意味 | 例文 (2件) |
the matter is more oftenとは 意味・読み方・使い方
Weblio例文辞書での「the matter is more often」に類似した例文 |
the matter is more often
More frequently
more often or more frequently
with frequency
to have something occur too frequently
to have the tendency to do something frequently
There are many situations like that.
(何事か―What is the matter?―と問われて)大変です
A great deal is the matter
the degree to which something is repeated frequently
That kind of situation happens frequently.
with increasing frequency
The phenomenon is periodical
「the matter is more often」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 2件
Though it contains a conventional and banal plot that was often seen in those days, the work is said to have an important element that makes the story more like a modern novel beyond the matter of gender, exposing the difference between a human's innate nature and his or her social role.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
当時の社会ならではの制約・お約束的展開はあるものの、本来的個人的性質と社会的に期待される役割との差異を浮き彫りにする本作品は、ジェンダーという枠を越えて、近代的小説に近い重要な要素を持つと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Simultaneously, how should insurance be regulated and supervised from now on? I believe insurance in China is not as advanced as in Japan yet. But then again, Japan’s insurance industry has experienced falling stock prices and interest rates over the past decade and suffered a long period of winter-like hardship: the insurance sector, where they have something called “expense profits”, “interest gain” and “mortality profits”, the interest gain was so squeezed that at one point, negative carry was more than 1 trillion yen. In the United States, the federal government will be establishing a division in charge of insurance for the first time within the federal government organization under the financial reform legislation. As you know, basic supervision of insurance in the United States is conducted on a state-by-state basis. Despite the fact that AIU—the world’s biggest private insurance company—was effectively nationalized in the United States, the insurance industry has been a bit of a blind spot in that any attempts in the past to negotiate with the central government often resulted in being told that it was a matter for the state government. The United States is a federal republic comprised of states, so in that sense, insurance varies from state to state in tax and other aspects.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
しかし、同時にそれでは今から保険の行政に関してどういう点をやっているのか。まだ日本ほど保険が進んでいるとは思っておりませんけれども、しかし同時に、日本の保険業界もご存じのように大変ここ10年間株価は下がる、あるいは金利が下がるということで、費差益・利差益・死差益というのが保険業にはございますが、本当に利差益が少なくて大変一時は末端逆ざやが1兆円余の保険業界でもあるというような冬の時代が長く続きましたけれども、多くのかなりの、我々が27年前に通ったころは、日本の名前がついた生命保険会社法だったのですけれども、今色々な外資からも変わったところもありますので、そんなことを含めて今度アメリカでも保険ということが、ご存じのようにアメリカは保険の基本的監督は州単位なんですよ、アメリカの政府は。州単位で保険をやっていまして、連邦政府というのは、金融規制改革法で初めて連邦政府の中に保険担当の部署をつくるんですよ、今度初めて。しかしながら、AIUなんていう世界で一番大きな民間保険会社をアメリカは実質国営化しましたけれども、そこら辺で保険業界というのはちょっと穴と言ったらおかしいけれども、中央政府と今まで交渉しましても、これは中央政府の話だということもしばしばございまして、そういった意味で保険というのはなかなか、アメリカは合衆国ですから、税金なんかも州によって違いますね。 - 金融庁
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