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(出所)足立英一郎「経営革新入門 投資家に対するIR活動とは」『週刊東洋経済』2003年11月8日号。例文帳に追加
Source: Adachi, Eiichiro. "KEIEI KAKUSHIN NYUMON; TOUSHI-KA NI TAISURU IR-KATSUDOU TOHA," Weekly Toyo Keizai (Nov. 8 2003). - 経済産業省
For the details, refer to "Letters of Kaientai" by Ichiro YAMADA (Shinchosha, 1991); for information about Tosa clan's shipyard and maritime data, refer to "History of Tosa Maritime Law" by Toyomi YOSHINAGA (Sankaido, 1983). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1851: Because he was advised to support the Kinno activities (activities based on reverence for the Emperor) from the fund side by Kinno So (Buddhist priest) Gessho, he unwillingly married the heiress as a successor to his older brother, and named himself Soichiro Sadatomo KITAKAZE (later the sixty-sixth generation Soemon Shozo Sadatada). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1989年(平成元年)8月2日株式会社けいはんな設立(会長宇野收、社長小林 庄一郎 資本金:27億円 本店設置場所:京都市下京区五条通烏丸東入松屋町438)。例文帳に追加
August 2, 1989: Keihanna Interaction Plaza Incorporated was launched (Chairman Osamu UNO; President Shoichiro KOBAYASHI: capital fund of 2.7 billion yen; head office at 438 Matsuya-cho, Gojo-dori Karasuma Higashi Iru, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The actual book was treated as a reference which seemed to be filled with reality (such as there was a stick-like stick on top of a shoe cupboard) and written in an oral style of the son of Munizo, Reiichiro YUKI, telling his son (the grandson of Munizo), but following points were doubtful. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On September 15, 1879, after Fujita's company was raided on the suspicion that the company conspired with Kaoru INOUE, who was in Germany, to make counterfeit bills there and use them as capital, Fujita, Goichi NAKANO, Tatsunosuke FUJITA, Shikataro FUJITA, Yoji NIIYAMA, Seiichiro SAEKI, Seisuke KONO, Isuke IRIE were taken into custody and, on October 16, transferred to Tokyo. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
From the end of 1868, he hid with the former Shinsengumi members, Ichiro MINAMI and Mototaro TAKEUCHI in Edo, to assassinate the former Shinsengumi soldiers, HAYAKAWA and FUKUI (first names were unknown) by the order of Kuninosuke ABE of Numazu kinban gumi (Edo duty of Numazu) but ran out of money so they begged for money from Kaishu KATSU in January but were scolded instead over the disposal of HAYAKAWA and FUKUI. So they decided to end the conflict peacefully through negotiations with both parties. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There are theories stating that NAKAHARA no Chikayoshi and Sukeyori MUTO succeeded the post of Chinzei Bugyo after Tokage, but alluding to the existence of numerous theories regarding the successor of Tokage, Seiichiro SENO (Japanese historian) points out that, 'The Chinzei Bugyo was nothing but a common title and we can say that this is due to its vague nature as a job as there are theories denying it an official title (theory purported by Shinichi SATO).' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Regarding the review of the postal businesses, as I told you the other day, we intend to draw up a bill to suspend the sale of shares and assets before the start of the extraordinary Diet session, and, if possible, we hope to enact a basic law, too. However, as the period of the session is very short, we must race against the clock if we are to enact the latter. Therefore, it is not clear whether we can fix the details of the basic law in the short period of time, so it may be better to listen to more opinions from various people. The Prime Minister also offered me a good idea (about business of the Japan Post) when I met him yesterday. As I told you over and over again, I have no intention of restoring the postal businesses, which have been broken up by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister), to their status before the breakup - 金融庁
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