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The horizontal adjustment seat plate 2 is constructed so as to be capable of adjusting the angle formed by the guide rail placing surface 2a and the both end upper faces of the main beam 1. - 特許庁
Thereby, since the case penetration part of the lead wire 13 can be positioned, by corresponding to the lead-wire penetrating part K of the air-conditioning cases 2 and 3, the evaporator 4 and the air-conditioning cases 2 and 3 can be assembled automatically. - 特許庁
x=(1+10000×t×UT×C)× UT /(p^2×E×t) ≦0.1・・・(A) ここに、 t:板厚(mm)、UT:鋼板単位断面積当たりの張力(kg/mm^2)、C:冷却勾配(℃/m)、p:浮揚支持ピッチ(m)、E:ヤング率(kg/mm^2)例文帳に追加
Wherein, t: sheet thickness (mm), UT: tension (kg/mm^2) per unit cross sectional area of the steel sheet, C: cooling gradient (°C/m), p: floating support-pitch (m) and E: Young's modulus (kg/mm^2). - 特許庁
(2) In Aina, Yamada-cho, Kita Ward, Kobe City (Town), it is said that seeds obtained in Megaki-mura (the present-day Ibaraki City) grew into high-quality sakamai, which, as it was honored as Japan's best at the exhibition of 1890, it was named Yamadaboafter the name of the place.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The second supplementary budget, which was adopted upon a cabinet decision today, is worth around 2 trillion yen and includes measures to deal with the double loan problem. How do you feel about its size and contents?発音を聞く - 金融庁
The polyethylene multifilament yarn is further characterized by having greater than about 60% of a high strain orthorhombic crystalline component and, optionally, a monoclinic crystalline component greater than about 2% of the crystalline content. - 特許庁
According to "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued), ONO no Azumahito died on December 7, 742, and he was 'a son of Jikikoshi Hatayasu who had served as Kyushiki-daibu (internal inspector) in the Asuka Dynasty.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 63件
In response to the letter from Ieyasu which arrived in November, 1600, Masamune ordered 'a survey on a number of warriors including vassals in military service' on February 17, 1601 to secretly prepare for the battle, but the conquest of Uesugi was canceled as a result because the Uesugi family called for the surrender through Masanobu HONDA and Hideyasu YUKI.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The skirt with a fastener is structured as follows: at least one button 2 is sewn on a center line inside the front face or the back face of a skirt having a standard size for a wearer or a size slightly larger than the standard size; and a button hole 1 is formed on a center line on the side opposite to the side where the button(s) is (are) attached. - 特許庁
約10mmH_2 O(98パスカル(Pa))乃至40mmH_2 O(3.92×10^2 パスカル(Pa))の範囲内の増加分において、少なくとも約400mmH_2 O(3.92×10^3 パスカル(Pa))まで、選択的に調節可能である閾値圧力において、操作可能である弁を使用する。例文帳に追加
A valve operable at a threshold pressure that is selectively adjustable up to at least about 400 mm H_2O (3.92×10^3 Pa) at increments in the range of about 10 mm H_2O (98 Pa) to 40 mm H_2O (3.92×10^2 Pa) is used. - 特許庁
This pair of waterproof gloves (1) for cooking has a chemical woven cloth (2) fulfilling the role similar to that of a scrubbing brush or a sponge, set on a part necessary for washing work. - 特許庁
According to this production method, the anisotropically shaped powder having a pseudo-cubic perovskite structure, in which the crystal face is oriented in the (100) plane, and the ratio of the average grain length in the major axis direction to the average grain length in the thickness direction is 2 to 20, can be obtained. - 特許庁
(2) 法律第 225条(2)の適用上、商標登録出願であって、1977年 3月 2日に中央アフリカ共和国のバンギで締結され、「アフリカ及びマダガスカル工業所有権庁の創設に関する協定を改訂する、アフリカ知的所有権機関の創設に関する協定」という名称の条約(2以上の条約国の間に存在する条約)に基づいてされる出願は、同条約の条件に従い、その条約諸国の各国においてされる出願と同等であると宣言する。例文帳に追加
(2) For the purposes of subsection 225(2) of the Act an application for the registration of a trade mark being an application that is made under the treaty done at Bangui in the Central African Republic on 2 March 1977 entitled the Agreement Relating to the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organisation Constituting a Revision of the Agreement Relating to the Creation of an African and Malagasy Office of Industrial Property (a treaty subsisting between 2 or more Convention countries) is in accordance with the terms of that treaty declared to be equivalent to an application made in each of those Convention countries. - 特許庁
Since the compound 1 has the property of strongly restraining (regularly arraying) alcohol molecules on the surface, an alcohol solution 2 can be separated into a low-concentration alcohol solution 3 and a high-concentration alcohol solution 4 by dropping the solution 2 on the surface of the compound 1. - 特許庁
When the card 2 is away from the dedicated case for a long time because of a loss or robbery, no driving current is supplied from the charging/discharging circuit 8 to the liquid crystal display part 4 and the display part becomes transparent. - 特許庁
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