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Nara Institute of Science and Technology発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
計算生物学の一般分野における研究, 訓練および技術移転をサポートする学際的学院機構例文帳に追加
An interdisciplinary academic unit supporting research, training, and technology transfer in the general area of computational biology発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
2006年 保健医療技術学部を設置(理学療法学科、作業療法学科を開設)、大学院社会福祉学研究科を開設例文帳に追加
2006: The school installed the School of Health Science (opening the departments of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy), and also installed the Graduate School of Social Welfare.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In Japan, importance of nuclear education is re-acknowledged in terms of ensuring human resources in the nuclear field.Thus the faculty, graduate school and professional school have been established for the purpose of training for engineering specialists with practical capabilities and engineering theories in the nuclear field. - 経済産業省
It started to accept foreign students from the academic year 1990, and from the academic year 1991, it started to allow all students of Kyoto University, including graduate students, postgraduates, auditing students, junior college students of medical technology (health sciences course in the Medical department), to apply for entering the dormitory.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As was seen, in addition to the effects of Japan’s low birthrate, the shift by students away from science and engineering has brought about a significant decline in the number of skilled technical personnel being produced by educational institutions overall consisting of high schools, technical colleges, universities and graduate schools. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 13件
Schools and facilities carrying out vocational education include higher vocational institutions, advanced technical schools, secondary polytechnic schools, technical schools, employment training centers,non-governmental vocational training institutions, and employee training centers at enterprises. - 経済産業省
After the promotion, the school started with only the School of Buddhism and the Department of Buddhism as a college, but as of 2006 it is a university with five faculties, 10 departments and four research departments, 12 professional courses and a graduate college (which has established the Faculty of Insurance and the Medical Technology in Science course).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
また、第4 学年に約5ヶ月間、企業等の現場で実務を行い、これによって得られた成果をもとに、大学院修士課程での研究テーマや職業への基礎的な認識を得ることで、将来の技術の創造展開に役立てる実務訓練制度を実施している。例文帳に追加
In addition, the university has a practical training program in which students will attend OJT at companies for approximately 5 months in their senior year and gain basic understanding on the research theme in their master's course study or possible future career based on such OJT outcomes, and it will help them think about creation/deployment of technologies in the future. - 経済産業省
また、第4 学年に約5 ヶ月間、企業等の現場で実務を行い、これによって得られた成果をもとに、大学院修士課程での研究テーマや職業への基礎的な認識を得ることで、将来の技術の創造展開に役立てる実務訓練制度を実施している。例文帳に追加
In addition, the university has a practical training program in which students will attend OJT at companies for approximately 5 months in their senior year and gain basic understanding on the research theme in their master’s course study or possible future career based on such OJT outcomes, and it will help them think about creation/deployment of technologies in the future.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
To foster human resources with a high level of specialization, higher education institutions need to be developed to provide systematic education in the management techniques and management technology which will create technology and use this in the strategic development of new business. This will require expanded exchange outside universities, including the further introduction of internships through coordination between universities and industry, systemic upgrading to encourage matriculation to graduate school by working members of society, improved training for highlyskilledexperts7, and the utilization as lecturers of experts working on the front line of industry. - 経済産業省
Moreover, since 2007, MEXT and METI have been carrying out the nuclear human resource development program, focusing on the development of basic nuclear education and study in the universities, graduate schools, and specialized vocational schools, assistance of educational activities including enhancement of internship and development of core curriculum of nuclear studies, and support of research activities in the field of basic and fundamental technologies which underpin the nuclear power in terms of steering succession of researches. - 経済産業省
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