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President of the Senateの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 17


the vice president of the United States who presides over the United States Senate 例文帳に追加

米国の副大統領で、米国上院を統括する - 日本語WordNet

wife of President Clinton and later a woman member of the United States Senate (1947-) 例文帳に追加

クリントン大統領の妻で、後の米国上院の女性議員(1947年−) - 日本語WordNet

The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense 例文帳に追加

上院は、国防長官の大統領の候補者を承認した - 日本語WordNet

Afterwards, he resigned from his diplomatic position and served as Genroin gikan (Councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate), Vice President of the Privy Council, and Privy Councilor. 例文帳に追加

その後、外交官を辞職し、元老院議官、枢密院副議長、枢密顧問官などを務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a legal expression in the United States Constitution that allows the Senate to constrain the President's powers of appointment and treaty-making 例文帳に追加

米国憲法の法律用語で、上院に大統領指名権と立法を制約する - 日本語WordNet


Shigeru NARAHARA: Baron, the president of Nippon Railway, Genroin gikan, (councillor of Chamber of Elders or Senate) the Prefectural governor of Okinawa Prefecture, the imperial court councillor 例文帳に追加

奈良原繁男爵・日本鉄道会社社長・元老院議官・沖縄県知事・宮中顧問官 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Meiji Restoration he assumed important posts such as Sanyo (councilor), Genroin gikan (councilor of the Chamber of Elders or Senate), Kobu-taifu (Minister of Industry), Kunai-jikan (an undersecretary of Imperial Household Agency) and president of Nippon Railway (the first private railway company in Japan). 例文帳に追加

維新後は、参与や元老院議官、工部大輔、宮内次官、また日本鉄道社長などの要職を歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though he had became the government official and was promoted up to Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate) after Meiji Restoration, he took part in forming Liberal Party (Japan) and became vice president. 例文帳に追加

明治維新後は政府の役人となり元老院議官にまで昇ったが、自由党(日本)を結成に参加し副総理となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

*1851-1925 He worked actively during the French Third Republic The Prime Minister in 1895, the President of the Senate, and the first Presidents of the Assembly of the League of Nations received the Laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1920例文帳に追加

※1851-1925。フランス第三共和制期に活躍。1895年に首相、1920年に上院議長、国際連盟初代理事会議長に就任し、同年、ノーベル平和賞を受賞した。 - 厚生労働省


Later he became Genroin gikan (councilor of Chamber of Elders or Senate) (Japan) where he engaged in discussion of Penal Code and Chizaiho (the Criminal Procedure Law of 1880 -1890), and filled posts of a minister to Russia, President of Decoration Bureau and the chairman of Genroin (the Chamber of Elders). 例文帳に追加

その後元老院(日本)議官となり刑法・治罪法審議に従事し、駐露公使・賞勲局総裁・元老院議長を務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, in October 2004, a bill was submitted adding an article repealing the 1916 AD Act to the Omnibus Tariff Bill. Following approval by the House of Representatives and the Senate, the bill was signed into law by the President on December 3, 2004, thereby repealing the 1916 AD Act.例文帳に追加

他方、同年10 月、「関税関連一括法案」に1916 年AD 法の廃止条項を追加する法案が提出され、両院にて可決の後、同年12 月3 日に大統領署名がなされ、これによって1916 年AD 法は廃止された。 - 経済産業省

Mr. Eduardo Joson, Records Officer II, is hereby directed to immediately file three certified copies of these Regulations with the University of the Philippines Law Center, and, one certified copy each to the Office of the President, the Senate of the Philippines, the House of Representatives the Supreme Court of the Philippines, and the National Library.例文帳に追加

本条により,Eduardo Joson第2記録官には,本規則の認証謄本3通をフィリピン大学法律センターに,認証謄本各1通を大統領府,フィリピン上院,下院,フィリピン最高裁判所及び国立図書館に直ちに提供すべき旨を指示する。 - 特許庁

Mr. Eduardo Joson, Records Officer II, is hereby directed to immediately file three certified copies of these Regulations with the University of the Philippines Law Center, and, one certified copy each to the Office of the President, the Senate of the Philippines, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court of the Philippines, and the National Library.例文帳に追加

Eduardo Joson第2記録官には,ここに,本規則の認証謄本3通をフィリピン大学法律センターに,認証謄本各1通を大統領府,フィリピン上院,下院,フィリピン最高裁判所及び国立図書館に直ちに提供することを指示する。 - 特許庁

Regarding your question, I am aware that on July 31August 1 Japan timethe leaders of the Democratic and Republican Parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives agreed on (a plan to raise) the debt ceiling determined by the federal government based on law and that President Obama announced the agreement. 例文帳に追加

今のご質問でございますが、7月31日、日本時間では8月1日でございますが、連邦政府が債務の法定上限を法律で決めておりますから、これについて、米上下両院の民主党、共和党の指導部が合意に達して、オバマ大統領が発表したことは承知をいたしております。 - 金融庁

Shortly past 1 p.m. Friday, October 3, U.S. time, or shortly past 2 a.m. Saturday, October 4, Japan time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Bill, which had been passed by the Senate after a partial amendment, and the President signed it into law. 例文帳に追加

米国時間の10月3日金曜日午後1時過ぎ、日本時間で申しますと10月4日土曜日午前2時過ぎ、先に上院にて一部修正の上可決された緊急経済安定化法案が米国の下院においても可決され、そのあと、大統領署名を経て成立したということでございます。 - 金融庁

As you know, the U.S. Senate on July 26 passed a bill to expand the line of credit for the GSEs (government-sponsored enterprises) and make it possible to inject public funds in order to strengthen their capital bases. It is expected to be enacted upon signing by President Bush. 例文帳に追加

ご案内のとおり、7月26日、米国の(連邦議会)上院において、GSE(政府支援機関)への融資枠の拡大や、GSEへの公的資金による資本注入を可能とする住宅関連法案が可決され、ブッシュ大統領の署名によって成立する見込みと承知しております。 - 金融庁


As the plan needs to be passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, I will continue watching the situation.Now that the House of Representatives has passed it, the only remaining hurdle is a vote by the Senate, which is the majority-controlled by the Democratic Party, President Obama’s party, so there will be no problem. In any case, we will closely watch the potential impact on the financial and capital markets. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、連邦政府債務の法定上限の引き上げについて、両院での可決が必要であることから、引き続き状況を見守るとともに、下院は可決をしたという情報でございますから、あとは上院だけでございますけれども、(上院は)オバマさんの党でございます民主党が多いですから、ここは問題ないと思いますが、いずれにしても金融・資本市場に与える影響を注視してまいりたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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