意味 | 例文 (15件) |

該当件数 : 15件
To provide a crisis management method, a crisis management system and a crisis management support server for properly allocating employees to a store when a disaster occurs, and for quickly opening the store. - 特許庁
In terms of contents relating to operation and management of water supply systems, there were requests for the training to include the following: distribution networks, measures to counter non-revenue water (leakage), quality management, and crisis management, including disaster countermeasures. - 厚生労働省
To provide a crisis management information initial stage report system by which crisis with respect to disaster and emergency can be reported by a mail so as to properly report information relating to the crisis management to many more people. - 特許庁
この点,我々は災害管理,国境を越える運輸における緊急事態早期警戒システムのためのベスト・プラクティスの特定及び APEC エコノミーにおける危機管理センター間の協力の発展に関するさらなる調和並びにより良い連結性を支持する。例文帳に追加
In this regard, we support greater coordination and better connectivity in disaster management, identifying best practices for emergency early warning systems in cross-border transportation and developing cooperation among crisis management centers in the APEC economies. - 経済産業省
In order to execute the Disaster Relief Act, which rules emergency measure etc. in times of disaster such as shelter, provision of foods for emergency feeding and drinking water, temporary housing etc., the "Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Emergency Action Plan" was formulated to promote disaster prevention measures and to ensure flexible response in case of outbreak of disaster - 厚生労働省
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該当件数 : 15件
我々は,また,官民パートナーシップの推進,越境交通における緊急事態早期警戒システムの共通基準の創設,APEC 貿易再開計画を基盤とした運用上の貿易再開通信メカニズムの開発の推進,緊急事態への備えの協力及び,インドネシアのジャカルタにある ASEAN 災害管理に関する人道支援のための調整センターのような地域的危機管理センター(CMCs)も含めて,APEC エコノミーの CMCs 間の危機管理及び災害対応準備の協力の進展を支持する。例文帳に追加
We also support fostering public-private partnerships, establishing common standards for emergency early warning systems in cross-border transportation, furthering the development of an operational trade recovery communications mechanism based on the APEC Trade Recovery Program and developing cooperation for emergency management and disaster response preparedness among Crisis Management Centers (CMCs) in APEC economies, including with other regional CMCs such as the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. - 経済産業省
To provide a system to exactly, efficiently and promptly transmit disaster information and risk management information to notice a fact that information is updated in time and a method for estimating a damage by the system. - 特許庁
From the questionnaire results it was noted that in response to such challenges the main points that trainees seek to gain from training are to benefit from the experience of water supply businesses in Japan relating to various aspects of the water supply business, including systems, technologies, operation and management and crisis management, including disaster response measures. - 厚生労働省
Furthermore, it is also expected to conduct social and international contributions such as humanitarian support to developing countries with poor access to pharmaceutical products and risk management on onset of unanticipated occurrences including new flu, disasters and bio terrorism, etc. - 厚生労働省
To provide an SOS solution system effective for the ease and the safety of citizen and the case of a disaster by making an information net conception a system on the basis of a portable telephone set of the next generation as a strategy concerning risk management for measures to solve and prevent the risk and danger of SOS. - 特許庁
こうした現場での取組と合わせて、災害などの危機管理のためには、在庫管理のみのSCM ではなくグローバルなSCM が必要であり、「設備投資の最適な意思決定」を主眼としグローバル本社機能や組織横断型統合計画を活用した「グローバルネットワークの連結マネジメント」の確立が有用との指摘も出ている(藤野・森本・梅田(2012))例文帳に追加
Together with these on-site commitments, some argue that it is necessary to have global-based SCM for risk management against disasters, instead of stock management-oriented SCM, and it is effective to establish a "global networking management" utilizing globalized headquarter functions and cross-organizational integrated plan with focus on "optimal decision making for capital investment"[Fujino, Morimoto, Umeda (2012)]. - 経済産業省
・ 日本に基盤を置く製薬企業として、国内又はアジアのニーズにより合った医薬品の開発及び供給について取り組んでいくことは評価されるべきであり、政府の取組と同様に極めて重要である。さらに、医薬品アクセスの悪い発展途上国に対する人道的支援や、新型インフルエンザや災害、バイオテロ等の不測の事態の発生に対する危機管理等について、社会的・国際的に貢献することも期待されている。例文帳に追加
・As a company whose base is placed in Japan, approach to develop and supply the pharmaceutical products better suiting the domestic or Asian needs as pharmaceutical company is regardable and is very important same as the approach by the government. Furthermore, it is also expected to conduct social and international contributions such as humanitarian support to developing countries with poor access to pharmaceutical products and risk management on onset of unanticipated occurrences including new flu, disasters and bio terrorism, etc. - 厚生労働省
In addition, for the pharmaceutical stockpile and prompt supply during the crisis of the national scale such as casualties, terrorism and epidemic of infections, the establishment and spread of the risk-managed pharmaceutical distribution system is required. Particularly, in the event of large-scale epidemic of infection such as ordinary influenza or measles, the stable supply of vaccines, infusion fluids and therapeutic agents as well as the prevention of uneven distribution are the important functions of wholesalers. Further, during the epidemic of new influenza, it is critical to improve the system to secure the stable supply of vaccines as well as therapeutic agents under the cooperation between the government and prefectures according to the epidemic situation. - 厚生労働省
意味 | 例文 (15件) |
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