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英訳・英語 thoughtfulness、consideration




しん酌 とも書く


対訳 taking into consideration; making allowances (for)


対訳 reserve; restraint; leniency; mercy


該当件数 : 16



Taking into consideration accounting practices発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百四十七条 裁判所は、判決をするに当たり、口頭弁論の全趣旨及び証拠調べの結果をしん酌して、自由な心証により、事実についての主張を真実と認めるべきか否かを判断する。例文帳に追加

Article 247 When making a judgment, the court, in light of the entire import of the oral argument and the result of the examination of evidence, and based on its free determination, shall decide whether or not the allegations on facts are true.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十条 次条から第二十六条までの規定の用語の解釈及び規定の適用に関しては、一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準その他の企業会計の慣行をしん酌しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 10 With regard to the interpretation of terms set forth in the following Article through Article 26 and the application of the provisions thereunder, generally accepted corporate accounting standards and other accounting practices shall be taken into consideration.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十五条の二 次条から第五十五条の五までの規定の用語の解釈及び規定の適用に関しては、一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準その他の企業会計の慣行をしん酌しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 55-2 With regard to the interpretation of the terms set forth in the following Article through Article 55-5 and the application of the provisions thereunder, generally accepted corporate accounting standards and other accounting practices shall be taken into consideration.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十条の四 次条から第六十条の十二までの規定の用語の解釈及びその適用に関しては、一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準その他の会計慣行をしん酌しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 60-4 With regard to the interpretation of terms set forth in the following Article through Article 60-12 and the application of such provisions, generally accepted corporate accounting standards and other accounting practices shall be taken into consideration.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

次条から第五十五条の五までの規定の用語の解釈及び規定の適用に関しては、一般に公 正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準その他の企業会計の慣行をしん酌しなければならな い。例文帳に追加

With regard to the interpretation and adoption of terms in the provisions of the following Article through Article 55-5, generally accepted corporate accounting standards and other accounting practices shall be applied.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


次条から第六十条の十二までの規定の用語の解釈及びその適用に関しては、一般に公正 妥当と認められる企業会計の基準その他の会計慣行をしん酌しなければならない。例文帳に追加

With regard to the interpretation and adoption of terms in the provisions of the]following Article through Article 60-12, generally accepted corporate accounting standards and other accounting practices shall be applied.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 16


第六十一条の二 市町村は、居宅要支援被保険者のうち所得の状況その他の事情をしん酌して厚生労働省令で定めるものが、次に掲げる指定介護予防サービス(以下この条及び次条第一項において「特定介護予防サービス」という。)を受けたときは、当該居宅要支援被保険者(以下この条及び次条第一項において「特定入所者」という。)に対し、当該特定介護予防サービスを行う指定介護予防サービス事業者(以下この条において「特定介護予防サービス事業者」という。)における食事の提供に要した費用及び滞在に要した費用について、特定入所者介護予防サービス費を支給する。ただし、当該特定入所者が、第三十七条第一項の規定による指定を受けている場合において、当該指定に係る種類以外の特定介護予防サービスを受けたときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 61-2 (1) A Municipality, when a person as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare due to the extenuating income status and other circumstances among those who are an Insured In-Home Person Requiring Support receives Designated Preventive Long-Term Care Service (herein referred to as "Specified Preventive Service of Long-Term Care" in this Article and the following Article paragraph (1)) as listed below, shall pay to said Insured In-Home Person Requiring Support (herein referred to as "Specified Person Admitted to a Facility" in this Article and the following Article paragraph (1)) the Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility for the expenses required to provide meals and residence by a Designated Provider of Preventive Long-Term Care Service that provides said Specified Preventive Service of Long-Term Care (herein referred to as "Long-Term Care Preventive Service Specified Provider" in this Article), however, provided that this provision shall not apply to when said Specified Person Admitted to a Facility who is assigned a designation pursuant to the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (1) receives Specified Preventive Service of Long-Term Care other than the type pertaining to said designation:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 支給決定障害者等が同一の月に受けた指定障害福祉サービス等に要した費用(特定費用を除く。)の額の合計額から、前項の規定により算定された当該同一の月における介護給付費及び訓練等給付費の合計額を控除して得た額が、当該支給決定障害者等の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、当該同一の月における介護給付費又は訓練等給付費の額は、同項の規定により算定した費用の額の百分の九十に相当する額を超え百分の百に相当する額以下の範囲内において政令で定める額とする。例文帳に追加

