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(a) described in the Second Schedule; and - 特許庁

第89条 施行規則及び料金関係付則 3例文帳に追加

Art. 89. Implementing Regulations and Schedules of Fees - 特許庁

第89条 施行規則及び料金関係付則例文帳に追加

Art. 89. Implementing Regulations and Schedules of Fees - 特許庁


(1) The provisions in the Fourth Schedule shall apply in relation to taxation proceedings. - 特許庁



(c) the classification of the article to which the design is intended to be applied in accordance with the Third Schedule; - 特許庁



This Act applies to collective marks, subject to the First Schedule.  - 特許庁


This Act applies to certification marks, subject to the Second Schedule.  - 特許庁


After acceptance the Controller will issue the certificate of the registration as specified in the Fifth schedule of the rules.  - 特許庁


Publication of an application for registration for a specification of goods or services included in one class in the Third Schedule  - 特許庁



where the specification consists of goods or services included in one class in the Third Schedule;  - 特許庁



where the specification consists of goods or services included in more than one class in the Third Schedule  - 特許庁

商標登録の出願 (a)明細書が付則3の一つの種類に属する商品又はサービスから成る場合 (b)明細書が付則3の二種類以上に属する商品又はサービスから成る場合例文帳に追加

Application to register a trade mark (a) where the specification consists of goods or services included in one class in the Third Schedule; (b) where the specification consists of goods or services included in more than one class in the Third Schedule.  - 特許庁


Filing of notice under paragraph 11 of the Third Schedule to the Act (Conversions of pending application (including certification and collective marks))  - 特許庁


Shinichi SATO assumes that the first part that is the order for the restoration of shoen and koryo is the main part of this decree, and the latter part that is the delegation of the authority on the Togoku region to Yoritomo is the additional clause.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


References subsection (2) and the Third Schedule to the commencement of this Act are to the commencement of the main substantive provisions of Parts I and III of this Act and the consequential repeal of the repealed Act.  - 特許庁

意匠争訟における弁理士の参加により生じた費用は,弁理士の必要経費だけでなく,連邦弁護士手数料付則第11条(Bundesgebuhrenordnungfur Rechtsanwalte)に規定された手数料満額までの手数料が弁済される。例文帳に追加

Of the costs arising from the participation of a patent attorney in industrial designs litigation, fees up to the amount of a full fee according to Section 11 of the Federal Ordinance on the Fees of Attorneys-at-Law, as well as the necessary expenses of the patent attorney, shall be refunded.  - 特許庁


The golf club head also has a coefficient of restitution of at least 0.81 under test conditions such as the USGA test conditions specified pursuant to Rule 4-1e, Appendix II, of the Rules of Golf for 1998-1999. - 特許庁


The club head 42 has a reflection coefficient equal to or more than 0.81 at the test conditions stipulated in the 1998-1999 USGA rules 4-1e and an additional rule II. - 特許庁

(2) 大公国規則は,本法に従って納付すべき各種の料金及び追加手数料の付則を制定し,かつ,それらの納付方式を決定する。一切の年金額は,20,000フランを超えてはならない。他の料金及び追加手数料については,200フラン以上で2,000フラン以下とすることができる。 39例文帳に追加

2. A Grand-Ducal regulation shall establish the schedule of the various fees and additional fees to be paid in accordance with this Law and shall determine their mode of payment. None of the annual fees may exceed an amount of 20,000 francs. The other fees and additional fees may be neither less than 200 francs nor more than 2,000 francs. - 特許庁


The time allowed for filing the counter-statement and evidence or for leaving reply evidence shall ordinarily be one month which may be extended only by a special order of the Controller given on a petition with the fee specified in the first schedule made by party seeking extension of time:  - 特許庁

ただし,拒絶理由解消の期間は,出願日から6月を超えない。出願人又はその代理人は、定められた6ヶ月の期間が満了する前に、付則1の指定手数料を納付して様式 18に基づく期間延長を請求することにより、3ヶ月を超えない期間について延長をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Provided that the period for removal of the objection shall not exceed the time period of 6 months from the date of filing of the application or may be extended for a further period not exceeding three months on a request made in form 18 by the applicant or his agent along with the fee specified in the first schedule before the expiry of the stipulated period of six months.  - 特許庁


In addition to the four copies of the representations of the design filed or left with every reciprocity application for the registration of a design, a copy of the design filed or deposited by the applicant or his predecessor in title as the case may be, in respect of the first application in United Kingdom or convention country or group of countries or inter-governmental organization, duly certified by the Official Chief or Head of the organization in which it was filed, or deposited or otherwise verified to the satisfaction of the Controller, shall be filed or left at the Office at the same time as the reciprocity application or within such further time not exceeding three months as the Controller may allow on an application made in form 18 with fee specified in the first schedule.  - 特許庁


法第96条及び法第98条の目的とする経過措置規定にしたがうことを条件として,次のものは廃止する。 (1) 発明特許に関する法令の改正整備を目的とし,1982年12月24日,1985年12月24日,及び1989年12月28大公国規則によって改正された,1945年10月13日大公国令に掲げられた各種手数料及び割増料金の新規料金付則の制定に関する1980年12月16日大公国規則 (2) a) 1970年6月19日ワシントンにおいて締結された特許協力条約の承認,及び,b) 特許に関する国内法令の適応に関する1977年5月27日法の執行のため採択された,1978年5月25日大公国規則第2条,第5条(3),及び第10条(1) (3) a) 1973年10月5日ミュンヘンにおいて署名された欧州特許付与に関する条約の承認,及び,b) 特許に関する国内法令の適応に関する1977年5月27日法の執行のため採択された,1978年5月9日大公国規則第1条第2文及び第2条(3) (4) 本規則に反するすべての規定例文帳に追加

Subject to the transitional provisions shown in Articles 96 and 98 of the Law, the following shall be repealed: 1. the Grand-Ducal regulation of December 16, 1980, concerning the fixation of new scale of various fees and additional charges referred to by the Grand-Ducal order of October 13, 1945, aiming at amending and completing the legislation on the patents of invention, as amended by the Grand-Ducal regulation of December 24, 1982, of December 24, 1985, and of December 28, 1989; 2. Article 2, Article 5, paragraph 3, and Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Grand-Ducal regulation of May 25, 1978, adopted in execution of the law of May 27, 1977, concerning a) approbation of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, made in Washington on June 19, 1970, b) adaptation of the national legislation with regard to patents; 3. Article 1, second sentence, and Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Grand-Ducal regulation of May 9, 1978, adopted in execution of the law of May 27, 1977 concerning a) approbation of the European Patent Convention, signed in Munich on October 5, 1973, b) adaptation of the national legislation with regard to patents; 4. all provisions contrary to the present regulation. - 特許庁


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