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「cleaning action」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 323件
the action of cleaning something by spraying it with water発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
物を揺り動かして,水や湯できれいにすること - EDR日英対訳辞書
the action of cleaning something by removing something dirty発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
汚いものをとりのぞいて,きれいにすること - EDR日英対訳辞書
The robot cleaner 1 performs a standard cleaning action for cleaning while traveling according to a predetermined traveling rule, performs an unclean area cleaning action for cleaning an unclean area which has not be cleaned according to the standard cleaning movement, and thereafter performs a periphery cleaning action for cleaning the periphery of the obstacles.例文帳に追加
ロボットクリーナー1は、所定の走行規則で走行しながら掃除する基本掃除動作を行い、次に、基本掃除動作では掃除されなかった未掃除の領域を掃除する未掃除領域掃除動作を行い、その後、障害物の周囲を掃除する周辺掃除動作を行う。 - 特許庁
The robot cleaner 1 performs a standard cleaning action of cleaning while traveling according to a predetermined traveling rule, and when an area where a contaminated degree exceeds the standard value is found out during the standard cleaning action, further performs a local cleaning action of locally traveling after having traveled the area according to the standard cleaning action.例文帳に追加
ロボットクリーナー1は、所定の走行規則で走行しながら掃除する基本掃除動作を行い、基本掃除動作中に汚れ度が基準値を超えている領域が発見されると、その領域を基本掃除動作により走行した後にさらに局所的に走行する局所掃除動作を行う。 - 特許庁
The robot cleaner 1 performs a standard cleaning action for cleaning while traveling according to a predetermined traveling rule, makes map information showing cleaning completed areas and obstacle present areas during the standard cleaning action, and thereafter performs an unclear area cleaning action for cleaning unclear areas based on the map information.例文帳に追加
ロボットクリーナー1は、所定の走行規則で走行しながら掃除する基本掃除動作を行い、基本掃除動作中に掃除済み領域と障害物存在領域とを示す地図情報を作成し、その後、その地図情報を基に未掃除の領域を掃除する未掃除領域掃除動作を行う。 - 特許庁
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「cleaning action」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 323件
Action of the electric blower 17 is thus controllable in accordance with the kind of the cleaning member and the cleaning action of the worker as estimated.例文帳に追加
推定した掃除体の種類、および、作業者の掃除動作に対応して電動送風機17の動作を制御できる。 - 特許庁
記録装置および液体噴射装置並びにクリーニング動作実行方法およびクリーニング動作プログラム - 特許庁
To provide a vacuum cleaner, in which action of an electric blower is automatically controllable corresponding to the kind of a cleaning member and the cleaning action of a worker.例文帳に追加
掃除体の種類および作業者の掃除動作に対応して電動送風機の動作を自動的に制御可能な電気掃除機を提供する。 - 特許庁
The liquid holding layer 10 can hold a cleaning liquid with a surfactant action.例文帳に追加
保液層10は、界面活性作用を有する洗浄液を保持し得る。 - 特許庁
To provide a porous sintered filter material which is made of a mineral having a cleaning action of water and air and a reforming action of liquid fuel and, therefore, efficiently exhibits the cleaning action and reforming action inherent in such a kind of mineral by using the filter material in small quantities.例文帳に追加
水や空気の浄化作用や液体燃料の改質作用を有する鉱石からなる多孔質濾材を得ることにより、この種の鉱石が有する浄化作用や改質作用を少量の濾材でよりよく発揮させる。 - 特許庁
To provide a vacuum cleaner which can control the operation of a motor-operated blower without causing malfunctions according to a cleaning action by providing lightweight small cleaning function sensing means which can properly detect a cleaning action with high sensitivity regardless of the mode of cleaning.例文帳に追加
掃除形態を問わず掃除動作を感度よく良好に検出できる軽量小型の掃除動作検出手段を備え掃除動作に対応して誤作動なく電動送風機の駆動を制御できる電気掃除機を提供する。 - 特許庁
The supplement is a composition composed mainly of ancient vegetable-based drugs originated from foods and obtained by effectively formulating plural components having one or more actions selected from renal function promoting action, antipyretic diuretic action, emmenagogic action, blood cleaning action, cholesterol level depressing action, hypotensive action, hemolytic action, detoxication action, cholagogic action and antibacterial action to increase the synergistic effect and develop the effect for eliminating various causes of urinary disturbance.例文帳に追加
古来の食品由来の植物系生薬を主成分とする組成物であり、腎機能補強、清熱利水、通経、浄血、コレステロール低下、血圧降下、溶血、解毒、利胆、抗菌の何れか又は複数の作用を有する複数成分を効果的に配合して、その相乗効果を高めて、多岐にわたる排尿障害の原因の除去に効果を奏するものである。 - 特許庁
Here, the cleaning action is carried out, for example, by a helical motion in the plurality of cycles, so that the cleaning action of each cycle is conducted at different positions within a cleaning surface 11a (in the drawing, it is marked as a contact position).例文帳に追加
ここで、各周期の洗浄動作を洗浄面11a内のそれぞれ異なる場所(図中、コンタクト場所と記す。)で行うべく、例えば螺旋状に複数周期の洗浄動作を行う。 - 特許庁
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