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英訳・英語 unrecovered
該当件数 : 112件
(iii) 規則 20.30(未納金納付による弁護士登録の回復)例文帳に追加
(iii) regulation 20.30 (‘restoring attorney’s name to Register following payment of unpaid fee’); - 特許庁
In all of the countries, exports to the United States and Europe which are recovering slower than emerging countries have not yet rebounded. - 経済産業省
28. 金融危機の余波を受け,世界経済の回復は未だ脆弱である。例文帳に追加
28. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the global economic recovery remains weak. - 経済産業省
Application to restore and renew a registration removed from the register because of non-payment of the renewal fee発音を聞く - 特許庁
To improve recovery properties from sulfur poisoning and prevent deterioration and damage of a filter catalyst. - 特許庁
However, an autonomous recovery of private demand in various countries has still not come to fruition. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 112件
The stainless steel is characterized by comprising a temper rolled metal structure in the form of a recovered unrecrystallized structure or a mixed structure of a recovered unrecrystallized structure and a recrystallized structure. - 特許庁
Other possible cases of pardons were prisoners on remand, and claims for lost honor of dead samurai who had been punished with confiscation (kaieki, confiscation of land, stipend, and house) and of monks who were exiled from their sect as punishment (provided that only their religious qualification, not their official position or their stipend (rokudaka), could be retrieved).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Where the Controller decides to restore the design right in the design, he or she shall notify the applicant accordingly and shall record the restoration in the Register on payment of any unpaid renewal fee and the prescribed additional fee for restoration as set out in Schedule 1.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(b) A request to revive an abandoned application must be accompanied by a statement of the causes of the delay in submitting the complete response and by the proposed response, unless the same has been previously filed. Any application not revived within the specified time will be deemed forfeited upon the expiration of the three-month period to revive. - 特許庁
If the Controller decides to allow an application under this section for restoration, he shall upon payment of any unpaid renewal fee and of such additional fee as may be prescribed, make a restoration order in accordance with the application.発音を聞く - 特許庁
To recover the successive connection of information in channel, occurring fault, only with the operation for switching a cable to an unused channel when an unrecoverable fault occurs in a channel device. - 特許庁
The performance of the poisoning recovery control (unburnt component quantity increase control) on the CNG, can be restrained by using the poisoning recovery in the ordinary control by the gasoline. - 特許庁
Through repeated negotiations thereafter, the toshu saikensen increased in number to 30, but, they were reduced to 25 again by the Teibi Yakujo.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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