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該当件数 : 21


(米国商務省の)標準局 《度量衡・含有量などを検定する》.例文帳に追加

the National Bureau of Standards  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Source: Census Bureau,U.S. government - 経済産業省


Source: Websites of Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), US Department of Commerce - 経済産業省


The United States amended the Department of Commerce regulation for abolition of zeroing.  - 経済産業省



Based on the memorandum, the United States amended the Department of Commerce regulation for abolition of zeroing.  - 経済産業省



an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growth  - 日本語WordNet


At the same time, savings rates in the household sector excluding the non-profit organizations are fluctuating at even lower levels, according to the US Department of Commerce estimates32 (Fig. 1.4.14). - 経済産業省

79 米国商務省によれば、米国の対外総資産(米国が海外に保有する資産)の構成比は、2007年末時点で、外貨建ての直接投資と株式が全体の57%を占めている。例文帳に追加

79 According to the Department of Commerce, 57% of net overseas assets (assets overseas held by the United States) held by the United States as of 2007 was made up of direct investments in foreign currencies and stocks. - 経済産業省


We will first introduce the results of analysis done by the US Department of Commerce (2002) on the industrial level regarding the relationship between progress in the diffusion of IT and the increase in labor productivity in the US. - 経済産業省



In addition to the AFL-CIO, industrial groups, the Department of Commerce and Congress also began researching the impact of the foreign direct investment of US companies on domestic employment, with numerous reports issued. - 経済産業省


この覚書に基づき、同月 14 日、米国商務省規則の改正を官報に掲載して公表した(同年 4 月 16 日以降になされる仮決定から新規則が適用される。)。例文帳に追加

Based on this memorandum, the U.S. announced in its Federal Register on February 14 the revision of the regulations of the Department of Commerce (the new regulations would apply from preliminary decisions to be made on or after April 16, 2012). - 経済産業省


On December 16, 2004 the DOC issued a revised countervailing duty determination, and then it published the final results of the first administrative review on December 20. - 経済産業省


The panel report was issued on August 1 and the Appellate Body report was circulated on December 5, finding that these measures were, again, inconsistent with the WTO Agreement. - 経済産業省

同報告書は同月のDSB 会合において採択され、同年2 月には米国が履行意思を表明したことを受けて、我が国が求める履行の内容について経済産業省から米国通商代表部及び商務省に次官級でリクエストを送付する等、現在は履行のための協議を継続している。例文帳に追加

This report was adopted at the January DSB meeting and, in February 2007, the U.S. expressed its intention to implement it. Japan presented its request concerning concrete issues to be implemented to the USTR and the Department of Commerce through letters from METI's Vice-Minister and at present is continuing consultations with the US for implementation. - 経済産業省


On March 22, 2002, the US Department of Commerce definitively found that the Canadian lumber industry was subsidized and was dumping; on May 2, the International Trade Commission made a final determination that a US industry was threatened with material injury. - 経済産業省

米国商務省(BEA(2012)115)によると、2010 年の米国多国籍企業の雇用者数は 3,400 万人(前年比 0.5%増)であり、そのうち米国親会社の国内雇用者数は 2,300 万人(同 0.1%増)と前年からほぼ横ばいであるのに対して、海外子会社(議決権過半数所有子会社)の雇用者数は 1,100 万人(同 1.5%増)と国内より高い伸びを示した。例文帳に追加

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA (2012)115), the number of people working for U.S. multinational enterprises in 2010 was 34 million (a 0.5% increase year on year). While 23 million (a 0.1% increase year on year) of them were domestic employment by parent corporations in the U.S. that remained virtually flat from the previous year, 11 million (a 1.5% increase year on year) of them were employed overseas by foreign affiliates (majority-owned) that recorded a higher increase than the domestic employment. - 経済産業省


On January 19, 2004, the Appellate Body circulated its report reversing the finding of the panel report that the US method to calculate the subsidies violated the ASCM, upholding the finding that the US "pass through" analysis violated the ASCM. The Appellate Body report was adopted at a regular meeting of the DSB on February 17, 2004. - 経済産業省


In addition, another panel was established at the Canadian Government's request on January 8, 2003 (DS264), to examine the final US Antidumping determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada. The panel report was issued on April 13, 2004; following an appeal, the Appellate Body issued its report on August 11, 2004, finding that the final antidumping determination was inconsistent with the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement in determining the existence of margins of dumping on the basis of a "zeroing" methodology. These reports were adopted on August 31, 2004. - 経済産業省

米国商務省が 2012 年 1 月に発表した報告書「The Competitiveness and  Innovative Capacity of the United States」は米国における製造業の重要性について以下を挙げている。すなわち、製造業の雇用増は農業、建設業、サービス業など他の分野の雇用増に間接的な効果をもたらしていること、製造業は平均よりも賃金が高いこと、米国の輸出品の多くを製造業が占めていること、製造業が米国の研究開発に大きく貢献していること、などである。例文帳に追加

In “The Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States”156 , a report published by the United States Ministry of Commerce in January 2012, the following are cited as the reasons why the manufacturing sector is important in the U.S.: employment increases in the manufacturing sector has indirect employment effects on other sectors such as agriculture, construction, services, etc.; compensation in the manufacturing sector is higher than average.; manufacturing is the largest contributor to U.S. exports; manufacturing greatly contributes to research and development in the U.S.; and others. - 経済産業省


According to US Department of Labor and Census Bureau (Department of Commerce) statistics, the number of employed persons increased by around 16 million between 1990 and 2000, of which 62.7 percent took up high-income posts such as management or knowledge experts, while 26.3 percent went into comparatively low-paid jobs in sales and services (Fig. 3.1.5). - 経済産業省



Although the DOC issued a revised antidumping determination on April 15, 2005, Canada requested a compliance panel under DSU 21.5, claiming that the measure still violated the WTO Agreement and did not comply with the recommendations and rulings. As a result, a Compliance Panel was established on June 1, 2005. - 経済産業省


研究社 新英和中辞典
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