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英訳・英語 division by zero
該当件数 : 14件
ゼロによる除算を行うと ZeroDivisionError 例外を送出します。例文帳に追加
Division by zeroraises the ZeroDivisionError exception. - Python
また、DivisionByZero をトラップせずにゼロで除算を行った場合にも出てきます。例文帳に追加
Also,they can arise from dividing by zero when the DivisionByZerosignal is not trapped.発音を聞く - Python
有限値をゼロで除算したときのシグナルです。 除算やモジュロ除算、数を負の値で累乗した場合に起きることがあります。例文帳に追加
Signals the division of a non-infinite number by zero.Can occur with division, modulo division, or when raising a number to a negative power. - Python
A code generation tool 2 identifies a zero division candidate part (division part in this embodiment) from an original model for generating the source code according to a conversion rule described in a TLC file and generates the source code coping with the zero division of the zero division candidate part. - 特許庁
an unexpected software condition or error (e.g. divide by zero, undefined instruction)発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
Python インタプリタは、ランタイムエラー (ゼロによる除算など) が検出されると例外を送出します。例文帳に追加
The Python interpreter raises an exception when it detects a run-timeerror (such as division by zero).発音を聞く - Python
Raised when the second argument of a division or modulo operation is zero. - Python
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該当件数 : 14件
The second angular velocity data is integrated by an integration part 209, and the zero-point is updated by a zero-point updating part 212 based on the result of the division by a division part 210. - 特許庁
これらの 11 個の関数は C99 で定義されており、浮動小数点の丸めと例外 (オーバーフロー、ゼロによる除算など)の取り扱いを規定する。例文帳に追加
These eleven functions were defined in C99, and describe the handling of floating-point rounding and exceptions (overflow, zero-divide etc. ).発音を聞く - JM
To cope with zero division without damaging the goodness of the legibility of a model in a development environment of generating a source code from the model. - 特許庁
In this case, a CP/DBPSK detection/ complex division circuit 19 extracts a phase reference signal of a CP signal and a DBPSK signal in a frame synchronizing head symbol, inserts '0' to other carrier positions to obtain a characteristic of a transmission line through complex division by using a known signal. - 特許庁
これらのオプションを使用することによって、ゼロ除算を発見し、例外を知らせるコードを埋め込むことを禁止 (あるいは明示的に許可) することができます。例文帳に追加
Use these options to avoid including (or to include explicitly) additional code to detect division by zero and signal an exception.発音を聞く - JM
Thus, even if a cancel residual calculating means 14 performs division using a propagation path response that is zero or an extremely small numerical value and a resultant cancel residual becomes instable or a great value, the instable or great value cancel residual can be removed in the threshold processing means 19. - 特許庁
The method represents the gradient strengths and the difference between them as bit strings; locates the most significant non-zero bit in the larger gradient value; divides the value of the corresponding bit position in the difference string, and a predetermined number of following positions, by increasing powers of 2; sums the results; subtracts the sum from 1.0 and uses the inverse tangent function to calculate the angle of the edge. - 特許庁
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