意味 | 例文 (2件) |
Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.とは 意味・読み方・使い方
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Weblio例文辞書での「Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.」に類似した例文 |
Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.
Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.
The two lines cross each other at right angles.
adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical
Strictly speaking, the theory is not correct.
Parallel lines do not intersect each other.
Parallel lines don't intersect each other.
painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated
bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured
Two lines are perpendicular to each other.
a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point but does not intersect it at that point
Parallel lines will never meet, even over cosmically large distances.
This line looks like it is snapping.
This is, strictly speaking, a mistake.
This is, strictly speaking, a mistake.
意味 | 例文 (2件) |
Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.のページの著作権
Tatoebaのコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France |
ピン留めアイコンをクリックすると単語とその意味を画面の右側に残しておくことができます。 |
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「Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.」のお隣キーワード |
Strictly speaking, he is not qualified for the job.
Strictly speaking, his answer is not correct.
Strictly speaking, his view differs a little from mine.
Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from mine.
Strictly speaking, his view differs somewhat from that of his opponents.
strictly speaking, it should not be done, but
Strictly speaking, it was not a vertical line.
Strictly speaking, she didn't like it at all, but she didn't say a thing.
Strictly speaking, she's not qualified for the job.
Strictly speaking, the bamboo is a kind of grass.
Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.
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