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equation of transferの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 14


the transfer of a quantity from one side of an equation to the other along with a change of sign 例文帳に追加

方程式の一方から符号の変化を伴うもう片方への量の転送 - 日本語WordNet

transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality 例文帳に追加

等値であることを維持するために、方程式の一方からその逆符号の側へ数を動かす - 日本語WordNet

Separately from calculation of the ARMA parameter, a transfer coefficient of the system is obtained, a gain is calculated therefrom, and an error is obtained based on an equation (2.16).例文帳に追加

ARMAパラメータの算出とは別にその系の伝達関数を求め、それよりゲインを算出し、に基づいて誤差を求める。 - 特許庁

A transfer bias supplied to a divided region that the width-directional end of the transfer material is opposed to among a plurality of divided regions of a transfer roller 7 is brought under constant-current control to a control current value Ix satisfying equation (1) Ix=I×k+IO×(t-k).例文帳に追加

転写ローラ7の複数の分割領域のうち、転写材の幅方向端部が対向する分割領域に供給される転写バイアスは、次の(1)式を満たす制御電流値Ixに定電流制御される。 - 特許庁


A simultaneous equation preparing part 18 calculates the minimum square solution x to a simultaneous equation obtained by making a frequency characteristic shown by a frequency response function H(z) a constant and making unknown coefficients of a denominator polynomial and a numerator polynomial constituting a transfer function G(z) to be identified unknown variables.例文帳に追加

連立方程式作成部18で、周波数応答関数H(z)が示す周波数特性を定数とし、同定する伝達関数G(z)を構成する分母多項式及び分子多項式の未知係数を未知変数とした連立方程式に対して最小二乗解xを求める。 - 特許庁


The measuring of the transfer unevenness of the transfer brush 1 is performed by using the equation I=V*Ip/(V-Rp*Ip) when an application voltage at the time of measuring resistance unevenness and the resistance value of a protective resistance 4 and partial current flowing at that time are defined respectively as V, Rp and Ip.例文帳に追加

この転写ブラシ1の転写ムラ測定は、抵抗ムラを測定する際の印加電圧V、保護抵抗4の抵抗値R(保)、その時に流れる部分電流I_pのときに、I=V*I_p/(V−R_p*I_p)として行う。 - 特許庁

To provide a fast and inexpensive computer which can perform the memory access and the transfer of data without impeding the calculation of every element processor 3 and can solve a differential equation by applying an asynchronous communication system.例文帳に追加

各要素プロセッサ3の演算を阻害しないメモリアクセス及びデータ転送ができ、非同期の通信方式による微分方程式の求解を可能にした高速、かつ安価な計算機を得る。 - 特許庁

To provide a control gain automatic setting device by which appropriate control gain is obtained automatically even when a parameter of a transfer function of a control target cannot be clearly expressed with a mathematical equation.例文帳に追加

制御対象の伝達関数のパラメータが明確に数式で表現できない場合においても、適切な制御ゲインが自動で得られる制御ゲイン自動設定装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

The solvent diffusion coefficient, the solvent steam pressure and the mass-transfer coefficient are used, and the solvent concentration distribution included in the coating liquid is calculated by a one-dimensional unsteady diffusion equation, and the ratio of the solvent remaining in the coating liquid is simulated.例文帳に追加

溶剤拡散係数、溶剤蒸気圧、物質移動係数を用い、塗液内に含まれる溶剤濃度分布を1次元非定常拡散方程式により算出し、塗液中残溶剤率をシミュレーションする。 - 特許庁


The transfer control unit 70 then sets by updating the steering gear ratio by assigning a detected steering angle, vehicle speed and yaw velocity to an equation of motion for a vehicle model.例文帳に追加

そして、動力配分制御装置70は、検出したハンドル角と車速とヨーレートを、車両モデルの運動方程式に代入して演算し、ステアリングギヤ比を更新設定する。 - 特許庁


A circuit 36 of a Trafton-Hastings clamp is connected to generate a sectional-polynomial-continuous current I_Y and in a current I_X=0, its value is made indefinite by the removable singular point in a transfer equation in this point.例文帳に追加

トラフトン−ハスティングス・クランプの回路36が接続されて、区分的−多項式−連続電流I_Yを生成し、その値は、電流I_X=0のとき、除去可能特異点によって、この点での伝達方程式において不確定となる。 - 特許庁

A relation between the growing speed of the solidified shell thickness of the cast slab 4 and the solidified shell thickness is pre-obtained with a heat-transfer model equation in each set assembling plurality of three kinds of the component concentrations of molten steel 10, the thickness of the cast slab 4 and the overheating degree of the molten steel 1a.例文帳に追加

溶鋼1aの成分濃度、鋳片4の厚さ、及び溶鋼1aの過熱度の三種を複数組合せた組ごとに、鋳片4の凝固シェル厚の成長速度と凝固シェル厚との関係を伝熱モデル式により予め求める。 - 特許庁

First comprehensive least square solution x is calculated for a simultaneous equations in which frequency characteristics shown by a frequency response function H(z) are defined as a constant, and the unknown coefficients of denominator polynomial and numerator polynomial configuring a transfer function G(z) to be identified are defined as unknown variables by each section of first simultaneous equation preparation part 16 to first comprehensive least square calculation part 22.例文帳に追加

第1の連立方程式作成部16〜第1の総合最小二乗解計算部22の各部にて、周波数応答関数H(z)が示す周波数特性を定数とし、同定する伝達関数G(z)を構成する分母多項式及び分子多項式の未知係数を未知変数とした連立方程式に対して第1の総合最小二乗解xを求める。 - 特許庁


The method for simulating electromagnetic wave propagation is for calculating behaviors of electromagnetic waves when the electromagnetic waves are incident on the aggregation including media that include a plurality of particles by using a computer, and calculates the behaviors of the electromagnetic waves when the electromagnetic waves are incident on the aggregation in which the particles are distributed at random or according to a certain rule by using an FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method and radiative transfer equation.例文帳に追加

複数の粒子を含む媒体からなる集合体に電磁波が入射した場合の電磁波の挙動を、計算機を用いて算出する電磁波伝播シミュレーション方法であって、粒子がランダムまたはある規則にしたがって分布した集合体に電磁波が入射した場合の電磁波の挙動を、FDTD法とラディエイティブ・トランスファー・イクエイションとを用いて計算することを特徴とする電磁波伝播シミュレーション方法。 - 特許庁


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こんにちは ゲスト さん





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