
「共同原告」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 12


(b) 登録所有者が共同原告又は共同被告として訴訟手続に参加することができること例文帳に追加

(b) the registered proprietor may join in the proceedings either as co-plaintiff or as co-defendant; and - 特許庁

(b) 排他的実施権者が共同原告又は共同被告として訴訟手続に参加できること例文帳に追加

(b) the exclusive licensee may join in the proceedings either as co plaintiff or as co-defendant; and - 特許庁

3 係属中の訴訟の原告又は被告と共同の利益を有する者で当事者でないものは、その原告又は被告を自己のためにも原告又は被告となるべき者として選定することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who shares common interests with a plaintiff or defendant of a pending suit but who is not a party to the suit may appoint that plaintiff or defendant as a party to stand as a plaintiff or defendant on his/her behalf as well.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) 何れの共同登録所有者も侵害に係る訴訟を提起することができ,それについて他のすべての共同登録所有者に通知するものとし,また,他の何れの共同登録所有者も共同原告として参加しかつ侵害の結果被った損害に係る損害賠償を得ることができる。例文帳に追加

(4) Any joint registered proprietor may institute proceedings for infringement and shall give notice thereof to every other joint registered proprietor, and any such other joint registered proprietor may intervenes co-plaintiff and recover any damages in respect of any damage he may have suffered as a result of the infringement. - 特許庁


(5) (4)に基づく訴訟においてある原告に損害賠償が裁定される場合は,損害賠償は,当該原告が単独の登録所有者であるものとして裁定され,被告は,当該侵害に関して他の共同登録所有者に補償を行う義務を負わない。例文帳に追加

(5) If in any proceedings under subsection (4) damages are awarded to plaintiff, damages shall be awarded to him as if he were the sole registered proprietor, and the defendant shall not be obliged to compensate any other joint registered proprietor in respect of the infringement in question. - 特許庁


第四十一条 共同被告の一方に対する訴訟の目的である権利と共同被告の他方に対する訴訟の目的である権利とが法律上併存し得ない関係にある場合において、原告の申出があったときは、弁論及び裁判は、分離しないでしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 41 (1) Where a right that is the subject matter of a suit for a codefendant and another right that is the subject matter of another suit for the other codefendant cannot legally coexist, upon the application of the plaintiff, oral arguments and judicial decisions of these suits shall not be made separately.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十条 共同の利益を有する多数の者で前条の規定に該当しないものは、その中から、全員のために原告又は被告となるべき一人又は数人を選定することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 30 (1) A number of persons who share common interests and do not fall under the provision of the preceding Article may appoint, from among them, one or more persons as parties to stand as plaintiffs or defendants on behalf of all.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 登録所有者は,かかる手続を提起する前に,登録簿に名称が登録されている当該登録意匠に係るすべての実施権者にこれについて通知しなければならず,かかる実施権者は共同原告として訴訟に参加する権利を有する。例文帳に追加

(2) Before the registered proprietor institutes such proceedings, he shall give notice thereof to every licensee in respect of the registered design in question whose name is recorded in the register, and any such licensee shall be entitled to intervene as a co-plaintiff: - 特許庁

このようなリンクを張られた原告らが、上記中国法人及び当該法人の日本の代理店である被告による上記行為は原告らの名誉及び信用を毀損する共同不法行為を構成するとともに、原告会社との関係では不正競争防止法第2条第1項第14号所定の不正競争行為に該当するなどとして、被告に対し、損害賠償等を求めた事案がある。この点、裁判所は、被告が、中国法人において本件ウェブページを作成するに当たり、少なくともそのためのデータや資料を提供するなどして、これに関与していたものであり、ひいては同法人が本件表示行為をするに当たって関与したものと認めるのが相当であり、被告は、本件表示行為について、原告会社との関係で社会的信用を害する虚偽の事実を流布するものであるとして、不正競争防止法第2条第1項第14号の不正競争行為であることを認め、原告個人との関係で名誉・信用毀損、氏名権侵害を認めて、同法人と共同不法行為責任を負うものというべきであるなどとして請求の一部を認めた(大阪地裁平成 19年7月26日判決)。例文帳に追加

Further, the dissemination of false information detrimental to the reputation of another person's business may also constitute an unfair competition (Article 2 Paragraph 1 Item 14 of the same). In a case where the Plaintiffs (the Company (party P1) and its director (party P2)) filed a claim for compensation of damages etc. against the defendant (a Chinese company (party D1) and its agent in Japan (party D2)) on the ground that the D1, which was P1's competitor, indicated on D1's Japanese website as if P1 were an Japanese agent of the D1 and a link was set from D1's website to P1's website. Plaintiff alleged that the aforementioned acts committed by D1 and D2 disparaged P1's reputation and therefore constitute a joint tort. Further, such acts also amounts to unfair competition against P1 as defined in Article 2 Paragraph 1 Item 14 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (the "UCPA"). The court partially accepted the Plaintiffs' claim on the ground that D2 had at least provided data and materials for creating D1's website and D2 was also involved not only in creating such website but also in misrepresenting P1 in D1's website, thereby disseminating false information detrimental to the P1's reputation as referred to in Article 2 Paragraph 1 Item 14 of the ULPA. It was held that D1 and D2 are jointly liable to P2 for libel, defamation and infringement of name rights (Osaka District Court, July 26, 2007).  - 経済産業省


第百五十七条 差押債権者が第三債務者に対し差し押さえた債権に係る給付を求める訴え(以下「取立訴訟」という。)を提起したときは、受訴裁判所は、第三債務者の申立てにより、他の債権者で訴状の送達の時までにその債権を差し押さえたものに対し、共同訴訟人として原告に参加すべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 157 (1) When an obligee effecting a seizure has filed an action seeking performance of a seized claim (hereinafter referred to as a "suit for collection") against a third party obligor, the court in charge of the case may, upon petition by the third party obligor, order any other obligee who has seized such claim by the time of the service of the complaint to intervene on the plaintiff's side as a coparty.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In addition, as mentioned above, there was a traditional tought that encouraged settlement out of court or without arbitrator, so when people sued, they needed to get through a lot of obstacles before petition was received, such as having nanushi put signature on plaintiff's petition, and in case of suit involving another territory, also attachment of an accompanying letter (daimyo) and another letter called tenkan (hatamoto) from feudal lord, and if documents had deficiency, the suit was turned down.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Where German Community trade mark courts have international jurisdiction under Article 93 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation, such provisions concerning territorial jurisdiction shall apply mutatis mutandis as would be applicable to trade mark applications filed with the Patent Office or to trade mark recorded in the Register of the Patent Office. Where jurisdiction cannot be established under the above provisions, the court having territorial jurisdiction shall be the court where the plaintiff has his domicile.  - 特許庁


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