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該当件数 : 300件
The “Returner” intervenes in illegal transactions to get his clients' money back.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
A brewer had built it early in the "period." craze, a decade before,発音を聞く - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
The number of audit clients of each audit firm is 3,500 to 4,700 companies, of which approximately 2,000 companies were audited pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Law and the Law for Special Exceptions to the Commercial Code.発音を聞く - 金融庁
心臓発作が起きた時 被害者は ひとりだったとナースは言った だが エピネフリンは 効き目が速い例文帳に追加
The nurse said the victim was alone when he coded, but epinephrine is fastacting. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
単語を確認! -
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学習機能付き! -
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該当件数 : 300件
まぁ、厳密に言えば- おまえは闇市場の薬を取り扱う アジア人の闇医者だったな例文帳に追加
Well, technically... you're an unlicensed doctor from subasia practicing black market medicine. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To enhance operability by allowing a user to more quickly confirm a reloaded film cartridge. - 特許庁
Further, the chamfered width W1 of the oblique surfaces 2A, 2B is provided at about 200 μm. - 特許庁
To provide a combination bicycle capable of completing a disassembly/assembly work of front/rear frames by a single combining device. - 特許庁
The Jinmyocho (the list of deities) of Engishiki (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) lists the shrine as 'Hirano Saijin Shisha, Kadono County, Yamashiro Province' and classifies it as a Myojin Taisha (until 2005, the torii gate tablet read 'Hirano Taisha').発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第二百八条 有価証券の発行者、金融商品取引業者等若しくは金融商品仲介業者の代表者若しくは役員、金融商品取引業者若しくは金融商品仲介業者、外国法人である金融商品取引業者、第五十九条の規定により許可を受けた者若しくは取引所取引許可業者の国内における代表者、認可金融商品取引業協会若しくは第七十八条第二項に規定する公益法人金融商品取引業協会の役員(仮理事を含む。)若しくは代表者であつた者、投資者保護基金の役員(仮理事及び仮監事を含む。)若しくは清算人、金融商品取引所若しくは第八十五条第一項に規定する自主規制法人の役員(仮理事、仮取締役及び仮執行役を含む。)、代表者であつた者若しくは清算人、外国金融商品取引所の国内における代表者若しくは代表者であつた者、金融商品取引清算機関の代表者若しくは役員又は証券金融会社の代表者若しくは役員は、次の場合においては、三十万円以下の過料に処する。例文帳に追加
Article 208 An Issuer of Securities, a representative person or Officer of a Financial Instruments Business Operator or Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider, a Financial Instruments Business Operator or Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider, a Financial Instruments Business Operator which is a foreign juridical person, a person who has received permission under Article 59 or representative person of an Authorized Transaction-at-Exchange Operator in Japan, an Officer (including a provisional director) or person who used to be a representative person of an Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association or Public Interest Corporation-Type Financial Instruments Firms Association prescribed in Article 78(2), an Officer (including a provisional director and provisional auditor) or liquidator of an Investor Protection Fund, an Officer (including a provisional director and provisional executive officer), person who used to be a representative person, or liquidator of a Financial Instruments Exchange or self-regulation organization prescribed in Article 85(1), a representative person or person who used to be a representative person of a Foreign Financial Instruments Exchange in Japan, a representative person or Officer of a Financial Instruments Clearing Organization, or a representative person or Officer of a Securities Finance Company shall be punished by a non-penal fine of not more than 300 thousand yen in the following cases:発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(c) 強制ライセンス付与の根拠事実がもはや存在しなくなった場合は,強制ライセンスは取り消すことができる。ただし,実施権者の正当な利益を害してはならない。例文帳に追加
(c) the compulsory license may be revoked, without prejudice to the adequate protection of the legitimate interests of the licensee, if the circumstances that gave rise to it no longer obtain. - 特許庁
当初は 奴のコンピューターに 不審な動きは無かったが 技術者のひとりが 1週間前に 奴が新しい メール・アカウントを登録したのを見つけた例文帳に追加
Now, his computer seemed clean at first but one of the techs figured out that he'd just signed up for a new email account a week ago. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
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