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Wiktionary英語版での「leucoderm」の意味 |
- leukoderm
leucoderm (複数形 leucoderms)
- A person with white or light skin; a person belonging to a light-skinned race[1]
- 1894 March 10, G. L. Magruder; C. W. Stiles, “An Extreme Case of Leucoderma in a Negro, with a Comparison of Similar Conditions in Various Animals”, in Medical Record: A Weekly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, volume 45, number 10 (whole 1218), New York, N.Y.: William Wood & Company, page 298:
- These characters must, however, have begun as individual variations, and there is no reason to doubt that if systematic breeding experiments were kept up for a sufficiently long period, with albinoes or leucoderms, or if these characters came into play in natural or sexual selection, races of albinoes or leucoderms in the human species could be established.
- 1924, A[lfred] C[ort] Haddon, The Races of Man and Their Distribution, Cabridge: at the University Press, page 7:
- 1942, Edgard Roquete Pinto, “Contributions to the Anthropology of Brazil”, in Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, volume II, Washington, D.C., pages 241–242:
- […] I adopted the following terms for every anthropological group: (a) Leucoderms—men of white skin, rather brownish (no. 10-19 of von Luschen’s scale) black hair and wavy, (kymatotrichs) brown or black eyes, medium height, brachycephalian, leptorrhinian. The Brazilian leucoderms present two types of height: 1 m,63 and 1 m,69.
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