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英訳・英語 indies
JMdictでの「インディーズ」の英訳 |
文法情報 | (名詞) |
対訳 | indie (artist, film, record label, etc.); independent production; independent company; independent publisher |
該当件数 : 6件
Bands or musicians that had played a gig at the Seibu-Kodo Hall had been shifted to indie bands.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To manage the copyright of a piece of music composed by indie artists through music distribution so that a copyright fee accompanying the music distribution of the piece of music acquired in response to charging can be distributed to the indie artists, and to realize the music distribution of the piece of music composed by the indie artists to plural users so that the indie artists can be given a place of activities. - 特許庁
In 2002, an indie song titled 'The Song of Takoyaki' (sung by Kaori UTAKA and Tako Ball Kids), produced by Nobuyuki KAMITANI, the president of Raple Co., Ltd., was released and its CD has sold more than ten thousand copies particularly in Osaka.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Such a change in the business environment has brought about structural changes where not only companies with plenty of machinery and equipment (called "majors"), but also companies like indies that do not own machinery and equipment but have only know-how or detailed knowledge about customer preferences, can enter the CD production business. - 経済産業省
In the transition of core products from analog records to digital CDs, however, the sharp decline in economies of scale regarding the cost of CD reproduction made it possible to produce CDs to meet customer needs for those with in-depth ideas and know-how about very narrow areas of particular types of music (the type of operation called "indies") in spite of a lack of tangible assets like studios or press factories. One good example is, HOWLING BULL Entertainment, Inc. (Fig. 2.1.5). - 経済産業省
In April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, the company led by Shozo MAKINO that had been distributing Makino films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top execute of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to get in contact with 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, such as Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe who was greatly interested in Indies films, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan; also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) to eradicate the intervening contracting company and introduce policies that would provide direct production fees to independent film productions.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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