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該当件数 : 30件
in Chinese writings, characters that are used to represent grammatical meanings発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Therefore, such "Imperial posts" were rather very nominal ones used for the purpose of ranking.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
この RFC では絶対 URL の形式的な文法と意味付けを仕様化しています。例文帳に追加
This specifies the formal syntax and semantics of absolute URLs. - Python
If we take "linguistics" to mean any systematic study of language, then formal semantics is one of the oldest branches within linguistics.発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
Input data is analyzed for generating dictionary meaning expression and meaning data of a connection system, which defines the modification relation (S2 and S3). - 特許庁
the philosophical theory that formal (logical or mathematical) statements have no meaning but that its symbols (regarded as physical entities) exhibit a form that has useful applications発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
Therefore, the word originally had a strong negative meaning referring to westoxication/ flirtatious manners of following only outer aspects and patterns, but came to include an affirmative meaning of progressive/modernized/gorgeous/decent/fashionable and so on.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 30件
To enable retrieval of a desired program code from a semantic specification, formal semantic specifications of programs and formal certifications capable of inspecting whether the programs satisfy specifications for assuring the validation of programs (specification satisfying property) are simultaneously accumulated in the programs. - 特許庁
Finally, a conversion part 3 converts the inputted natural language sentence into the expression of LP form formalized to mechanically interpret the meaning of the sentence pattern on the basis of the determined sentence pattern. - 特許庁
DocBook ソースが正しく整形式であるかどうかの確認に加えて、xmllint は、意味論的な正しさの確認もRELAX NG スキーマを用いて行うことができます。例文帳に追加
In addition to testing the well-formedness of the DocBook sources, xmllint can also check the semantical correctness with the help of RELAX NG schemas.発音を聞く - PEAR
To provide a software development support device, capable of mechanically detecting a problem of such a model that it is correct from the format of UML (unified modeling language), but semantically improper. - 特許庁
The devices designed for removing access control can be classified into two main categories: models where the trial software will ultimately be transformed into different software ((5) through (7) above) and models where no transformation of software occurs ((1) through (4) above).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
The next element required for the Semantic Web is a Web ontology language which can formally describe the semantics of classes and properties used in web documents.発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
Also, with the fall of lower-ranked nobles due to the rise of the warrior class to power, Asomi lost its meaning in the sense of kabane used to rank status, and it became a formality which was used for official documents.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
この形式は、モジュールレベルでしか使うことができません。 del 文で指定された対象は、(del の意味付けは、実際は名前の解放 (unbind) ですが) 文の目的上、束縛済みのものとみなされます。例文帳に追加
This form may only be used at the module level.A target occurring in a del statement is also considered bound for this purpose (though the actual semantics are to unbind the name). - Python
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