
「to disturb the water」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > to disturb the waterに関連した英語例文





to disturb the waterの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 10


To provide an endoscope in which a water filling tube can be connected to the injection port of a sub-water supplying conduit arranged in an operation part so as not to disturb the operation of the endoscope.例文帳に追加

操作部に配置された副送水管路の注水口に内視鏡操作の妨げとならないように注水チューブを接続させることができる内視鏡を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a washroom installed with a storage-type water heater which does not disturb a wheelchair user even if the space to be installed is small and does not worsen its tapping capacity and to provide a method for installing a storage-type water heater.例文帳に追加

狭い洗面所に貯湯式温水器を設置しても車椅子の使用者の邪魔になることなく、また出湯性能も悪化させることのない、貯湯式温水器を備えた洗面所、および貯湯式温水器の設置方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

A water flow disturbing part 18 is provided between the bottom of the inner surface of the washing/spin-drying drum and the lower part of the pulsator 2, and the rotation of the pulsator 2 by the motor makes the flow of the washing water collide with the water flow disturbing part 18 to produce a vertical flow to the washing water and disturb the washing.例文帳に追加

洗濯兼脱水槽17の内面の底面とパルセータ2の下方との間に水流撹乱部18を設け、モータ6によるパルセータ2の回転によって、水流撹乱部18に洗濯液の流れを衝突させ、洗濯液に上下方向の流れを起こし、洗濯液を撹乱するように構成する。 - 特許庁

To satisfactorily discharge a beverage by suppressing small the water pressure of the beverage causing to disturb the inflow of replenishing air while surely suppressing pulsing when discharging the beverage.例文帳に追加

飲料を注出する際の脈動を確実に抑制しながら、補給空気の流入の妨げとなる飲料の水圧を小さく抑えて、飲料を良好に注出させる。 - 特許庁


In a test, in which the air is sent into voids in the pavement 51, the voids are not blocked up, so as to disturb the flow of the air as different from water, the test is repeated, and a measured value of high reliability can be obtained.例文帳に追加

このように舗装51の空隙に空気を送り込む試験であるから、水のように空隙を塞いで流れを妨げることが少なく、繰り返し試験して信頼性の高い測定値を得ることができる。 - 特許庁


The circulating water rises at such a low flow rate as not to disturb the gravity-drop of slag particles while being countercurrently brought into contact with the slag, and enters a quenching chamber 110 within a high temperature gasification furnace.例文帳に追加

循環水はスラグと向流接触しながらスラグ粒子の重力落下を妨げない程度に低い流速で上昇し、高温ガス化炉内の急冷室(110)に入る。 - 特許庁

To provide a water jet propulsion boat whose speed can be detected with satisfactory accuracy in such a way that an electromagnetic log does not disturb the stability of a high-speed gliding state and whose durability is not spoiled even when the boat runs up onto a sandy beach.例文帳に追加

電磁ログが高速滑走状態の安定を妨げることなく船速を精度よく検出でき、かつ砂浜等に乗り上げても耐久性が損なわれないようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide an anti-freezing device for header piping which hardly restricts the piping by taking water drainage, into consideration, requires no running cost, offers a simple operation and does not disturb the drainage even though there are many pipes.例文帳に追加

水抜きを考慮して配管が制約される恐れの少ない、ランニングコストがかからず、操作が簡単で、配管本数が多い場合でも、水抜きに支障を来さない、ヘッダ−配管の凍結防止装置を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To solve the problem that water flows reversely through an overflow pipe to disturb draining when a water shut-off valve of a water storage bowl is opened, in a water reservoir wherein a drain pipe is provided on the central bottom of the water storage bowl and wherein the overflow pipe is provided near an upper edge in such a manner as to merge into the drain pipe.例文帳に追加

貯水ボールの中央底部に排水管を有し上縁近くにオーバーフロー管を有しオーバーフロー管は排水管に合流してなる貯水器において、貯水ボールの止水栓を開いたとき、水がオーバーフロー管を逆流し排水の支障が生じることを解消することをその課題とする。 - 特許庁


(Masamune made a scheme to block the movement of bakufu army by flooding the southern part of Sendai after blocking the water of the Sendai-gawa River [today it is called Natori-gawa River], and then intercept the bakufu army by luring into a narrow place. In addition to that, Masamune planned to induce groups of ikki [revolt of peasants] to disturb the enemy into a confusion from behind.) 例文帳に追加

(仙台川(現在の名取川)を堰き止めて仙台南部を水浸しにして幕府軍の進軍を阻止し、さらに狭隘地に幕府軍を誘い込んで迎撃する。一方で、一揆衆を幕府軍後方で扇動し、後方を撹乱するつもりだった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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