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該当件数 : 203件
(a) Factors expanding the current account surplus - 経済産業省
Implication of expanding current account surplus in East Asia - 経済産業省
(b) Factors shrinking the current account surplus - 経済産業省
a 経常収支の黒字縮小に対する懸念例文帳に追加
(1) Concern over shrinking current account surplus - 経済産業省
(a) Economic slowdown cuts back current account and trade surpluses - 経済産業省
a 2001年の経常収支動向(貿易収支黒字の縮小、所得収支黒字の拡大、サービス収支赤字の継続)例文帳に追加
(1) Current account trends in 2001 (Smaller trade surplus, larger income surplus, ongoing service deficit) - 経済産業省
As income balance increases, the income account surplus grows. Note that in 2007, the income account surplus accounted for 65% of the current account surplus. Thus, a virtuous circle is created in this manner. Increase in income account surplus B increase in current account surplus B increase in net external assets B increase in income account surplus B … - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 203件
2011 年の経常収支は貿易黒字を反映して黒字基調で推移した(第1-5-2-6 図)。例文帳に追加
In 2011, the current account was maintained positively reflecting the trade surplus (see Figure 1-5-2-6). - 経済産業省
(c) Increasing dependency of current account surplus countries on emerging countries - 経済産業省
Conversely, a slump in domestic investment will expand the current account surplus. - 経済産業省
As a result, foreign assets and income run surpluses, while the current account deficit is accompanied by a capital account surplus. The country therefore becomes a capital importer. - 経済産業省
第1-1-2-1 図は、世界の国・地域ごとの経常黒字と経常赤字の構成(棒グラフ)及び世界GDPに対する、世界の経常収支不均衡(経常収支黒字の合計額)の比率(折れ線グラフ)を示している。例文帳に追加
Figure 1-1-2-1 shows the composition of current account surplus and current account deficit countries and regions throughout the world (bar graph) and shows a comparison of the worlds current account imbalance (total current account surplus) (line graph). - 経済産業省
“Invisible” balance generally consists of “service balance,” “income balance” and “current-account transfer,” of which only “income balance” is a surplus. - 経済産業省
With respect to the current account balances per se, as the trade balance turned to a deficit last year for the first time in the past 31 years, current account surpluses are being maintained by income account surpluses exceeding trade deficits.発音を聞く - 財務省
全プロットのうち、「貿易収支赤字かつ経常収支赤字」(米国、英国等)が全体の 39%、「貿易収支黒字かつ経常収支黒字」(日本、ドイツ、中国等)が同 37%、と主流派である。例文帳に追加
In all of plotting, "trade deficit and current account deficit" (the U.S., the UK, etc.) accounts for 39% of the total and "trade surplus and current account surplus" (Japan, Germany, China, etc.) accounts for 37% of the total. Those two relations represent the majority of answers. - 経済産業省
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