.4 billion and 302.1 billion US dollars respectively in Asia and Oceania, the balance of the loans provided by Japanese banks, which are geographically closer and have closer economic ties with those regions, amounted to 127.5 US dollars, which is less than half of the balances of the United States and United Kingdom182 (see Figure 2-4-76).Besides the financial and capital markets, a decline in the presence of the financial industry in Asia is also feared. - 経済産業省
When it comes to major countries/regions in Asia and the Oceania region, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil, which are rich in natural resources and food exporters, have improved their terms of trade drastically in recent years due to price increases in those commodities. In contrast, the terms of trade in countries/regions other than these three countries deteriorated. - 経済産業省
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