



low-income populationとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 低所得層

JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「low-income population」の意味

low‐income population

「low-income population」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 21


However the middle-income population will account for 40% in 2020.As for South Africa, the low-income population was their biggest population composition in 2009,however it is anticipated that the middle-income population will reach 48% and the low-income population will drop to 43%, which can push the middle-income population to the biggest population composition.例文帳に追加

また、南アフリカについては、2009 年時点においては、低所得層が主流の人口構成となっているところ、2020 年には、中間層人口率が48%、低所得層人口率が43%となり、中間層が主流となると想定される。 - 経済産業省

High-income population as well as the middle-income population will increase smoothly during the period between 2009 and 2020. It had the high-income population of 10million (7%), the middle-income population of 120million (63%), the low-income population of 60million (3%). In 2020, it is anticipated that the high-income population amounts to 30million (15%), the middle-income population amounts to150million (73%) and the low-income population amounts to 20million (12%).例文帳に追加

人口1.9 億人(2009年)を抱えるブラジルについては、2009年時点から2020年にかけて、富裕層、中間層ともに、順調に増加するものと見込まれ、2009年時点、富裕層0.1 億人(7%)、中間層1.2 億人(63%)、低所得層0.6 億人(30%)となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層0.3 億人(15%)、中間層1.5 億人(73%)、低所得層0.2億人(12%)となることが予想される。 - 経済産業省

Indonesia (Population of 230million (as in 2009) which has the largest population in Asia after China and India, had the high-income population of 2 million (1%), the middle-income population of 80million (34%),and the low-income population of 150million (66%) in 2009, while in 2020, it is anticipated that its population will grow to 250 million with the high-income population of 10million (3%), the middle-income population of 190million and the low-income population of 60million (23%) (Figure 3-2-1-11).例文帳に追加

中国、インドに次いでアジアで大きな人口を有するインドネシア(人口2.3 億人(2009 年))は、2009 年時点、富裕層0.02 億人(1%)、中間層0.8 億人(34%)、低所得層1.5 億人(66%)となっているところ、2020年には、人口が2.5 億人に増加し、富裕層0.1 億人(3%)、中間層1.9 億人(74%)、低所得層0.6 億人(23%)となることが予想される(第3-2-1-11 図)。 - 経済産業省

Taking a look at the movement and forecast of combined population composition of three countries, namely UEA, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, they had the high income class population of 24 million (23.4%), the middle-income population of 75 million(73.3%) and the low-income population of 3 million (3.3%) in 2009, while as in 2020, it is anticipated that the high-income population amounts to 51 million (43.5%), the middle-income population amounts to 65million (55.2%) and the low-income population amounts to 1 million (1.2%) (Figure 3-2-1-12).例文帳に追加

UAE、サウジアラビア、トルコの3 か国を合わせた人口構成推移・見通しを見ると、2009 年時点では、富裕層0.24 億人(23.4%)、中間層0.75 億人(73.3%)、低所得層0.03 億人(3.3%)となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層0.51 億人(43.5%)、中間層0.65 億人(55.2%)、低所得層0.01 億人(1.2%)となることが予想される(第3-2-1-12図)。 - 経済産業省

When taking a look at the combined population composition of South Africa and Nigeria, which located in Sub Sahara region, they had the high-income population of 4million (2%), the middle-income population of47million (23%) and the low-income population of 154million (75%) as in 2009, while in 2020 it is anticipated that the high-income population amounts to 9million (3.5%), the middle-income population amounts to 102million (41.4%) and the low-income population amounts to 135million (55%).例文帳に追加

アフリカ新興国地域についてであるが、サブサハラ地域に属する南アフリカ、ナイジェリアの2 か国合計の人口構成を見ると、2009 年時点では、富裕層0.04億人(2%)、中間層0.47 億人(23%)、低所得層1.54億人(75%)となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層0.09 億人(3.5%)、中間層1.02 億人(41.4%)、低所得層1.35 億人(55.0%)となることが予想される。 - 経済産業省

Taking a look at the combined population composition forecast of 5 nations, namely Brazil, Mexico, Argentine, Venezuela and Peru, which had the high-income population of 50million (11.4%), the middle-income population of 270million (66.3%) and the low-income population of 90million (22.2%), while in 2020 it is anticipated that the high-income population amounts to100million (21.8%), the middle-income population amounts 300million (68.3%) and the low-income population amounts to 40million (9.9%) (Figure 3-2-1-14).例文帳に追加

ブラジル、メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ベネズエラ、ペルーの計5 か国の人口構成見通しを見ると、2009 年時点、富裕層0.5 億人(11.4%)、中間層2.7 億人(66.3%)、低所得層0.9億人(22.2%)となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層1.0 億人(21.8%)、中間層3.0 億人(68.3%)、低所得層0.4 億人(9.9%)となることが予想される(第3-2-1-14図)。 - 経済産業省


As for population structure ratio of emerging economies categorized by income group, as long as the emerging economies listed here above are combined, it showed that the high-income class accounted for 3.6%, the middle-income class was 36.0% and the low-income class was 60.4% in 2009, while in 2020, they expect that the high-income class accounts for 10.8%, the middle-income class 60.8% and the low-income class 28.4%. This indicates that the middle-class population will become double of the low-income class population.例文帳に追加

新興国における2009 年時点の所得階層別人口構成比は、ここでとりあげる新興国全体で、富裕層3.6%、中間層36.0%、低所得層60.4%となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層10.8%、中間層60.8%、低所得層28.4%となることが予想されており、2020 年には中間層の割合が低所得層人口の2 倍以上の水準となると見込まれる。 - 経済産業省