(4) If the amount of obtained by deducting the total amount of nursing care payment and payment for training etc. which is calculated pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph from the expenses for designated welfare service for persons with disabilities, or others which persons with disabilities given grant decision received in the same month (except specified expenses) surpasses the amount prescribed in the Cabinet Order as considering influences of such amount on domestic accounts of such persons with disabilities given grant decision and other circumstances, notwithstanding the provision of this paragraph, the amount for nursing care payment or payment for training etc. in such same month shall be equivalent to an amount prescribed in the Cabinet Order within the range from over 90/100 to 100/100 of the amount of expenses calculated pursuant to the provision of this paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十四条 市町村は、施設入所支援その他の政令で定める障害福祉サービス(以下この項において「特定入所サービス」という。)に係る支給決定を受けた障害者のうち所得の状況その他の事情をしん酌して厚生労働省令で定めるもの(以下この項及び次条第一項において「特定障害者」という。)が、支給決定の有効期間内において、指定障害者支援施設又はのぞみの園(以下「指定障害者支援施設等」という。)に入所し、当該指定障害者支援施設等から特定入所サービスを受けたときは、当該特定障害者に対し、当該指定障害者支援施設等における食事の提供に要した費用及び居住に要した費用(次条第一項において「特定入所費用」という。)について、政令で定めるところにより、特定障害者特別給付費を支給する。例文帳に追加

Article 34 (1) In the event that a person with disabilities prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as considering the person's income status or other circumstances (hereinafter referred to as "specified person with disabilities" in this paragraph and the succeeding paragraph) among the persons with disabilities who are given grant decision pertaining to support for residential care or the other welfare service for persons with disabilities prescribed in the Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "specified residential service") entered a designated support facility for persons with disabilities or Nozominosono (hereinafter referred to as "designated support facilities for persons with disabilities, or others") and received specified residential service from such designated support facility for persons with disabilities, or others during the valid period of grant decision, a municipality shall grant special payment for specified persons with disabilities to such specified person with disabilities pursuant to the provision in the Cabinet Order concerning the expenses required for meal service and housing in such designated support facility for persons with disabilities (referred to as "specified residential expenses" in paragraph 1 of the succeeding Article).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 当該指定自立支援医療(食事療養及び生活療養を除く。以下この号において同じ。)につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の百分の九十に相当する額。ただし、当該支給認定障害者等が同一の月における指定自立支援医療に要した費用の額の合計額の百分の十に相当する額が、当該支給認定障害者等の家計に与える影響、障害の状態その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、当該指定自立支援医療につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の範囲内において政令で定めるところにより算定した額例文帳に追加

(i) The expense of designated medical care for services and supports for persons with disabilities (excluding dietary therapy and life therapy; the same shall apply in this item) is the amount equivalent to 90/100 of the amount calculated according to the method used in health insurance for calculating the amount of expenses required for medical treatment; provided, however, that shall be an amount calculated pursuant to the provision in the Cabinet Order within the range of the amount calculated pursuant to the method used in health insurance for calculating the amount of expenses required for medical treatment for such medical care if an amount equivalent to 10/100 of the total expenses amount which persons with disabilities, or others awarded support grants required for designated medical care for services and supports for persons with disabilities in the same month surpasses the amount prescribed in the Cabinet Order as considering influences of such amount on domestic accounts of persons with disabilities, or others awarded grants, their conditions of disabilities, and other circumstances.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 補装具費の額は、補装具の購入又は修理に通常要する費用の額を勘案して厚生労働大臣が定める基準により算定した費用の額(その額が現に当該補装具の購入又は修理に要した費用の額を超えるときは、当該現に補装具の購入又は修理に要した費用の額とする。以下この項において「基準額」という。)の百分の九十に相当する額とする。ただし、当該基準額の百分の十に相当する額が、当該補装具費支給対象障害者等の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、当該基準額から当該政令で定める額を控除して得た額とする。例文帳に追加

