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該当件数 : 13件
今 坊ちゃまが 会長に呼ばれているところですが。例文帳に追加
The young master has just been called in by the chairman. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The method for producing the heat-resistant fabric is characterized by shrinking a fabric containing the blended yarn and dissolving and removing the readily soluble fibers. - 特許庁
In this liana growth supporting net is made of a net body having a prescribed mesh and an upper rope to hang the net body, and has biodegradability allowing composting, the material of the support net comprises mixed twisted yarns obtained by mixing jute fiber sliver and ramie fiber sliver followed by twisting a plurality of the mixed yarns. - 特許庁
Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?発音を聞く - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 22:52』
To provide a method for producing an antimicrobial acrylic fiber that retains antimicrobial activity for a long period of time, is mixed with another fiber material to give a mixed spun yarn having soft and excellent feeling. - 特許庁
To provide a method for subjecting a synthetic fiber, a natural fiber and a blended yarn woven fabric to washing, dyeing, water-repellent processing, softening and antimicrobial processing by using supercritical, critical or liquid carbon dioxide and a polar organic solvent. - 特許庁
The conductive yarn 200 is obtained by mixing a conductive short fiber having a length shorter than 100 mm with an insulating filament and the conductive short fiber is projected outward from the conductive yarn 200 to form conductive fluffs 220. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 13件
To provide a highly effective technique for preventing the occurrence of cracks or breakage of a U-shaped rod that can expand and contract in any direction during a vapor-phase growing process of a polycrystalline silicon rod. - 特許庁
An electrode is formed at a desired part of a textile fabric or a non-woven fabric made of a conductive fabric having a metal film formed by electroless plating or electroplating on the surface of mixed fabric made by synthetic fiber or a mixture of synthetic fiber and natural fiber, and the electrode is formed by sewing a metal thread on the textile fabric or the non- woven fabric. - 特許庁
This woven fabric for the interlining is characterized by using blended yarns comprising latent-crimpable conjugated staple fibers having a cut length of ≥43 mm and cellulosic staple fibers having a larger cut length or average fiber length than those of the latent-crimpable conjugated staple fibers, as at least wefts. - 特許庁
This filter medium is formed by winding or laminating fiber thread or woven and knitted fabric consisting of blended yarns C which include hot-melting adhesive fibers A and fibers B which are different in dissolving behavior from the fibers A, further, is produced by removing the fibers B by dissolution after subjecting the fibers A to hot-melting and, as a result, voids are formed inside the blended yarns C. - 特許庁
The wool tuft carpet is a wool tuft carpet having cut piles and/or loop piles and the piles are formed of spun yarn which consists of short fibers mainly composed of aliphatic polyester binder fibers having biodegradability and wool, has 2 to 20% blending ratio of the binder fibers and is fusion bonded by the binder fibers. - 特許庁
This sheet 40 for the upper body is characterized in being formed by sticking a surface layer 41 made of a textile sheet formed of chemical fibers such as polyester having heat resistance and hydrolysis resistance, to an inner layer 42 made of a knitted or textile sheet formed of natural fibers such as cotton or blended fibers between natural fibers and chemical fibers. - 特許庁
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