








英訳・英語 eight‐membered ring




該当件数 : 14



of a chemical compound having a ring with eight members発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


In general formula (2), R^7 and R^8 may bind and form a 5-membered ring. - 特許庁


The solvent is constituted with, for example, (i) a plurality of 5 to 8 membered cyclic diethers and (ii) a combination of 5 to 8 membered cyclic diethers and cyclic ketones and/or lactones. - 特許庁


The polymer compound has as a recurring unit a structure obtained by fusing a tetralin ring with an indene ring, the five-membered ring of the indene ring and the benzene ring in the tetralin ring holding two adjacent carbon atoms in the five-membered ring in common in the structure, and has a number-average molecular weight of 10^3-10^8 in terms of polystyrene. - 特許庁


There are provided neurologically-active compounds which are heterocyclic compounds having two fused 6-membered rings with a nitrogen atom at position 1 and a hydroxy or mercapto group at position 8 with at least one ring being aromatic. - 特許庁


In the organic electroluminescent element including at least one luminous layer sandwiched by positive and negative electrodes, the luminous layer has a ligand comprising six-membered ring or five-membered ring of aromatic groups replaced by an imidazole ring or a pyrazole ring, and includes at least one complex compound having group 8 to group 10 transition metals. - 特許庁



To provide an instrument for preventing environmental pollution and securing the health and safety of workers by preventing scattering the splash of a coating material to the surroundings in the coating by a motor- driven coater (8). - 特許庁


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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「8員環」の英訳



該当件数 : 14


また、理事会、事務局、合同小委会で構成 される境協力委会(commission)を設置し ており(第8条)、事務局は、理事会の指示に従 って境協力委会の年次報告書を作成する他 (第12条)、自主発案の報告書を作成すること ができるとしている(第13条)。また、非政府 組織や個人からの、境法制の有効な履行確保 を怠っているとの指摘を受け、事実報告書を作 成することになっている。例文帳に追加

In addition, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation was established, which is comprised of a Council, a Secretariat and a Joint Advisory Committee (Article 8). The Council shall prepare an annual report of the Commission in accordance with instructions therefrom (Article 12) as well as preparing a report in its own initiative (Article 13), and prepare a factual report based on information furnished by non-governmental organizations or individuals demonstrating negligence by effective enforcement of environmental rules and regulations. - 経済産業省


The dampening solution composition characteristically includes a 5-to7-membered ring cycloalkane derivative having 2 to 3 OH groups, the cycloalkane derivative being a cyclohexane derivative having 2 OH groups, the total number of the carbon atoms being 8 to 12. - 特許庁

第三条 この法律の施行の際現に従前の総理府、法務省、外務省、大蔵省、文部省、厚生省、農林水産省、通商産業省、運輸省、郵政省、労働省、建設省又は自治省(以下この条において「従前の府省」という。)の職(国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十号)第八条の審議会等の会長又は委長及び委、中央防災会議の委、日本工業標準調査会の会長及び委並びに これらに類する者として政令で定めるものを除く。)である者は、別に辞令を発せられない限り、同一の勤務条件をもって、この法律の施行後の内閣府、総務省、法務省、外務省、財務省、文部科学省、厚生労働省、農林水産省、経済産業省、国土交通省若しくは境省(以下この条において「新府省」という。)又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関のうち、この法律の施行の際現に当該職が属する従前の府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関の相当の新府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関として政令で定めるものの相当の職となるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Any person who is actually the official of the former Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Construction or Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Office/Ministry" in this Article) at the time of enforcement of this Act (excluding the president or chairperson and members of a council, etc. set forth in Article 8 of the National Administrative Organization Act (Act No. 120 of 1948), members of the Central Disaster Prevention Council, chairperson and members of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, and those specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto) shall be the corresponding official of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, or the Ministry of the Environment after the enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "New Office/Ministry" in this article) or a department or organization thereunder, which is specified by Cabinet Order as the New Office/Ministry or a department or organization thereunder that corresponds to the Former Office/Ministry or a department or organization thereunder to which the official actually belongs at the time of enforcement of this Act, unless a letter of appointment is otherwise issued.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 この法律の施行の際現に従前の総理府、法務省、外務省、大蔵省、文部省、厚生省、農林水産省、通商産業省、運輸省、郵政省、労働省、建設省又は自治省(以下この条において「従前の府省」という。)の職(国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十号)第八条の審議会等の会長又は委長及び委、中央防災会議の委、日本工業標準調査会の会長及び委並びにこれらに類する者として政令で定めるものを除く。)である者は、別に辞令を発せられない限り、同一の勤務条件をもって、この法律の施行後の内閣府、総務省、法務省、外務省、財務省、文部科学省、厚生労働省、農林水産省、経済産業省、国土交通省若しくは境省(以下この条において「新府省」という。)又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関のうち、この法律の施行の際現に当該職が属する従前の府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関の相当の新府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関として政令で定めるものの相当の職となるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 A person who, at the time of the enforcement of this Act, has been an official (excluding a chairperson and a member of councils, etc. set forth in Article 8 of the National Government Organization Act [Act No. 120 of 1948], a member of the Central Disaster Prevention Council, a chairperson and a member of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, and those specified as similar persons by a Cabinet Order) of the prior and existing Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Construction or the Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter referred to as a "Prior and Existing Ministry or Agency" in this Article) shall, unless an appointment is announced separately, become a relevant official of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, or the Ministry of the Environment after the enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as a "New Ministry or Agency" in this Article), or a department or organization established thereunder, which is specified by a Cabinet Order as the New Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder that corresponds to the Former Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder to which said official belongs at the time of the enforcement of this Act, with the same working conditions.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