(2) An amount for prosthetic devices expenses shall be equivalent to 90/100 of the expenses amount calculated by the standard specified by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as considering the expenses normally needed for purchase or repair of prosthetic devices (If the amount surpasses the amount of expenses which was actually required for purchase or repair of such prosthetic devices, the amount shall be such amount of expenses which was actually required for purchase or repair for the prosthetic devices; hereinafter referred to as "base amount"); provided, however, if, an amount equivalent to 10/100 of such base amount surpasses the amount prescribed in the Cabinet Order as considering influences of such amount on domestic accounts of such object persons with disabilities for prosthetic devices, the amount shall be the amount obtained by deducting such amount prescribed in such Cabinet Order from such base amount.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 施設給付決定保護者が同一の月に受けた指定施設支援に要した費用(特定費用を除く。)の額の合計額から、前項の規定により算定された当該同一の月における障害児施設給付費の合計額を控除して得た額が、当該施設給付決定保護者の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、当該同一の月における障害児施設給付費の額は、同項の規定により算定した費用の額の百分の九十に相当する額を超え百分の百に相当する額以下の範囲内において政令で定める額とする。例文帳に追加

(3) When the amount obtained by deducting the total amount of Institutional Benefits for Disabled Children for one and the same month as calculated pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph from the total amount of expenses (excluding Specified Expenses) spent for the Designated Institutional Support provided to a Recognized Beneficiary Guardian in said specific month exceeds the amount specified by a Cabinet Order by taking into account the impact on the household finances of said Recognized Beneficiary Guardian and other circumstances, the amount of Institutional Benefits for Disabled Children for said one and the same month shall be equal to the amount specified by a Cabinet Order that shall be within the range more than ninety-hundredths (90/100) of the amount of expenses calculated pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph and not more than the full amount (100/100) thereof, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十四条の七 都道府県は、施設給付決定保護者のうち所得の状況その他の事情をしん酌して厚生労働省令で定めるものに係る障害児(知的障害児通園施設に通う者その他厚生労働省令で定める者を除く。)が、給付決定期間内において、指定知的障害児施設等に入所し、当該指定知的障害児施設等から指定施設支援を受けたときは、当該施設給付決定保護者に対し、当該指定知的障害児施設等における食事の提供に要した費用及び居住に要した費用について、政令で定めるところにより、特定入所障害児食費等給付費を支給する。例文帳に追加

Article 24-7 (1) When a disabled child (excluding persons attending daycare institutions for mentally retarded children and other persons specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) pertaining to such a Recognized Beneficiary Guardian that is specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by taking into account his/her state of income and other circumstances is admitted into a Designated Institution for Mentally Retarded Children, etc. during the Benefits Payment Period and the disabled children receives Designated Institutional Support from said Designated Institution for Mentally Retarded Children, etc., the prefectural government shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, pay Benefits for Meal Expenses, etc. for Specified Institutionalized Disabled Children to said Recognized Beneficiary Guardian with regard to the expenses spent for the provision of meals and for residence in said Designated Institution for Mentally Retarded Children, etc.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


一 当該障害児施設医療(食事療養(健康保険法 (大正十一年法律第七十号)第六十三条第二項 に規定する食事療養をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を除く。以下この号において同じ。)につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の百分の九十に相当する額。ただし、当該施設給付決定保護者が同一の月における障害児施設医療に要した費用の額の合計額の百分の十に相当する額が、当該施設給付決定保護者の家計に与える影響その他の事情をしん酌して政令で定める額を超えるときは、当該障害児施設医療につき健康保険の療養に要する費用の額の算定方法の例により算定した額の範囲内において政令で定めるところにより算定した額例文帳に追加

(i) Ninety-hundredths (90/100) of the amount calculated with regard to the referenced Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children (excluding dietary treatment (which shall mean dietary treatment provided in Article 63 paragraph (2) of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922); the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph); the same shall apply hereinafter in this item) by applying the calculation method for the amount of expenses spent for medical treatment covered by health insurance; provided, however, that, when ten-hundredths (10/100) of the total amount of expenses spent by the referenced Recognized Beneficiary Guardian for Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children in a specific month exceeds the amount provided by a Cabinet Order by taking into account the impact on the household finances of said Recognized Beneficiary Guardian and other circumstances, the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order shall apply, which shall be within a range of the amount calculated with regard to said Institutional Medical Care for Disabled Children by applying the calculation method for the amount of expenses spent for medical treatment covered by health insurance; and発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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