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英訳・英語 accession rate; hiring rate
該当件数 : 21件
About half of the new hiring is hiring those who changed jobs, and the ratio of hired persons who changed jobs to all employees tends to increase. - 厚生労働省
入職の約半数は転職入職であり、転職入職率は上昇傾向だが足下で1 割前後とその水準は低い 。例文帳に追加
About half of the new hiring is hiring those who changed jobs; the ratio of hired persons who changed jobs to all employees shows the tendency of increase, but is at a low level of around 10% at the present moment . - 厚生労働省
rate at which the number of workers increase in a company発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Regarding the ratio of hirees who had changed jobs by age group, the MHLW's Survey on Employment Trends (2003) shows the ratio to fall as age rises (Fig. 3-2-38). - 経済産業省
(大規模事業所でも増加傾向の転職入職者)事業所での常用労働者の流入を第25図によりみると、転職入職者数は1981年以降一貫して入職の約半数を占め、転職入職率も上昇傾向にあるが足下で1 割前後とその水準は依然として低い 。例文帳に追加
(In large business establishments, the persons hired after their job change tend to increase) Looking at the inflow of workers regularly employed at business establishments according to Figure 25, in and after 1981, the number of persons hired after their job change consistently accounted for about half of the new hiring, and the ratio of hired persons who changed jobs to all employees shows the tendency of increase, but is still at a low level of around 10% at the present moment . - 厚生労働省
To provide a cash balance plan PBO estimating system capable of easily inputting an interest and a discount rate to trial-calculate a severance pay debt in companies which intend to adopt a cash balance and accurately calculating a severance benefit amount even after an introduction of the system to detect a severance pay debt. - 特許庁
To provide a data conversion system for enabling even a staff inexperienced in registering operation to correctly and efficiently perform the operation. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 21件
This situation is lifting the rate of university enrolments in the United States, while the highest-paying jobs are increasingly being taken by those with the best academic backgrounds (Figs. 3.1.9, 3.1.10). - 経済産業省
◆今後5年間で、失業期間6か月以上の者を2割減少させ、一般労働者の転職入職率を9%(2011 年:7.4%)とすることを目指す例文帳に追加
◆In the next five years, decrease by 20% those who have been unemployed for more than six months, and raise the rate of hiring general workers who changed their job within a year to 9% (2011: 7.4%).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
In 1862, guarded by the Satsuma-han Clan army under the command of Hisamitsu SHIMAZU, the Emperor's messenger, Shigetomi OHARA, entered Edo and delivered Emperor Komei's order to "promote Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA to the Shogun's guardian (Shogun Kokenshoku) and Shungaku (Yoshinaga) MATSUDAIRA to Tairo."発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Case 3-3-7 provides one example of the concrete effects on business management, including a decline in the proportion of product defects, resulting from focusing on the development of a working environment that makes it easier to combine work and parenting. - 経済産業省
2009 年1 月に、タイでは失業者の職業訓練、公共投資(鉄道、道路、空港等)、農業のインフラ整備、低燃費車普及支援(輸入関税率の引き下げ等)、低所得者向けに定額給付、中小企業支援(最低税率の適用拡大)等を盛り込んだ景気刺激策を発表(1,167 億バーツ)。例文帳に追加
In January 2009, Thailand announced 116.7 baht of economic stimulus package that includes job training for employed people, public investment such as railroads, roads and airports, agricultural infrastructure development, energy-efficient car promotion through the reduction of import tariff, cash benefit provision to the low-income group and small-to-medium business support enhancing the application of the lowest tax rate. - 経済産業省
To enhance the efficiency of loading and unloading a temporary structure on and from a truck, etc., shorten a time required for carrying-in and carrying-out thereof, alleviate the burden on workmen concerned therewith, make it easy to administer the warehousing and shipping thereof, and to reduce the transporting cost therefor. - 特許庁
An investigation of enterprises whose rate of retention of younger workers five years after hiring is at least 50% reveals that many feel that retention results in an “energized workplace and raised morale of employees” or “allowed use of skills and knowledge acquired by younger workers after hiring.” - 経済産業省
(i) as benchmarks for evaluating human capital, big corporations and other companies most frequently use the profiles of employees, labor turnover rate, labor retention rate, job vacancy rate, the performance and productivity of employees and employee participation in management; and (ii) as additional benchmarks on top of those in (i), companies utilize education and training (quantity, cost and efficiency), leadership and career development, revenue, profit per employee and compensation policy. - 経済産業省
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