
「回収金登録」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 回収金登録に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 10


(4) 登録官は,登録官に納付されるべき手数料又は額を,登録官に対する債務として,管轄裁判所において回収することができる。例文帳に追加

(4) A fee or amount payable to the Registrar is recoverable by the Registrar in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Registrar. - 特許庁

(3) 登録官により又は登録官の代理により提起された訴訟の結果として支払うべき罰又は不履行に係る罰登録官に支払うものとし,また,その他の救済に加え,登録官に対する債務として登録官が回収することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Any fine or penalty or any default fine or penalty to be paid by a person as a result of an action brought by the Registrar, or an the behalf of the Registrar, shall be paid to the Registrar and, in addition to any other remedy, may be recovered by the Registrar as a debt due to the Registrar. - 特許庁


When the amount billed is consistent with the estimated payment amount, the combination collation part 13b turns on a flag of prospective recovery information for the billing information, to reregister it in the billing information DB 12. - 特許庁


Before delivery on sale of any articles to which a registered design has been applied, the proprietor shall- (if exact representations or specimens were not furnished on the application for registration), furnish to the Registrar the prescribed number of exact representations or specimens of the design; and, if he fails to do so, the Registrar may erase his name from the register, and thereupon the copyright in the design shall cease; and cause each such article to be marked with the prescribed mark, or with the prescribed words or figures, denoting that the design is registered; and, if he fails to do so, the proprietor shall not be entitled to recover any penalty or damages in respect of any infringement of his copyright in the design unless he shows that he took all proper steps to ensure the marking of the article, or unless he shows that the infringement took place after the person guilty thereof knew or had received notice of the existence of the copyright in the design.  - 特許庁



After the lapse of a fixed period, the provider 4 accesses the registered financial institution of each purchaser from the account information of table data in the storage part and collects the cumulative price of the vended article for every fixed period in the style of the electronic money. - 特許庁



To provide a system capable of collecting a charge for the use of contents without using charge settlement utilizing a credit card even when the contents are not registered in a site managed by a communication enterprise and enabling a user to easily select contents. - 特許庁


To rapidly improve the safety of net auction transaction by making use of the system of a cooperative where the member of the cooperative registers automatic transferring and products are delivered to the member once a week, so as to solve the problems of anxiety in shopping on a communication network, troublesomeness/anxiety in collecting a charge for a sold product and anxiety in the deliver of the product. - 特許庁

登録意匠が適用された物品の販売による引渡し前に,意匠所有者は,次に掲げる事項をする。(a) (登録出願時に正確な表示又は見本が提出されなかったときは),所定数の意匠の正確な表示又は見本を長官に提供する。意匠所有者がその提供を怠るときは,長官は,意匠所有者にその旨を通知の後,その者の名称を登録簿から抹消し,その結果意匠権は停止する。及び (b) 前記物品の各個に,所定の標章又は所定の文字若しくは図形を表示させて,当該意匠が登録されていることを示す。その表示を怠るときは,意匠所有者は,自己の意匠権の侵害に関する罰又は賠償回収する権利を有さない。ただし,当該物品の表示を確保するため適正な方策をすべて講じたことを意匠所有者が証明する場合,又は侵害の発生は侵害者が当該意匠の意匠権の存在を知った後若しくはその存在の通知を受けた後であったことを意匠所有者が証明する場合は,この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Before delivery on sale of any articles to which a registered design has been applied, the proprietor shall- (a) (if exact representations or specimens were not furnished on the application for registration) furnish to the Controller the prescribed number of exact representations or specimens of the design; and, if he fails to do so, the Controller may, after giving notice thereof to the proprietor, erase his name from the register and thereupon the copyright in the design shall cease; and (b) cause each such article to be marked with the prescribed mark, or with the prescribed words or figures denoting that the design is registered; and, if he fails to do so, the proprietor shall not be entitled to recover any penalty or damages in respect of any infringement of his copyright in the design unless he shows that he took all proper steps to ensure the marking of the article, or unless he shows that the infringement took place after the person guilty thereof knew or had received notice of the existence of the copyright in the design. - 特許庁

何人も本条項に反して行動した場合、いかなる違反についても次に掲げる責任を負う。当該意匠の登録された専有権者に対し、回収可能な負債額として500 タカ以下の額を支払う。専有権者が当該違反に対する損害賠償及び違反の再発に対する差止命令を求める訴訟の提起を選択する場合、認められる損害賠償を支払うとともに差止命令によりしかるべく制限を受ける。例文帳に追加

If any person acts in contravention of this section, he shall be liable for every contravention- to pay to the registered proprietor of the design a sum not exceeding five hundred taka recoverable as a contract debt, or if the proprietor elects to bring suit for the recovery of damages for any such contravention, and for an injunction against the repetition thereof, to pay such damages as may be awarded and to be restrained by injunction accordingly:  - 特許庁


連合王国,又はその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおいて意匠保護を出願している者,又はその法律上の代表者若しくは譲受人は,単独か他人との共同かを問わず,本法による前記意匠の登録が他の出願人に優先し,かつ,場合に応じて,連合王国,又はその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおける出願と同一日付を有する旨を主張する権利を有する。ただし,次に掲げる事項を前提とする。(a) 当該出願が,連合王国,又は場合に応じてその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおける意匠保護の出願から6月以内にされること (b) 本条における何れの事項も,当該意匠がインドにおいて実際に登録される日より前に発生した盗用に対する賠償回収する権利を意匠所有者に付与するものではないこと例文帳に追加

Any person who has applied for protection for any design in the United Kingdom or any of other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, or his legal representative or assignee shall, either alone or jointly with any other person, be entitled to claim that the registration of the said design under this Act shall be in priority to other applicants and shall have the same date as the date of the application in the United Kingdom or any of such other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, as the case may be: Provided that- (a) the application is made within six months from the application for protection in the United Kingdom or any of such other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, as the case may be; and (b) nothing in this section shall entitle the proprietor of the design to recover damages for piracy of design happening prior to the actual date on which the design is registered in India. - 特許庁


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