該当件数 : 8件
Relief from a decision on injunction or seizure or the lifting of such measures during the course of the proceedings may be sought by separate appeal. - 特許庁
On pain of nullity of the seizure, the creditor effecting the seizure shall be required, within the prescribed period of time, to petition the court for validation of the seizure and for the purpose of offering the patent for sale. - 特許庁
After a writ of attachment has been enforced, the party whose property has been attached, or the person appearing on his behalf, may move for the discharge of the attachment wholly or in part on the security given. - 特許庁
Therefore, conventional labor of individually inserting the tubes 10A-10C in a rack similar to a test tube stand by the manual work of a worker is dispensed with. - 特許庁
Although he was a member of the Japanese Communist Party, Imai did not press its ideology; instead, he delved into social issues such as war, discrimination and poverty, and beautifully filmed the weak at the mercy of these conditions with compassion. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Without prejudice to any civil and criminal actions that may be available, an owner of industrial property rights may institute infringement proceedings against any person who infringes those rights. Infringement proceedings may also be instituted where there is an immediate risk of the rights of that owner being violated. Proceedings may be instituted ex officio on a decision of the competent office. They shall in any event be subject to the procedure laid down in Title V of Legislative Decree No. 807, with the exception of Article 22 of that legislation. - 特許庁
(7) (6)にいう請求を行った者であって,同項にいう期間内に登録意匠又は登録意匠と実質的に差異のない意匠を実施する物品を製造,使用又は処分する目的で資金,時間又は労力を費やしたものは,所定の方法により裁判所に対し,そのように合理的に費やされた資金,時間又は労力に係る補償を申し立てることができ,裁判所は,適切と認める命令を発出することができる。例文帳に追加
(7) Any person who, having made a request referred to in subsection (6),expends during the period referred to in that subsection, any money, time or labour with a view to making, using or disposing of any article embodying the registered design or a design not substantially different from a registered design, as the case may be, may apply in the manner prescribed to the court for compensation in respect of the money, time or labour reasonably so expended, and the court may issue such order as it may deem fit. - 特許庁
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