
「combat support」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > combat supportの意味・解説 > combat supportに関連した英語例文





combat supportの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 16



空対空戦闘訓練支援装置 - 特許庁

a logistics combat support agency in the Department of Defense 例文帳に追加

国防総省の兵站戦闘支援庁 - 日本語WordNet

a combat support agency that provides geographic intelligence in support of national security 例文帳に追加

戦闘支援局で、地理的情報を国家安全を援助するために提供する - 日本語WordNet

We support initiatives to enhance cooperation to enforce intellectual property rights and combat counterfeiting which are crucial to our knowledge-based economies. 例文帳に追加

知的財産権遵守と偽造品・海賊品との闘いへの協力強化を支持。 - 財務省


We support enhanced cooperation to enforce intellectual property rights and combat counterfeiting which are crucial to our knowledge economy. 例文帳に追加

我々はナレッジエコノミーに欠かせい知的財産権を執行し、偽造と闘うための協力強化を支持する。 - 財務省


We support enhanced cooperation to enforce intellectual property rights and combat counterfeiting which are crucial to our knowledge economy. 例文帳に追加

知的財産権を執行し、知識経済において致命的な偽造品と闘うための協力の強化を支持。 - 財務省

a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff 例文帳に追加

大統領、国防長官、および統合参謀本部のニーズに応えるために、情報システムの開発、運用、および支援を担当する国防総省の戦闘支援機関 - 日本語WordNet

We support the renewal of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) mandate, thereby sustaining global efforts to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. 例文帳に追加

我々は,金融活動作業部会(FATF)のマンデートの更新を支持し,これを通じて,マネーロンダリング,テロリズムへの資金供与及び大量破壊兵器の拡散への資金供与と闘うグローバルな努力を維持する。 - 財務省

G-7 countries have been joined by over 200 othercountries and jurisdictions in expressing support for the fight againstterrorist financing.Our October 2001 Action Plan to Combat the Financing ofTerrorism contributed to this international effort by setting out clearpriorities:vigorous application of international sanctions, including thefreezing of terrorist assets;rapid development and implementation ofinternational standards;increased information sharing among countries;andenhanced efforts by financial supervisors to guard against the abuse of thefinancial sector by terrorists.Significant results have already been achieved. 例文帳に追加

昨年10月のG7行動計画はテロ資金対策のための国際的な努力に貢献。これまでに以下の成果あり。 - 財務省


Support to combat the overlapping debt problem will continue to be provided by theIndustrial Recovery Consultation Centersset up in the devastated prefectures and by theIndustry Reconstruction Corporations” and the incorporated Organization for Supporting the Turnaround of Businesses Damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake. 例文帳に追加

二重債務問題については、被災各県に設立した「産業復興相談センター」及び「産業復興機構」や「株式会社東日本大震災事業者再生支援機構」による支援を引き続き講じていく。 - 経済産業省


To provide an air-to-air combat exercise support device which improves determination accuracy by deciding shooting-down on the basis of firearms flying property according to a kind of firearms selected by a pilot, distance between an attack fighter and a target fighter and an attitude of the attack fighter in addition to conventional shooting-down determination conditions in an air-to-air combat exercise.例文帳に追加

空対空戦闘訓練において、従来の撃墜判定条件に加えて、パイロットが選択した火器の種類に応じた火器飛行特性、攻撃戦闘機と目標戦闘機との距離及び攻撃戦闘機の高度をもとに撃墜判定することにより、判定精度を向上できる空対空戦闘訓練支援装置を得る。 - 特許庁

However, as vessels at that time were immature both in capability for navigation and combat power and they were dependent to support from the land, the joint defense by navy and army worked effectively and, after that, attacks by Yi Sun-sin could not achieve good results in battle and became lackluster and the number of sorties decreased. 例文帳に追加

しかし当時の船は航海力も攻撃力も未熟であり、陸上への依存が強いため水陸共同防御戦術は有効に機能し、以降の李舜臣の攻撃は戦果があがらず精彩を欠くようになり、出撃も滞ることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

More broadly, we reiterated our support for the central role of the IMFin enhancing crisis prevention, including encouraging reforms through its surveillance process, as well as providing catalytic financial assistance as needed in support ofappropriate policies and to combat contagion. 例文帳に追加

より一般的に、我々は、サーベイランス・プロセスを通じ改革を促進することを含め、危機の予防策を強化すること、また適切な政策を支持し危機の伝播に立ち向かうために必要に応じて触媒的な金融支援を提供することにおいて、IMFが中心的な役割を担うことに対する我々の支持を繰り返し強調した。 - 財務省

Japan has made far-reaching efforts to freeze the assets of terrorist and those who provide them with financial support, reflecting the importance that it attaches to combating the financing of terrorism. To that end, Japan has been taking a series of blocking measures against the assets of those who support terrorists, including joint actions by the G7 countries. By June, a set of laws to combat the financing of terrorism, which was required to domestically implement the International Convention for Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, was approved by the Japanese Diet, and thus the Government formally accepted the Convention. 例文帳に追加

テロリスト等に対する資産凍結に関しましては、我が国は、テロ資金対策の重要性を鑑み、G7による同時凍結も含めて累次の措置を実施してきており、また、本年6月までに、テロ資金供与防止条約等の実施に必要な国内法を可決成立させ、この条約を受諾する等、積極的に取り組んできているところです。 - 財務省

We will also support the efforts of respective member economies to build capacity to combat corruption by strengthening anti-corruption bodies, the rule of law, fiscal transparency and accountability; by reforming public procurement systems; by developing and promoting mechanisms that support effective return of recovered assets; and by encouraging the implementation of high standard codes of ethics.例文帳に追加

我々はまた,腐敗対策機関,法の支配,財政透明性,説明責任の強化,公共調達制度の改革,回収された資産の効果的な返還を支援するメカニズムの発展及び促進,高い水準の倫理規定の実施の奨励により,腐敗と闘う能力を構築するため,各参加エコノミーの努力を支援する。 - 経済産業省


To that end, Japan has been taking a series of blocking measures against the assets of those who support terrorists, including joint actions by the G7 countries. In June, a set of laws to combat the financing of terrorism, which was required to domestically implement the international Convention for Suppression of the Financing of the Terrorism, was approved by the Japanese Diet. Thus, the Government formally accepted the Convention. 例文帳に追加

テロリスト等に対する資産凍結に関しましては、我が国は、テロ資金対策の重要性を鑑み、G7による同時凍結も含めて累次の措置を実施してきており、また、本年6月までにテロ資金供与防止条約等の実施に必要な国内法を可決成立させ、この条約を受諾する等、積極的に取り組んできているところです。 - 財務省


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