








英訳・英語 national medicalchemistry institute




該当件数 : 19



d) The national government shall request that health care insurers and business operators implement hepatitis testing simultaneously with health checks by health care insurers based on the provisions of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70, 1922) and with medical examinations by business operators based on the provisions of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57,1972) in order to confirm various test chances. - 厚生労働省

「新健康フロンティア戦略」、「革新的医薬品・医機器創出のための5か年戦略」を踏まえ、民に重大な影響を与える疾患(重大疾病領域、希少疾病領域)に対し、先駆的な技術・モノ・システムの開発・実用を図るため、立高度専門医センターを中心に、産官学が密接に連携して臨床究・実用究を進める「医クラスター」を整備する。なお、2010 年度に独立行政法人されるにあたっては、立高度医専門センターが各分野において的確に機能を発揮できるようにする。(2008 年度~)例文帳に追加

Based on the 'New Health Frontier Strategy' and the 'Five-year Strategy for the Creation of Innovative Drugs and Medical Devices', 'Medical Clusters' shall be developed led by the National Centers for Advanced and Specialized Medical Care to promote clinical and applied research through close industry-government-university collaboration. The aim is to develop and commercialize pioneering technologies, goods and systems for disorders that have serious adverse effects on the public (major and rare diseases). Further, with the conversion of the National Centers for Advanced and Specialized Medical Care to independent administrative agencies in 2010, these centers shall be able to fulfil their respective roles more competently. (Fiscal 2008 ~ ) - 厚生労働省

(ⅰ)我がの優れた医分野の革新的技術の実用を強力に後押しするため、一元的な究管理、究から臨床への橋渡し、際水準の質の高い臨床究・治験が確実に実施される仕組みの構築等を行う司令塔機能(日本版NIH)を創設する。 【次期通常会に新独法設立法案提出】例文帳に追加

(i) To push forward the development of practical applications of Japan’s outstanding innovative medical technologies, establish control tower functions (Japanese version of NIH) which will create arrangements to ensure integrated research management, the linking of research and clinical practice, and high quality clinical research and clinical trials that meet international standards. (Submit bill to establish new independent administrative agency to Diet during next ordinary session)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

今後、我が発の革新的な医薬品・医機器の創出につながる治験・臨床究実施に必要な確固たる、また際競争力のある基盤を整備・強するため、中核病院・ 拠点医機関においては「中核病院・拠点医機関へ求める機能」に示された基盤整備を着実に進めるとともに、他の医機関においてもこれを参考に我が全体の治験・ 臨床究環境の改善に向けて取り組むべきである。例文帳に追加

In order to develop and reinforce a firm and internationally competitive infrastructure required for the implementation of clinical trials and clinical studies that lead to the creation of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Japan, it is necessary to steadily advance infrastructure development indicated in the "Functions Required of Core Hospitals and Central Medical Institutions" in core hospitals and central medical institutions, and this should be used as reference to improve the clinical trial and clinical research environment throughout Japan in other medical institutions as well. - 厚生労働省

外資規制について、会計(35%)、エンジニア、市場調査(35%)、医等に関する究開発(49%)、内旅行代理店(35%)等の特定のサービスについて、GATS での約束を上回る自由約束がなされた。例文帳に追加

With respect to foreign equity participation restrictions, liberalization commitments with a level higher than that of GATS were made regarding specific services (such as accounting (35%), engineering, market surveying (35%), research and development regarding medical services, etc., (49%), domestic travel agencies (35%), etc.). - 経済産業省


The ultimate goal that should be achieved from the activation of clinical trials and studies is the realization of a system in which the latest high-quality medical treatment in the world can be provided to patients in Japan. - 厚生労働省


ア) 中核病院、拠点医機関との連携強等の臨床究・治験環境の整備を通じて、症例集積の向上、治験コストの低下等を図ることにより、際共同治験に組み込まれる環境の整備。(2007 年度~)例文帳に追加

a. Establish the infrastructure for inclusion in multinational clinical trials by increasing case numbers and reducing the cost of clinical trials through the consolidation of tie-ups with core hospitals and medical bases and other measures. (Fiscal 2007 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「国療化研」の英訳



