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英訳・英語 AD 143
該当件数 : 33件
In November, 130, he died at the age of 143.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Copyright Act 1994 (1994 No 143) Omit from section 131(5) the word "summary". - 特許庁
the town was taken from the Turks by the Russians in 1877 after a siege of 143 days発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
Unshu abacus: 143 items (Unshu abacus cooperative, Shimane Prefecture) registration date: March 15, 2006発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
By July 1920, the numbers of councilors in each group were: 143 Kenkyukai, 65 Koseikai, 48 Sawakai, 44 Koyukurabu, 30 Doseikai, 67 independent - a total of 397.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
附 則 〔平成六年五月二十四日政令第百四十三号〕例文帳に追加
Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 143 of May 24, 1994]発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 33件
附 則 (平成六年五月二四日政令第一四三号)例文帳に追加
Supplementary Provisions (Cabinet Order No. 143 of May 24, 19)発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
After the amendment of the ordinance of Kizokuin (Imperial Edict number 58) in 1905, the numbers were set to be a total of 143 for all count, viscount and baron councilors and the numbers from each rank were to be decided in proportion to the numbers with the same rank.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
昨年5 月から10月にかけてのチャオプラヤ川流域の平均降雨量は合計で例年の143%と過去最大に達し*43、7 月(例年の178%)と9 月(同144%)は単月の最大値を記録した上、すべての月で例年の降雨量を上回った(第2-3-1-5 図参照)。例文帳に追加
The average precipitation of the Chao Phraya River from May to October 2011 was the highest in history, which was 143% of the average rainy season rainfall of regular years.*43 The monthly rainfall was more than that of regular years, with the highest monthly rainfall ever recorded in July (178% of the average rainy season) and in September (144% of the average rainy season) (Figure2-3-1-5). - 経済産業省
In addition, in May 2009, the Vietnamese government announced a breakdown of policy measures for stimulating demand amounting to 143 trillion dong in total (approximately ¥760 billion), which consist of seven categories, including interest subsidies, the tentative collection of infrastructure improvement funds and the issuance of additional government bonds. - 経済産業省
四 商工会議所法(昭和二十八年法律第百四十三号)の規定により設立された商工会議所例文帳に追加
iv) Chambers of commerce and industry established pursuant to the provisions of the Chambers of Commerce Act (Act No. 143 of 1953発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
雇用者数の増加分の推移を部門別でみると(第1-3-1-20 図)、民間サービス部門が全体の増加を支えており、2011年は月平均で 14.3 万人増加し、2012 年は 4 月までに同 16.5 万人増加している。例文帳に追加
Looking at the trends of the increase of employees by section, the number of employees of the private service sector had increased by 143 thousand people per month in 2011 and by 165 thousand people per month by April 2012, supporting overall increases. - 経済産業省
As TEPCO reported to MHLW on the internal radiation exposure dose of workers who got involved in emergency tasks during May 2011and that of workers engaged in the emergency work during March and April 2011not yet reported, and the contact information of 143 people was found out missing, MHLW instructed TEPCO to fully look into the matters and report on them again. - 厚生労働省
平成 21年における外国人入国者 758万 1,330人のうち「新規入国者」数は 611万 9,394人で,20年の 771万 1,828人と比べて159万 2,434人(20.6%)減少し,「再入国者」数は 146万 1,936人で,20年の 143万 4,280人と比べて2万 7,656人(1.9%)増加している。例文帳に追加
However, in 2009, it was 7,581,330, a decrease of 1,564,778 (17.1%), slightly less than 9,146,108 in 2008. Among 7,581,330 foreign nationals entering Japan in 2009, the number of “new entries” was 6,119,394, a decrease of 1,592,434 (20.6%) from 7,711,828 in 2008, and the number of “re-entries” was 1,461,936, an increase of 27,656 (1.9%) from 1,434,280 in 2008.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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