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one's husband's familyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方
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a new year ceremony celebrating the husband of one's daughter who was taken into the family the previous year 例文帳に追加
前年に花婿になった者を祝う正月行事 - EDR日英対訳辞書
the act of arranging to take the husband of one's daughter into one's own family after the marriage 例文帳に追加
養子として婿を迎える形式の縁組をすること - EDR日英対訳辞書
At one time he intended to take Genji into his family as Oborozukiyo's husband. 例文帳に追加
一時は源氏を朧月夜の婿に迎えようともしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Kamachi clan are also considered descendants of the Watanabe branch of the Matsuura clan because they later adopted MINAMOTO no Tsubura of the Matsuura clan as a husband, thereby becoming one family, 例文帳に追加
蒲池氏は後に松浦氏から源圓を婿養子を迎えて同族化したため渡辺党松浦氏の後裔ともされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
One issue was it should be someone from the Imperial family line, another issue was it should be someone who has a maternal relationship to the former Emperor. (Emperor Konin was the husband of Emperor Shotoku's half younger sister) 例文帳に追加
一つは必ず皇胤である事、もう一つは先代の天皇との婚姻関係を有する(光仁は称徳の異母妹の夫)ことであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is the Amida-do Hall which Tokuama (the younger sister of FUJIWARA no Hidehira), the wife of Norimichi IWAKI who was from a gozoku (local ruling family), had built in 1160 to pray to Buddha for happiness of her late husband, and it is a one-storied, hogyo-zukuri style (conical roof with no horizontal ridge beam) squared hall whose side is sangen in length. 例文帳に追加
土地の豪族岩城則道の夫人徳尼(藤原秀衡の妹)が夫の菩提を弔うため、永暦元年(1160年)に建立した阿弥陀堂で、単層、三間四方の宝形造である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The 15 states that lead one to Hell include giving an evil stare at one's husband/wife, men/women, and kenzoku (one's family and relations), groping in empty space by raising one's both hands, crying in tears without following the teachings of the kalyaana-mitra (one who offers spiritual friendship and guidance that is non-directive, non-denominational, and non-religious), not learning and knowing how to defecate and urinate, keeping one's eyes shut, and constantly covering one's head. 例文帳に追加
地獄に堕す15の相のいくつかを挙げると自らの夫妻・男女・眷属において悪眼を以って瞻視(せんし、見上げること)す、その両手を挙げ虚空を捫模(もんぼ、ボの元字は、莫の下に手、探り求めること)す、善智識の教えに相い随順せず、悲号啼泣嗚咽(ひごうていきゅうおえつ)して涙を流す、大小便利を覚えず知らず、目を閉じて開かず、常に頭面を覆すなどがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin. 例文帳に追加
夫・忠刻とも夫婦仲睦まじく、翌元和4年(1618年)には長女・勝姫(円盛院)、元和5年(1619年)には長男・幸千代が生まれるが、元和7年(1621年)に幸千代が3歳で没したのを始め、その後は流産を繰り返すなど子宝に恵まれず(これは秀頼の祟りだと言われた)、寛永3年(1626年)には夫・忠刻、姑・熊姫、実母・崇源院が次々と没するなど不幸が続き、本多家を娘・勝姫と共に出て江戸城に入り、出家して天樹院と号す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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