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Weblio英和対訳辞書での「low-income population」の意味

Low Income Population


「low-income population」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 21


Taking into consideration of China and India, where the populations of which take up about80% of that of the entire Asia economic zone as in 2009, had the biggest proportion of the low-income group population. As in 2009, the high-income class population was 60million (2.0%), the middle class population was 880million (28.4%) and the low-income class population was 2.14billion (69.6%). If India is not factored in, the proportion of the middle-income class and the low-income class population would be switched by 2015. And in 2020, the high- income class population will mark 230million (6.7%), the middle-income class will mark 2billion (59.3%) and the low-income class will mark 1.5billion (34.0%) (Figure 3-2-1-8).例文帳に追加

2009 年時点、アジア新興国全体のうち約80%の人口を占める中国及びインドにおいて低所得層が最大人口規模の所得層となっていることもあり、2009 年時点、富裕層0.6 億人(2.0%)、中間層8.8 億人(28.4%)、低所得層21.4 億人(69.6%)となっているところ、インドを除けば2015 年には中間層と低所得層の人口規模が逆転すると予想され、2020 年には、富裕層2.3 億人(6.7%)、中間層20.0 億人(59.3%)、低所得層11.5 億人(34.0%)となることが予想される(第3-2-1-8 図)。 - 経済産業省

Although the low-income population is anticipated to take up more than the half of the total population in 2020, the total population will also grow as fast as China's population growth. (It is anticipated to increase to 1.33 billion in 2020). Despite having a large proportion of the lower-middle-income group population of 690 million(52%), it is anticipated that the combined population of the high-income class and the middle-income class will reach 640 million (Figure 3-2-1-10).例文帳に追加

2020 年時点においても低所得層人口率が全体の半分以上を占めることが想定されるが、総人口が中国に並ぶ勢いで伸びる(2020年には13.3 億人の見込み)ことが想定され、下位中間層人口が6.9 億人(52%)を占めるものの、2020 年には富裕層・中間層合わせて6.4 億人の規模となると予想される(第3-2-1-10 図)。 - 経済産業省

The population structure of the emerging economies is categorized by income group. This is true as long as the income of the emerging economies is above 4,300 million. It showed that the high-income class accounted for 5.9%, upper middle-income class 11.8%, lower-middle income class 37.6%, and low-income class 44.6%. About half (1,920 million) of the population belonged to the lower-income class, while in 2020, they expect that the high-income class will account for14.7%, the upper middle-income class 24.6%, lower middle income class 40.7% and the low-income class 20.0%. This indicates that approximately 40% (1,840 million) of the population of emerging countries (4,690 million) will belong to the upper middle-income class or the high-income class (Figure 3-1-1-1).例文帳に追加

新興国における2010 年時点の所得階層別人口構成比は、ここでとりあげる新興国全体(43.0 億人)で、富裕層5.9%、上位中間層11.8%、下位中間層37.6%、低所得層44.6%と、半数近く(19.2 億人)が低所得層となっているところ、2020 年には、富裕層14.7%、上位中間層24.6%、下位中間層40.7%、低所得層20.0%となることが予想されており、新興国人口全体(46.9億人)の約4 割(18.4 億人)が上位中間層、若しくは富裕層となることが見込まれる(第3-1-1-1 図)。 - 経済産業省

(Africa's emerging nations population composition forecast ~ Low-income class population has become mainstream, but composition of young people also has become mainstream. It can be expected for future growth~)例文帳に追加

(アフリカ新興国の人口構成見通し ?低所得層が主体も、若年層主体である人口構成から将来の伸びが期待?) - 経済産業省

India (Population of 1.17 billion (as in 2009)) is anticipated to see a prominent growth during the period between 2009 and 2020 with the middle-class population increase by 440 million (32%) and smooth decline in the low-income population.例文帳に追加

インド(人口11.7 億人(2009 年))については、2009 年から2020 年にかけて、中間層人口の伸びは約4.4 億人(32%)増と著しく、低所得層人口率も順調に減少することが想定される。 - 経済産業省

Nigeria, the total population of which amounted to 150million (as in 2009), is anticipated that the low income population remains as their most biggest population composition still in 2020.例文帳に追加

人口1.5 億人(2009 年)を抱えるナイジェリアは、2020 年時点においても低所得層が最大人口の所得層であると想定されるが、2020 年には中間層人口の割合が40%と予想される。 - 経済産業省

China, which recorded the largest population in the world (1.33billion (as in 2009)), is expected to see a growth during the period between 2009 and 2020 with the high-income class population increase by about110million (7%), the middle-class increase by about 510million (35%), and the low-income population decline by about 560million (43%).例文帳に追加

世界最大の人口(13.3 億人(2009 年))を有する中国は、2009 年から2020 年にかけて富裕層人口が約1.1億人(7%)、中間層人口は約5.1 億人(35%)増加し、低所得層人口が約5.6 億人(43%)減となることが想定される。 - 経済産業省


As long as India and Nigeria are concerned, the low-income class (Household disposable income is below 5,000 dollars) will remain as the largest population. But its ratio would decrease up to 50% mark.例文帳に追加

インドとナイジェリアは、2020 年においても低所得層(世帯可処分所得5,000 ドル未満)が最大比率を占めるが、その比率は50%台まで減少する。 - 経済産業省


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