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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 持坂西に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 8



In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he took sides with the West squad and took charge of guarding Hirano-guchi gateway from Tennoji, Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1542, Nobuhide fought against the Imagawa Army and had a victory at the Battle of Azukizaka, and protected his interest in Nishi-Mikawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The split of the Hongwan-ji Temple religious community into east and west originated from the difference of opinion within the community at the end of the Ikko Ikki (Ishiyama War) (1570-1580), which was fought around Ishiyama Hongwan-ji Temple at the end of the Age of Civil War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(As she hoped,) her husband is a shipping agent using horses and carts, and his pseudonym is OCHIKATABE no Tsugoro and his real name is Mochiyuki TSUMORI; he runs around from Otsu and Sakamoto in the east to Yodo and Yamasaki in the west.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The bad reputation that the Satsuma Domain had rested on things like this, and caused them no small interruption of their activities in Kyoto and Osaka, Saigo was ordered by Dennai KOBA of Osaka Rusui to regulate the activeity of the merchant of Satsuma who is in Osaka on June 11, and he gave the order to merchants who did not have Orai-tegata (travel permit) to go return to their points of origin, and also made strict regulations in the domain, and took measures against merchants coming to Osaka by command of domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is thought that Kyoto nanakuchi were originally set as entrances to the roads connecting Kyoto and seven circuits, and are said to be the Oohara entrance (the Ohara Entrance, the Yase entrance: the Hokuriku road), the Kurama entrance (the Izumo road entrance), the Awata entrance (the Higashi-sanjo entrance: the Tokai road), the Fushimi entrance (the Uji entrance, the Kohata entrance: the Nankai road), the Toba entrance (the Saikai road), the Tanba entrance (the Nishi-shichijo entrance, the Shichijo entrance: the Sanin road) and the Nagasaka entrance (the Tanba road); however, this theory came about after the Edo Period and when such checkpoints had been abolished, so there are doubts surrounding whether these are historical facts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Japan, the Keihan Keishin Line is the only one that serves as three different types of tracks: a subway, a mountain railway and a tram; a vehicle consisting of four cars enters a subway (Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway) in the central part of Kyoto City (not a mutual entry but a single entry of the Keihan Keishin Line), runs through a steep curve and slope like a mountain railway near Osakayama, which used to be the hilliest part of the Kyu-Tokaido (the former Tokaido) on the boundary of Kyoto Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture, and runs like a tram along National Route 161 in the central part of Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture (between Misasagi Station shared with the Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway, and Kyu-Misasagi-fudo Fumikiri (Railroad Crossing at the former Kyoto Prefecture Route of Misasagi) (Sanjo-dori Street) runs a subway).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On the same day, SAIGO held a council of war, and Kohei proposed the plan that 'the troops should attack Nagasaki from sea and then divide into two groups, one of which would raid Kobe and Osaka and the other of which would raid Yokohama and the headquarters in Tokyo', whereas Oshisuke NOMURA proposed the plan of heading east through three courses that 'the army should divide into three groups, one of which would go to Nagasaki by sea and head east from there, another of which would go to Shikoku and Osaka by sea through Buzen and Bungo Provinces and head east from there, and the other of which would head east by land through Kumamoto, Saga, and Fukuoka,' but both of the plans seemed to have little chance of succeeding for the Satsuma army, which had no warship but only three steamships; finally, they adopted the IKEGAMI's plan of 'deploying part of the army in Kumamoto Castle to defend the region and having the main force headed east by land.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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