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該当件数 : 15件
To provide a production management method and a production management program for supporting a user in making a production plan by appropriately propagating excessive production capacity information at each production place in the flow of relevant product production and calculating effective excessive production capacity of the product. - 特許庁
3 好況期に既存の製品の生産活動に投入されていた労働者等の経営資源が、不況期に入ると生産活動が低下し、余剰となる。例文帳に追加
3) Management resources, such as workers, introduced for the production of existing products during boom phases become surplus when we enter into recessionary periods where production activity falls. - 経済産業省
To efficiently provide information about surplus stock that a producer owns, in such a way as to configure the stock to match the specifications requested by an orderer, so that the producer can reduce the stock of surplus parts, and so that the orderer can obtain quickly and at reduced cost the product that matches the specifications. - 特許庁
この結果、市場均衡はEからE' へ移り、価格の低下とともに貿易相手国における生産が拡大し、生産者余剰及び消費者余剰は、関税収入の分配及び死荷重の解消によって増加する。例文帳に追加
As a result, the market balance moves from E to E’. These shifts allow for the reduction of the price of X and increase of production in exporting countries. They also allow for an increase of both the producer surplus and consumer surplus, based on the distribution of the tariff income and the dissolution of dead load. - 経済産業省
However, the productivity can be enhanced upon suppressing the transferring defect by removing the excessive water by the heater 60. - 特許庁
Pc+tからPbへの輸入価格の低下はA国の消費者余剰を高める一方で、生産性が高いC 国から生産性が低いB 国へ輸入先を転換する。例文帳に追加
The reduction of the import price from Pc+t to Pb allows in country A for the increase of a consumer surplus and diversion of the exporting country from higher-productive country C to lower-productive country B. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 15件
To provide the selling system of field crop focusing on complete administrative cultivation using the Internet for realizing the useful and stable production and supply of merchandise without generating any unsold product due to excessive production, and for allowing consumers to purchase field crop without any anxiety by understanding producers and the using conditions of fertilizer or agricultural chemicals. - 特許庁
Company B, an SME in Kanagawa Prefecture involved in the plating of electronic components, said that orders from major manufacturers for component plating had decreased. The reason for the decrease was the decrease in major manufacturers’ production, which led them to shift their workers towards the in-house processing of components. - 経済産業省
To provide a color filter by a transfer method and to provide a method for manufacturing the color filter by which an adhesive layer with uniform film thickness can be quickly and efficiently formed while decreasing an excess adhesive squeezed out and that the filer can be manufactured at a low cost. - 特許庁
四 無担保値洗損金通算額、無担保委託者未収金、預り証拠金余剰額、商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関に対する預託申告額、充当控除額及び返還予定額については、充用価格に基づく評価額を記載すること。例文帳に追加
4. With regard to unsecured Mark-to-Market profit and loss amounts, unsecured accounts receivable from a customer, amount exceeding deposited margin, deposit amount declared to a Commodity Exchange or Commodity Clearing Organization, deduction amount against allocations, and amount scheduled to be refunded, the value based on allocation price shall be recorded.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To prevent a surplus caused by market production or the like by immediately constructing editing contents, which a publication production requester requests, to produce an deliver the required number of copies and easily recomposing contents of a produced publication in accordance with circumstances to enrich the contents of the publication. - 特許庁
八 記載事項(帳簿の作成日、委託者名、商品取引所名、上場商品又は上場商品指数の種類、限月、約定年月日及び場節又は時間を除く。)については、個々の建玉、委託者(一人ずつ及び差換の有無又は預託猶予の別ごと)及び全ての委託者ごとにその額を記載すること。ただし、無担保値洗損金通算額、預り証拠金額、委託者未収金、無担保委託者未収金、取引証拠金預託必要額の合計額及びその内訳中追証拠金、預り証拠金余剰額又は不足請求額、取引証拠金維持額、値洗充当可能額、余剰証拠金、商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関に対する預託申告額、充当控除額並びに返還予定額については、個々の建玉ごとにその額を記載することを要しない。例文帳に追加
8. With regard to items to be recorded (except for the date of record, name of customer, name of Commodity Exchange, Type of Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index, expiration month, date of contract, and session or time), such amount shall be recorded by each open contract, by customer (by each customer and distinction of existence or non-existence of replacement, or by Deposit Deferral), and by each of all of the above for all customers; provided, however, that with regard to unsecured Mark-to-Market profit and loss amounts, amount of deposited margin, accounts receivable from a customer, unsecured accounts receivable from a customer, total amount of required amount of clearing margin, and additional margin of such related details, amount exceeding deposited margin or amount of claim for shortage, maintenance account for the clearing margin, Mark-to-Market applicable reserve, free margin, deposit amount declared to a Commodity Exchange or Commodity Clearing Organization, deduction amount against allocations, and amount scheduled to be refunded, it is not necessary to record such amounts individually by open contract.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide an in-mold decorating apparatus for injection molding capable of easily and properly performing a trimming process for cutting off an excessive part unnecessary for being attached to a laminated article to be obtained without separately providing an exclusive device, capable of reducing apparatus cost and trimming cost to the utmost and capable of achieving the enhancement of production efficiency, labor saving or the like. - 特許庁
To provide a laser beam machining device with which the effective utilization of the energy necessary for machining is made possible without generating excess energy and the improvement in productivity is thereby made possible by rising the machining efficiency in machining using the laser beam oscillated from a laser oscillator which outputs the laser beam in the pulse radiation time below 1 pico second and a laser beam machining method. - 特許庁
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