この法律の施行の際現に従前の総理府、法務省、外務省、大蔵省、文部省、厚生省、農林水産省、通商産業省、運輸省、郵政省、労働省、建設省又は自治省(以下この条において「従前の府省」という。)の職(国家行政組織法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十号)第八条の審議会等の会長又は委長及び委、中央防災会議の委、日本工業標準調査会の会長及び委並びに これらに類する者として政令で定めるものを除く。)である者は、別に辞令を発せられない限り、同一の勤務条件をもって、この法律の施行後の内閣府、総務省、法務省、外務省、財務省、文部科学省、厚生労働省、農林水産省、経済産業省、国土交通省若しくは境省(以下この条において「新府省」という。)又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関のうち、この法律の施行の際現に当該職が属する従前の府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関の相当の新府省又はこれに置かれる部局若しくは機関として政令で定めるものの相当の職となるものとする。例文帳に追加

A person who, at the time of the enforcement of this Act, has been an official (excluding a chairperson and a member of councils, etc. set forth in Article 8 of the National Government Organization Act [Act No. 120 of 1948], a member of the Central Disaster Prevention Council, a chairperson and a member of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, and those specified as similar persons by a Cabinet Order) of the prior and existing Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Construction or the Ministry of Home Affairs (hereinafter referred to as a "Prior and Existing Ministry or Agency" in this Article) shall, unless an appointment is announced separately, become a relevant official of the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, or the Ministry of the Environment after the enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as a "New Ministry or Agency" in this Article), or a department or organization established thereunder, which is specified by a Cabinet Order as the New Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder that corresponds to the Former Office or Ministry or the department or organization established thereunder to which said official belongs at the time of the enforcement of this Act, with the same working conditions.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Ethylene and/or propylene is produced by allowing a hydrogen carbonate material containing at least one linear 4-8C olefin and at least one branched 4-8C olefin to come into contact with a catalyst including zeolite and/or a zeolite analogous compound having pores of at least 8 or more-membered oxygen ring with a diameter (Di) of the largest bounding sphere, which can be present in the pore, of <0.630 nm. - 特許庁


54 「タイにおける今後の開発と水管理計画」について講演を行ったタイ国家経済社会開発庁(NESDB)のアーコム長官は、今年3 月8 日に名古屋で開催されたタイ投資委会(BOI)・JETRO 他主催の「タイ投資セミナー~洪水後のタイ経済と日本企業を取り巻く投資境~」において、①製造業の生産チェーンと物流システム、②インフレによる家計支出の縮小、農家の収入減少、投資家の信頼低下、③建設・機械及び機械装置分野の投資縮小、④生産拠点の被災によるタイの輸出額の縮小、貿易相手国の景気減退、⑤外国人旅行客数の5点をあげている。例文帳に追加

54 Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Secretary General of NESDE in his speech titled "Thailand's Future Development and Water Management Plans," given at the "Seminar on Investment in Thailand: Post-Flood Investment Environment Related to Thai Economy and Japanese Companies" co-hosted by the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand and JETRO held in Nagoya on March 8, 2012, mentioned five significant damages caused by the 2011 flood:(A) production chains of manufacturing sector and logistics systems, (B) contraction of household expenditure due to high inflation, slowdown in revenues of agriculturalists, decline in investors' confidence, (C) contraction of investments in construction and machinery and equipment sector, (D) contracted value of Thailand's exports due to the damage of production bases and the economic slowdown of trading partners, and (E) decline in the number of foreign tourists - 経済産業省


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