該当件数 : 19


そのため、「新たな治験活性5カ年計画」に基づき、中核病院・拠点医機関 40か所程度に治験・臨床究の人材を集中的に投入し、技能の集約とスタッフの育成を図るとともに、効率的かつ迅速に際共同治験・臨床究が実施できる連携体制を構築する。具体的には、中核病院として 10 か所の医機関、拠点医機関として 30か所の医機関に対し、それぞれ整備のための助成を行う。(2007 年度~)例文帳に追加

To this end, in accordance with the 'New Five-Year Clinical Trial Promotion Plan', clinical trial/research human resources shall be intensively channelled into around 40 core hospitals and medical bases in order to centralize skills and train staff, and at the same time a liaison framework shall be established to facilitate efficient and speedy multinational clinical trials and clinical researches. Specifically, assistance shall be given for the respective provision of 10 medical institutions as core hospitals and 30 as medical bases. (Fiscal 2007 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


Meanwhile, Japanese companies were faced with a situation in which they had little chance of achieving growth through current management methods,with a deteriorating business environment caused by drug price falls and medical fee restriction measures as well as escalating R&D fees for bio medicine. Overwhelmed by the power of foreign affiliates, Japanese companies had no choice but to take a defensive position. - 経済産業省


In terms of the necessity and direction of clinical trial/study activation, it was affirmed that there be a common awareness regarding the content below, and that quick infrastructure development for clinical trials and studies that are required for the timely and seamless creation of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices by Japan in particular be reinforced. - 厚生労働省

中小企業のものづくり技術を活かして、医現場の課題・ニーズに応える医機器の開発・改良を促進するため、本事業では、厚生労働省及び文部科学省と連携し、①医現場からのニーズが高く、課題解決に資する究課題の選定② 地域の特色あるものづくり技術(切削、精密加工、コーティング等)を有する中小企業等と、それらの課題を有する医機関や究機関等とが連携した「医工連携」による医機器の開発・改良 ③臨床評価、実用までの一貫した取組を行うことで、中小企業のものづくり技術を活かした医機器の実用を加速することにより、我がにおける医の質の向上と、ものづくり産業の新たな事業分野の開拓を実現する。(継続)(p.208 参照)例文帳に追加

This program will be implemented jointly by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in order to promote the development and modification of medical devices to meet needs and challenges in clinical medicine by using SMEs manufacturing technologies. More specifically, the quality of medical care in Japan will be raised and new fields of manufacturing business will be developed by accelerating the commercialization of medical devices employing SMEsmanufacturing technologies. This will be achieved by means of the following: 1) Selection of research problems contributing to much-needed resolution of challenges in clinical medicine 2) Development and modification of medical devices by “medical-industrial partnershipsinvolving collaboration between SMEs possessing locally distinctive manufacturing technologies (cutting, precision machining, and coating technologies, etc.) with medical and research institutions facing challenges that could be solved using those technologies. 3) End-to-end initiatives extending from clinical evaluation to commercialization (Continuation) (See p. 204.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


At the same time, it should be reaffirmed that autonomous development of pharmaceuticals and medical devices will lead to the establishment of constant safety in Japan. In addition, it should also be reaffirmed that the establishment and reinforcement of a domestic implementation system for clinical research that include clinical trials for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as set as the goal of the 5Yearly Plan, are essential for the creation of Japanese innovation, which will be the foundation of international competitiveness of the relevant Japanese industries, as well as for the transmission of the obtained evidence to the world. - 厚生労働省


All relevant parties should reaffirm that the activation of clinical trials and clinical research by means of the 5-Year Plan is aimed at creating innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Japan and transmitting evidence of the latest and high-quality medical treatment to the world, and should work on steadily resolving the issues that remain among the priorities required of each person. - 厚生労働省


In the mid-term review, the items that were being worked upon up to now for the infrastructure development of clinical trials and studies centered on core hospitals and central medical institutions, etc., were evaluated in view of the changes in the clinical trial/study environment, such as the rapid increase in the number of multinational clinical trials after the establishment of the 5 Yearly Plan, and the following items were set as the points for consideration: - 厚生労働省



Although the clinical trial network has been formed under the 'Three-Year Nationwide Clinical Trial Promotion Plan' and other plans, it is clear that this alone has failed to promote clinical trials and clinical researches fully. The formation and support of the clinical trial network built up to date should be supplemented with core clinical trial/research hospitals and medical bases having specialist areas, medical center tie-ups or similar characteristics. - 厚生労働省


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