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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 原子価変化に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 20



Changes to the outer valence electrons of an atom cause changes in the intra-atomic electron-electron interactions.  - 科学技術論文動詞集


To provide a system for evaluating the soundness of fuel rods which can appropriately evaluate it even if an abnormal transient change occurs in a nuclear power plant. - 特許庁


Lithium enters or exits the structure to compensate for change in the valence of a redox conjugation during actuation of the electrode thus maintaining electrical neutral as a whole. - 特許庁


Thereby the evaluation methods and evaluation test guideline of aged cables will be established on the basis of the normal and accidental conditions in a nuclear installation. - 経済産業省



In the safety design assessment of nuclear power reactor facilities, postulated event groups are defined for "abnormal transients during operation" and "accidents", respectively, based on the Regulatory Guide for Reviewing Safety Assessment, as mentioned later, then the safety is evaluated by conducting safety analysis. - 経済産業省



Activities on the re-evaluation of a siteAll the factors related to site selection must be re-evaluated at the time of alteration of installment license, such as additional nuclear installation construction at the existing site, so as to ensure the continuous safe operation of the nuclear installation. - 経済産業省


The method of evaluating the vapor deposition film measures a phase change by scanning vibratingly a probe of an atomic force microscope on a vapor deposition film surface of an optical member having the vapor deposition film on a base material, and evaluates the vapor deposition film, based on the measured phase change. - 特許庁


The metal complex is reversibly changed to a lower atomic valence metal complex produced by dehydrogenation in the reaction while hydrogenating a substrate such as a benzaldehyde derivative to generate a benzyl alcohol derivative. - 特許庁


Therefore, the proportion of cerium ion contributing to changes in the valance is increased and high oxygen storage ability near the theoretical limit can be obtained even when the atomic ratio Zr/Ce is ≥1. - 特許庁



To make it possible to conduct the analysis of nuclear thermal hydraulic kinetics rapidly, if any abnormal transient changes occur during the operation of a boiling water reactor and if the evaluation of the integrity of fuel becomes necessary. - 特許庁



A hydrogen gas sensing element 101 is configured so that an interdigital electrode 112, which is a part of a circuit element of an equivalent circuit having a predetermined impedance, is coated by tungsten oxide that supports a noble metal catalyst having hydrogen dissociation power, and the impedance in the equivalent circuit changes with changes in the conductivity of the tungsten oxide which is changed by the dissociation and absorption of hydrogen atoms. - 特許庁


Other than energy resources, a comparison of resources used as the main materials in Japan's industry over the past five years (January 2003 to January 2008) reveals uranium used in nuclear power plants, for example, has risen 8.62x, and the price for many other resources has risen by over 2x (see Table 3-2-1). - 経済産業省


The variable resistance element is formed of a variable resistor 5 of the titanium oxide doped by its element having a valence of a trivalence or lower and its electric resistance between electrodes 4 and 6 for the variable resistor 5 is changed by applying a voltage to the electrodes 4 and 6. - 特許庁


The "accident" is an abnormal condition exceeding the "abnormal transients during operation", which is assumed to occur, although the frequency of occurrence is very small, and a release of radioactive materials from nuclear installations should be evaluated. Ten events and nine events for PWR and BWR, respectively, are selected. - 経済産業省


"Abnormal transients during operation" are defined as events that result in abnormal conditions caused by a single equipment failure, malfunction or single operational error assumable in the lifetime of the nuclear installation, and the external disturbance assumable to occur with similar frequency of the single equipment failure, etc. during the operation of the nuclear installations, and fourteen events and twelve events are selected for PWRs and BWRs, respectively. - 経済産業省


To provide a method for evaluating the concentration of ion impurities in secondary coolant at a PWR-type nuclear power plant which makes it possible to work out rational countermeasures to restrain the concentration of the ion impurities from rising by projecting the changes in the concentration of the ion impurities in the secondary coolant. - 特許庁


The catalyst support for supporting noble metal includes a multiple oxide of an electron accepting element (La) having electron accepting property of accepting electrons from a noble metal element by approaching or contacting the noble metal element (Pt) and not varying the atomic valence by oxidation-reduction reaction, and another element (Zr). - 特許庁


The catalyst carrier for carrying a noble metal on it comprises; an electron-acceptable element (La), which accepts an electron from a noble metal element (Pt) by the approaching or contacting of the noble metal element and is not variable in valence in oxidation-reduction reaction; and a composite oxide of another element (Si). - 特許庁


In order to evaluate the accelerate ageing method, the studies have been conducted using test samples of the safety-related cable currently used in the nuclear installation and obtained the deterioration data of thermal and radiation ageing adopted sequentially and simultaneously. The objective of research is to establish the comprehensive assessment method of the cable aging characteristics and define environmental design conditions appropriately based on the new knowledge obtained in recent years. - 経済産業省



The present invention relates to a film thickness evaluation method for measuring the distribution of film thickness of an insulation thin film by using an atomic force microscope which applies a variable DC voltage between a sample and a probe held by a cantilever. - 特許庁


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