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該当件数 : 16


(8)第4世代原子力システムに関する国際フォーラム( GIF)及び国際原子力エネルギー・パートナーシップ (GNEP)等の国際的枠組みにおける協力例文帳に追加

(8) Cooperation in international frameworks such as the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP).  - 経済産業省


The Forum will be an opportunity to establish a more inclusive partnership to address development effectiveness.  - 財務省

南アでは、外相会談で、原子力協定の交渉開始に合意するとともに、第10 回日・南ア・パートナーシップ・フォーラム(2010 年4 月29-30 日)に出席し、貿易や経済協力の関係強化に向けて意見交換した。例文帳に追加

In South Africa, in the foreign ministers meeting, he agreed to start negotiations with the nuclear deal, and also attended 10th South Africa Partnership Forum (April 29 to 30, 2010), exchanged discussion over strengthening relationship in trading and economic cooperation. - 経済産業省


A compiler or a similar system can be extended so that it accepts relationship expression in a simple property format and directs such a call to a specified method. - 特許庁



Both sides affirmed their close continuous cooperation in multilateral frameworks such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the International Energy Forum, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, and the International Partnership for Hydrogen Economy, bearing in mind the importance of technology diffusion, while protecting intellectual property rights appropriately.  - 経済産業省



We also encourage greater cross-collaboration between APEC sub fora and the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy to achieve these outcomes. - 経済産業省


We recognize the work of the Food Safety Cooperation Forum (FSCF) in building dialogue among food safety regulators and its Partnership Training Institute Network (PTIN), which builds on a public private partnership to deliver food safety capacity building, including preventive control measures and strengthening of laboratory capacity. - 経済産業省

我が国は、2012 年 3 月に、「APEC横浜フォーラム:女性とリーダーシップ」を開催し、女性のリーダーシップを一層発揮させるためには、会社や組織と個人双方のマインドセットを変え、良い循環を起こすことが重要であり、ⅰ)基本的な政策の方向性の共有、ⅱ)成功事例の共有、ⅲ)関係者のネットワーキングの強化、を進めていくことが重要である旨を確認した。例文帳に追加

In March 2012, Japan held the APEC Leadership Forum on Women, where participants confirmed that, in order to create a society where more women can act as leaders, it is essential to positively change both corporate/organizational mindsets and individual mindsets and to create a favorable cycle, and that it is important to i) share the basic policy direction, ii) share the success cases and iii) strengthen networks of parties concerned. - 経済産業省


We reaffirm our commitments to the global partnership for development, as set out in the MDGs, and welcome efforts to contribute to this end, including the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation to be launched with voluntary participation under the auspices of the broad consensus achieved at the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness held in Busan, Korea.  - 財務省



The coordination platform established by the international financial institutions to facilitate information sharing and operational dialogue with the Partnership countries, identify opportunities for joint transactions and policy and analytical work, and coordinate monitoring and reporting on the implementation is an important vehicle for the success of the Partnership.  - 財務省



Japan is one of the most energy-efficient countries in the world and expected to contribute for the improvement of energy efficiency of Asian emerging countries utilizing its excellent energy conservation technology through the frameworks such as Asia-Pacific partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP ) and Japan-China Energy Conservation Forum - 経済産業省


I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the strong leadership shown by the Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato,who has emphasized the importance of quota and voice reform in the MTS and made strenuous efforts to reach agreement on this issue at the Board before the Annual Meetings.  - 財務省


Both ministries will discuss, through the Japan-Russia Investment Forum or other forums about smoothing business in Russia, venture businesses, investment funds, the automobile industry, the formation of special economic zones and public-private partnerships, and both ministries may promote projects that use such mechanisms that promote technological reform and the participation of Japanese enterprises in infrastructure repair projects.  - 経済産業省

34. 我々は,APEC食品安全協力フォーラム(FSCF)とそのパートナーシップ訓練機関ネットワーク(PTIN)が,食の安全のための国際基準とベスト・プラクティスへのアクセシビリティ及び利用を改善するための行動のロードマップを発展させ,世界銀行及びその他の国際機関とこれらの行動を実施するための協力を開始したことを称賛した。例文帳に追加

34. We commended the Food Safety Cooperation Forum (FSCF) and its Partnership Training Institute Network (PTIN) for developing a roadmap of actions to improve the accessibility and use of international standards and best practices for food safety, and for initiating partnerships with the World Bank and other international organizations to implement these actions. - 経済産業省


The two Prime Ministers appreciated the progress hitherto achieved ever since they had reached a decision, at their meeting on 12th April 2002 on the occasion of the “Boao Forum for Asia”, that the two countries should begin consultations for the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership in a Working Group (WG) to be set up under the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Consultations Meeting. - 経済産業省



We agree that work to implement codes and standards will be most effective if combined with further efforts to foster ownership across a broad range of countries for the codes and standards processes. The IMF and the World Bank should assist countries in the development of action plans for the implementation of codes and standards. We agree to work together and with the IFIs, the FSF, and international regulatory and supervisory bodies to provide technical assistance and training to emerging market and developing countries in this area.  - 財務省


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