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該当件数 : 59件
an international conference named {United Nations Conference on the Human Environment}発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Strengthen cooperation among interested APEC member economies and relevant international organizations in the sphere of peaceful use of nuclear energy - 経済産業省
Therefore, the ISO14000 family should work to establish a systematic linkage with organisational economic activities based on management system through the international standardization of EMA.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
There are hopes that environmental technologies, including energy-saving technologies developed by Japan, will be actively used to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases, including emissions in developing countries. - 経済産業省
The silver halide photographic sensitive material including at least one silver halide emulsion layer and a protective layer on a support, wherein a silver bromide content of a silver halide in the silver halide emulsion layer is 40-90 mol%, is packaged in an environment whose cleanliness is ≤1,000 in U.S. Federal Standard 209d class. - 特許庁
When a ready-to-win mode appears in the execution process of this display game, a possibility for the ready-to-win mode is notified beforehand in relation to the appearance mode of the patterns appearing on the boundary 313 between both display regions 311 and 312 before the appearance of the ready-to-win mode. - 特許庁
We encourage international organizations such as the UN, World Bank, OECD and RDBs that operate knowledge sharing platforms to strengthen and broaden sources of knowledge on growth and development.発音を聞く - 財務省
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該当件数 : 59件
Concerning EMA methodologies and approaches, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) released International Guidance Document: Environmental Management Accounting in 2005. However, as the main targets of the IFAC document are professional accountants, environmental managers in general are not very familiar with it.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
As global climate change becomes an increasingly serious concern and countries undertake initiatives to address it, Japan could contribute to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions if the Japanese enterprises with advanced environmental technologies aggressively and appropriately develop their operations overseas. - 経済産業省
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency checked the enforcement situation concerning four issues that were presupposed to respect (clarification of a licensee’s responsibilities, ensuring of quick initial responses at the time of disaster, close cooperation among the National Government, local governments, licensees, etc. and strengthening of the role of the National Government that has professional knowledge of nuclear energy) when the Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Act was enacted, and reported the following: - 経済産業省
Conducting peer reviews focusing on site observations, in cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) who has abundant peer review achievements in the U.S. and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) who conducts the international peer reviews, and thus supporting the operations of the members by extract good practices and suggestions for improvement with taking account of the operational experiences over the world. - 経済産業省
多国間の協力関係としては、現在、JISCが2008 年から2010年まで、その事務局業務を引き受けており、アジア太平洋地域の国標準化機関間におけるISO/IEC活動での連携強化・参加促進を目的として発足したPASC(Paci¢c Area Standards Congress:太平洋地域標準会議、現在25 カ国、地域が加盟)や日中韓3 カ国の標準化機関及び規格協会が参加し、ISO/IEC等国際標準化活動における個別分野の協力について意見交換する北東アジア(日中韓)標準協力フォーラムがある。例文帳に追加
As a multilateral cooperation, currently from 2008 to 2010, JISC has undertaken the Secretariat position, hosting the PASC (Pacific Area Standards Congress: Pacific Area Standards Meetings with currently 25 member countries and regions participating) that was established for strengthening cooperation and promoting the participation of ISO / IEC activities among the organization of Asia Pacific region's standardization. The Northeast Asian (CJK) Standard Cooperation Forum exchanges opinions of each fields? cooperation in ISO / IEC and other standardization activities with participants of CJK?s standardization organization and regulatory associations. - 経済産業省
In order to strengthen existing agriculture research systems we request the FAO and the World Bank to examine and recommend potential innovative results-based mechanisms, such as those examined by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and advanced market commitments for enhanced agricultural productivity.(March 2011)発音を聞く - 財務省
Examining financial situations, after the world economic crisis, each country supported the economy by taking various economic measures such as tax reduction (purchasing automobile, housing acquisition, etc.), initiating public works (transportation infrastructure, energy/environmental concerns, etc.) and making benefit payments (unemployment/ suspension of employment, etc.). - 経済産業省
Seven measures were identified for immediate institution by governments and private companies, namely:(1)strengthening of negotiations with the governments of countries where the infringements are occurring; (2) assistance for measures against rights-infringing products in other countries; (3)implementation of international border measures; (4) strengthening of efforts by private companies; (5) improved knowledge of the current situation in terms of rights-infringing products and implementation of effective means of utilizing this knowledge; (6) promotion of cross-industry linkage among private companies and strengthening joint government-private sector measures; and (7) introduction of strategies for measures against rights-infringing products. Concrete measures now need to be accelerated based on these recommendations. - 経済産業省
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