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It seems to have originally been performed to Ogi-byoshi (fan rhythm) accompaniment after the examples of Heikyoku (the music played on the Heike biwa as accompaniment to recitation of the Tale of Heike), Yokyoku (Noh song) and/or Sekkyo-bushi (sermon ballads). 例文帳に追加
最初期は平曲、謡曲、説経節などの節付けに学んで扇拍子を伴奏にしたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The hossu in inkyo may play the role of the incumbent archbishop and work as the head priest at the time of a Buddhist sermon or make a copy of the principal image of the temple when the incumbent is absent because of a trip or illness. 例文帳に追加
隠居しても、当代の法主が出張で不在の場合や体調不良等で代理で法要の導師を務めたり、本尊を書写したりする場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The former includes "Kanmon Yogi Sho" of 41 volumes, "Kangyosho Tahitsusho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about "Kanmuryoju-kyosho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra) written by Kankyo) of 14 volumes, "Kangyosho Taii" (overview of Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra)) of 1 volume, "Kanmon-gi Soan" (draft about the teachings of Kanmon (contemplating dharmas as void)) of 2 volumes, "Sanbu-kyo Rongiki" (summary of debating about Sanbu-kyo (three main sutras)) of 1 volume, "Sanengi" (teachings about sanen (the Three Types of Karmic Relation with Amida Buddha)) of 1 volume, "Josanryoken-gi" (literally, teachings about the mind in one's concentration and non-concentration) of 1 volume, "Godansho" (Buddhist scriptures about tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) of 1 volume, "Anjinsho Furyaku Anjinsho" (literally, the scripture and the summary about obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice), "Zenne Shonin Gohogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Zenne Shonin (or Shoku)) of 1 volume, "Shiraki Nenbutsu Hogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Shiraki Nenbutsu (tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) without distraction) of 1 volume, "Jutsujo" (records of dialogue between Shoku and Rensho) of 1 volume, "Chinkanyojin" of 1 volume and "Nyoingosho" of 2 volumes, and so on. 例文帳に追加
前者には『観門要義鈔』41巻、『観経疏他筆鈔』14巻、『観経疏大意』1巻、『観門義草案』2巻、『三部経論義記』1巻、『三縁義』1巻、『定散料簡義』1巻、『五段鈔』1巻、『安心鈔附略安心鈔』1巻、『善慧上人御法語』1巻、『白木念仏法語』1巻、『述誠』1巻、『鎮勧用心』1巻、『女院御書』2巻などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Doken had continued activities such as meditation meetings and sermon visits based at the Seisho-ji Temple, but from the beginning of the Taisho period, he put an emphasis on the promotion of lay Buddhism by publishing monthly magazines or holding lecture meetings without regard to the Soto sect's dharma. 例文帳に追加
道見は青松寺を拠点として参禅会や訪問法話会などの教化活動を続けていたが、大正期に入ってからは曹洞宗の教義にこだわらず、月刊誌などの出版物、講演会を通した在家仏教の振興に力を注いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The name Shishinden-gohonzon has been a traditional name used for a long time, but at the Insect warding Buddhist ceremony in 2002, the sermon by Nikken, the sixty-seventh Taiseki-ji Temple head said, 'The name should be reconsidered and should be correctly called Shishisosho-no-gohonzon, or Shishidenju-no-gohonzon.' 例文帳に追加
紫宸殿御本尊という名称は、もとより伝承であり長い間親しまれてきたが、2002年のお虫払い法要の砌において大石寺67世日顕の説法があり「その名称も見直しが行われるべきであり師資相承之御本尊または師資伝授之御本尊と呼ぶのが正しい」とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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